The Purpose of Regional Autonomy, Its Definition, Essence and Benefits

The Purpose of Regional Autonomy, Its Definition, Essence and Benefits – Previously discussed about the meaning of regional autonomy, then we will discuss about the purpose of regional autonomy as well as what are the benefits of regional autonomy.

Table of contents

  • The Purpose of Regional Autonomy, Its Definition, Essence and Benefits
    • Definition of Regional Autonomy
    • Understanding Regional Autonomy according to Experts
      • 1. F Sugeng Istianto
      • 2. Ateng Syarifuddin
      • 3. Sharif Saleh
      • 4. Benjamin Hoesein
      • 5. Philip Mahwood
      • 6. Mariun
      • 7. Vincent Lemius
    • The Purpose of Regional Autonomy
    • The Essence of Regional Autonomy
    • Benefits of Regional Autonomy
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The Purpose of Regional Autonomy, Its Definition, Essence and Benefits

Before entering into the goals of regional autonomy, it would be nice to know in advance the meaning of regional autonomy

Definition of Regional Autonomy

Regional autonomy is the right given to autonomous regions to regulate and manage their own government affairs in order to improve services to the community and carry out development in accordance with regulations legislation.

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In the general explanation of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, it is stated that the province is an autonomous region as well as an administrative region. In other words, provincial areas are formed based on the principles of decentralization and deconcentration.

Local government in a unitary state is an integral part of the central government. Therefore, even though the regions are given the greatest autonomy, the final responsibility remains with the central government.

Understanding Regional Autonomy according to Experts

Apart from being general, many experts also explain what regional autonomy is. The understanding described by these experts can certainly explain regional autonomy from various perspectives.

1. F Sugeng Istianto

According to Sugeng Istianto, regional autonomy is the right and authority to regulate and manage regional households.

2. Ateng Syarifuddin

The definition of regional autonomy is further explained by Ateng Syarifuddin. According to Ateng Syarifuddin, regional autonomy refers to freedom or independence, not independence (representing independence), but only limited to freedom or independence is an opportunity that must be noticed.

3. Sharif Saleh

According to Syarif Saleh, the notion of regional autonomy is the right to regulate and regulate the region itself, where this right is a right obtained from the central government.

4. Benjamin Hoesein

According to Benjamin Hoesein, the notion of regional autonomy is government by and for the people within the national territory of a country informally outside the central government.

5. Philip Mahwood

Philip Mahwood explains the next definition of regional autonomy. According to Philip Mahwood, regional autonomy is a regional government that has its own authority, its existence is different with the authority granted by the government which can allocate material resources large enough for various purposes function.

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6. Mariun

The definition of Mariun regional autonomy is the freedom (authority) possessed by the regional government, so that local governments are free to actively manage and optimize the resources owned by their regions each. Regional autonomy is the freedom to act according to the needs of the local community.

7. Vincent Lemius

According to Vincent Lemius, regional autonomy is the freedom (power) to take or take political or administrative decisions in accordance with statutory regulations.

Local governments are free to determine regional needs in regional autonomy. However, regional needs must always be adjusted to the national interest in higher laws and regulations.

Let us discuss in detail the objectives of regional autonomy.

The Purpose of Regional Autonomy

Regarding the objectives of regional autonomy according to Law Number 32 of 2004, Article 2 paragraph 3 states that the objectives of autonomy are: regional autonomy is to achieve the widest possible autonomy, except for government affairs which are actually government affairs government. Designed to improve people's welfare. public services, and regional competitiveness. Here's the explanation:

  • Improving public services - With regional autonomy, it is hoped that there will be a maximum increase in public services from government agencies in each region. With this maximum service, it is hoped that the community can directly feel the benefits of regional autonomy.
  • Improving people's welfare - After providing maximum and adequate services, it is hoped that the welfare of the people in the autonomous regions will be better and increase. The level of community welfare shows how autonomous regions can use their rights and authorities appropriately, wisely, and according to expectations.
  • Increase regional competitiveness - it is hoped that with the implementation of regional autonomy, regional competitiveness can be increased, and we must still refer to the our motto is "Bineka Tunggal Ika" to pay attention to the form of regional diversity and regional specialties certain.

The main purpose of issuing regional autonomy policies is to ease the burdens of the central government and manage regional affairs that can be delegated to regional governments. Therefore, the central government has the ability to study, react, understand and apply various global trends.

The central government is expected to concentrate more on broad macro policy formulation and general, and with decentralization, regions can experience a more empowered process optimal.

So that the initiative and creativity of local governments will be stimulated, and in overcoming problems that occur in the region will be stronger. Other targets of the regional autonomy policy include: realizing a democratic, equal and fair life, encouraging community empowerment, increasing community participation, developing the role and function of DPRD, and maintaining good relations between the central government and the government area.

Also Read:Principles of Regional Autonomy and Explanations (Complete)

The Essence of Regional Autonomy

The implementation of regional autonomy has opened up opportunities for local identity in the region, including in Bangka Belitung. The reduced authority and control of the central government has received a high response from local governments in dealing with problems that exist in their own regions. In fact, the funds obtained were more than those obtained through the bureaucracy from the central government. These funds enable local governments to promote regional development and develop cultural and tourism promotion programs. Local government policies will also be more targeted and less time-consuming, making them more efficient.

There are two approaches based on two propositions (Penni Chalid, 2005). First of all, basically all problems must be determined, formulated and resolved by the regions, except for problems that cannot be solved by the region itself from the perspective of wholeness nation-state. Second, except for certain problems that have been handled by the regions, basically all problems must be handled by the central government. The first is called the federal system, the second is called the unified system.

 The Purpose of Regional Autonomy, Its Definition, Essence and Benefits

Benefits of Regional Autonomy

The benefits of regional autonomy are to give autonomous regions the right to manage their autonomous regions so that Flexibility can improve services to the community and make it easier for autonomous regional governments to understand or understand needs area. the people in it. Other benefits of regional autonomy include the following:

  • The implementation of regional autonomy can be carried out in accordance with the interests of the community.
  • Through a rather complicated bureaucratic path and highly structured central government procedures.
  • Being able to improve the efficiency of the central government, central officials no longer carry out routine tasks in the regions because they can be delegated to officials from autonomous regions.
  • Can increase supervision of various activities or activities carried out by local elites who usually less sympathetic to national development programs and insensitive to the needs of the poor in a certain area village.
  • Can increase the supply of goods and services in an area at an affordable price and cost which is lower, is no longer a burden to the central government because it has been handed over to the government area.

A few articles that discuss about The Purpose of Regional Autonomy, Its Definition, Essence and Benefits, hopefully can provide benefits for readers. Thank you.