Motivational Short Stories: Understanding, Writing Tips and Examples

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Motivational Short Stories: Understanding, Writing Tips and Examples – What is a motivational short story?, On this occasion About will discuss what is Friendship Short story and other things about it. Let's take a look at the article below to better understand it.

Table of contents

  • Motivational Short Stories: Understanding, Writing Tips and Examples
    • Short Story Writing Tips
      • Find Writing Motivation
      • Choose the Appropriate Theme
      • Determining the Number, Name, Character and Role of the Character
      • Creating a Clear Storyline
      • Choosing a Point of View
        • First person: "I"
        • Third person (as observer/director who masterminded)
      • Beautifying Short Stories with Literature
      • Determining the Title
    • Examples of Motivational Short Stories
      • My dream is as wide as mud
      • Before Expired
      • Meaningless
      • I Want to Memorize the Qur'an
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Motivational Short Stories: Understanding, Writing Tips and Examples

Short stories or short stories are a form of fictional narrative prose. In addition, short stories or short stories tend to be dense and straight to the point when compared to other works of fiction that are longer, such as novellas & novels.

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Compared to other types of fiction, short stories have a shorter, denser and direct form to their purpose. This is certainly very different from the type of novel and so on. In the short story, usually will be revealed about the story or stories about humans.

Along with various ins and outs through short and short types of writing. And usually, short stories only contain less than 10,000 words or less than 10 pages for presentation. Short stories or short stories turn out to have various types of story topics, including friendship stories

Motivation is a dream that has meaning with motivational words, so that there is motivation to create enthusiasm in doing all activities.

Motivational short stories are sometimes a work of someone in doing all activities so that they can do it calmly and firmly. In addition, motivational short story examples are hopes and missions to achieve an ideal what has been desired.

Short Story Writing Tips

  • Find Writing Motivation

Perhaps the motivation is to share an inspiring life experience. Maybe to criticize the customs that are no longer suitable to be applied in today's era. Maybe also to pour out your heart so you don't smile yourself.

  • Choose the Appropriate Theme

We can determine the appropriate theme by considering several things:

    • Master the theme.
    • Not too familiar with the theme, but willing to try to explore it by asking questions and seeking information.
    • This theme is indeed the plan.
    • This theme is very important if the reader can learn wisdom.

Beginner writers should choose an easy theme first. For example, a theme that fits the life experience of yourself and those closest to you. It can also be a theme that is taken from the local culture that has been mastered. The point is, don't choose a theme that's too difficult for yourself. Guaranteed short story will not be finished or finished but falling apart.

  • Determining the Number, Name, Character and Role of the Character

The name of the character should be determined in advance to make it easier to design the next stage later. The character and role of the character, for example who is the main character and the extra character; who is bad and who is good; who has a problem and who helps solve the problem.

  • Creating a Clear Storyline

Beginner writers would need to make a storyline first before writing. There are three types of grooves:

    • Forward flow: yesterday-today-tomorrow; Event A causes B, B causes C.
    • Backtrack or flashback: today-yesterday-then
    • Mixed flow: a combination of forward and backward grooves. I suggest novice writers do not use this plot because it is a bit complicated.

Write down the main events that form the framework of the short story, for example like this:

    • Introduction of characters: names, ages, habits, occupations, physical characteristics.
    • Introduction of problems or themes faced by the characters
    • The efforts of the characters to find solutions to the problems or themes of the short story
    • Complexity of the problem
    • Solution to problem
    • Closing: can be a conclusion to the solution to the problem, a cover that is intentionally left "hanging", or a surprise.

  • Choosing a Point of View

The point of view is usually divided into two.

First person: "I"
    • The positive side: free to express the heart / inner feelings of the character "I, free to retell" personal experience that inspires the short story and involves the reader's feeling to "enter" into the story story
    • The negative side: less freedom to tell the inner feelings of other characters
Third person (as observer/director who masterminded)
    • The positive side: free to share the feelings and opinions of all the characters, suitable for telling stories experienced by other people (not the author himself)
    • The negative side: less freedom to tell the feelings/contents of the main character (it's easier to use "I")

  • Beautifying Short Stories with Literature

Short stories are literature. According to the KBBI, literature is "a literary work whose content and form are very serious, in the form of an expression of the experience of the human soul that is drawn from life and then designed and arranged with beautiful language as a suggestion so as to achieve the aesthetic requirements high".

The beauty of language can be created through various elements:

    • sound play (as in poetry and rhymes)
    • repetition of words with their equivalents so that they are not boring (so that they are not monotonous)
    • beautiful dialogue between characters
    • rhetorical question
    • the use of words that are rarely used in everyday conversation
    • the use of foreign words or words from regional languages ​​that attract the reader's attention
    • the use of symbols in narrating characters and events

  • Determining the Title

Cool short stories include:

    • Short, no more than 4 words.
    • It can be one word but it is very charming.
    • Could be the main character of the short story
    • To attract the interest of readers/editors, you can use words or names that are rarely used in daily conversation (can be foreign language words or regional language words)

Examples of Motivational Short Stories

Motivation is a dream that has meaning with motivational words, so that there is motivation to create enthusiasm in doing all activities.

Motivational short stories are sometimes a work of someone in doing all activities so that they can do it calmly and firmly. In addition, motivational short story examples are hopes and missions to achieve an ideal what has been desired.

My dream is as wide as mud

Irma Kinanthi .'s work

This morning was no different from the previous days, the distinctive aroma was still there. I call it distinctive because the scent is like a sword piercing the body. Indeed, the smell is piercing, piercing the sense of smell and don't imagine it smells like cooking in five-star hotels. It smelled like farts, more like the smell of sulfur. Though I hope there is a change this morning.

I live here, in a city that is bustling, busy and of course there is a sea of ​​mud that smells amazing. Before, my city was not like this, my city is wide, not muddy and the people are not easily angered like now.

Every afternoon I play kite on the edge of the embankment, the wind is quite strong, my kite is flying high. But this time I was unlucky, my kite broke and disappeared instantly in the foamy mud. That's a sign I have to go home because dusk has arrived. Actually, my house is not far from where I used to play kites, but again, because of the growing mud, our family had to move.

One day my father looked very angry, not because I was naughty nor because he had a fight with mother. At first I didn't know why, but my parents said they were angry because of the problem of justice. I increasingly do not understand the meaning of his words, maybe because I am not old enough. After I left the house, I could see from afar a line of people shouting loudly, as fiery as the father earlier. I wanted to get closer to the crowd but my mother forbade me and it was not appropriate for a child my age to watch such things. Then I thought, will justice be able to hinder my ideals? Can justice remove the mud and can make you not angry? Ah, I don't know, it's an adult problem.

Today I received a surprising question from my teacher, the question is, "Amir, what do you think of that ideal?" I was silent for a while then replied, "Dreams are like pencils, if we want to achieve them then we have to try and work hard like sharpening a pencil to become pointed. But if we don't mean it, our chances are getting smaller and even faded like a pencil that is getting shorter and even disappears." But the question is whether I can reach my goals that? I feel blocked by nature because nature has sent mud which makes part of my life unorganized. I'm desperate and I think I'm starting to catch a disease that is eating away at the people of my city, of course a blood-borne disease.

In the afternoon, my father also asked me about my goals, but this is a different question. He asked how high my goals were, of course I immediately replied, "Sure." just as high as the sky sir!” But he laughed instead, I was surprised by him even though the answer was correct. The father then said, “Mir, please tell me that sky-high ideals are just nonsense sayings. For mud kids like you, the ideal is that the dream is as wide as mud." I'm confused by the talk father, then father continued again, "See the mud that drowned our house is getting bigger and bigger every day. It could be the ocean! So according to you, just make words of encouragement that are in accordance with the facts!” I immediately ran to my old house which was no longer visible because it was submerged in mud. Here I reflect, reflect on the words of the father and finally I agree with him.

I don't know how long this mud will overflow, I don't know how much more this mud pools but I will always try spread my wings, show the world even though I'm just a child of mud and I'll show that my dream as wide as mud.

My name is Ignasia Irmaningtyas Kinanthi
Can be called Irma
Born in Blitar, April 19, 1996
Ignasia Irmaningtyas Kinanthi's facebook address

Before Expired

Faddilatusolikah's work

Thick black fog posed in the sky of the creator. Cold air seeps through the pores of the wrinkled skin that holds a thousand histories. A simple hut is a silent witness to the drama of life. Sometimes there are happy laughter and sometimes there is sorrow.
"A cloudy morning, hopefully our spirits will never be cloudy" hoped an old widow behind the booth.
"Yes, hopefully today will be better than the previous days" replied a teenage girl who was busy arranging her cakes. Yes, let's call it aunty. Tanti is a teenage girl who never gives up. Even though he only lives with his mother and sister named Tio. Tanti already feels grateful and happy. At least he feels happy that he still has a family and a place to live. Even though it's not as luxurious as a five-star hotel, I always instill "Baiti Jannati" as taught by the Prophet SAW.

"Wait..." Tanti nervously stepped to the front of the class. His heart was pounding like a horse race. “Congratulations!!! Keep the spirit and continue to improve your achievements, "said Mrs. Diana, a physics teacher. Tanti smiled. "Thank you, God, I hope I can be better," muttered Tanti in her heart.
Tanti does not come from a wealthy family. But the intention imprinted in his mind was so strong. It's only a matter of months before the final national exam. The heavy burden he now bears. It's not a matter of the subjects being tested but the problem of the exam fees. Of course it's not Tanti's exam fees because Tanti has received a scholarship from her school. But Tio tanti's sister who is now in 3rd grade junior high school is not as lucky as Tanti. Tio is not a lazy child. But his ability to remember the subject matter is not as sensitive as tanti's memory.

That evening it rained heavily. The leaky roof of the orphanage seemed to have allowed rainwater to pass through.
“Huk… huk…. huk… huk. huk.. bruuuuuaaaaaak” The skinny body lay limply on the floor.
"Maaaaaaak... why mom... hikz.. hikz.. hikz" shouted tanti hysterically and her sister collided with the sound of thunder rain.
“Tolooooooooooong…. be patient mom…” she shook her mother's body.
"Maaakmak why mom???" Tio did not want to stay silent. He immediately ran outside for help. Even though Tanti forbade it because it was still raining heavily, Tio kept walking and didn't care about Tanti.
"Nduuk, no human is eternal. Everything that lives will surely die. I'm sorry for all the mistakes mom if for tomorrow and so on mom can not accompany you. Be mother and father to your sister. I know this will be a heavy burden for you. Ma-ma-ma'aff, right, e-e-e-ma'am,, LA-I-LA-HA-ILLALLAAAH MU-HAM-MADUR-ROSULULLAAH "Slowly my mother's eyelids closed.
"Ma'am wait... Come on, let's take mom to the hospital, I've already asked P.Ahmad for help," said Tio, panting.
"No need tio. Mother has passed away from HIS lap," Tio's heart jolted to hear that her mother had died. Tio's body shivered. She stretched her legs out on the floor. "Innalillahi wainnailaihi raji'un..."

Also Read:Expressing Good and True Dramatic Dialogue (Complete)

After a few months after her mother's death, Tanti continued to try to keep her dream of being able to continue studying at university. And that morning he heard the happy but heartbreaking news.
"Duuuooornglamun, sis," Tio snapped, startling tanti.
"Ihhh, you're yo, it's a habit, dech,"
"What are you doing? doonk story... don't think tio is like other people .."
"Uhmmm, come on, bro, you're attending snmptn at UI and today's announcement is, and "Wait a minute." Brother was accepted as a student at UI, "I'm looking down holding back tears.
"Then why are you sad? you should be happy"
"But if you go to college, the burden of our lives will definitely increase, and Tio is still in high school."
"Sis (tio looked at her brother sharply), Sis at the funeral of Tio's mother had promised in front of her mother's grave that Tio will try to give the best. The problem of costs and Tio's living needs will be endure it."
"But this big brother has more responsibility tio..."
"Sis, Tio is a boy and in this world the second woman that Tio loves the most after mother is my sister... Tio will work hard to brother's tuition fees and for Tio's school fees. Brother, take it easy, Tio will not drop out of school. Because brother is the biggest spirit for tio”
Aunty is silent. Her tears didn't seem to want to stop flowing. Not tears of pain, but tears of joy. Tanti is grateful to have a sister who loves her so much. He hugged his sister "tio after all tio can't work hard alone. now we just the two of them.. it's hard to be happy to have to bear it together. tio works hard, even brother will work hard. we fight with you"
Tio smiled and whispered "before time runs out I will always take care of you and do the best for you..."

…….THE END……

Name: faddilatusolikah
Malang student uin maliki
Hobbies: reading and writing short stories or poetry
Address: Jln Sunan Bonang 188 Kromengan Malang
Fb address: Fadilatus sholikhah


Ulfa Tapani Karya

The sound of a car engine rattled the windows of the house. Disturbing the busyness of two wooden objects that were talking in the room.
"Who's coming?"
"I don't know, at least mothers who want to get together .."
"Ohh, fortunately I have beautified myself,"
"Watch out, watch out, looks like they want to approach us,"
"Ah, look at their big bodies, I'm sure their butts are big too, ahaha,, surprise for you!!"

I fell silent. Ah, I'm so unlucky today I have to have guests like them, if I had legs that could run, there will be no hesitation in my mind to run away right now, this minute, this second, immediately!
"Wait, soon they will praise me.."
"It's not strange anymore, you don't brag, I'm the one who is more useful to them.."
"Oh, yeah? haha… They're happy, you're suffering, aren't you? Haha..In all the years I've been side by side with you, all these years have I watched your misery, I've never seen you decorated beautifully like me, with a vase filled with fresh flowers, with delicious snacks, fresh drinks, and what's your dish? People's ass huh? Ha ha ha.."

I never wanted to respond to his insults. Why should I reply, after all, he always knocks me down, arrogant table.
"Oh, this table is so beautiful with fresh flowers, where did you get this flower from? It's so beautiful, I like it."
It's not strange, it's really not strange for me to say that. Maybe for the umpteenth time. A moment later, other mothers came jostling into the house. Apparently, their large bodies made it difficult for them to enter the house, which did have a fairly small doorway. I know their big ass will soon be on top of me. One..two..and,, aww,, sure enough, in an instant my body was covered in those ass.

One of the mothers who pressed my body for a moment lifted her buttocks a little and heard a "dduuuttt .." sound. In an instant, the air that had been so fresh, was suddenly polluted with a very piercing smell. Those who were sitting some distance away began to cover their noses. Imagine, even a long distance makes them cough and almost vomit, and me? The distance is so very close, what word is more than nausea? I'm the one who feels the most foul smell it. Mother just grins, really, innocent face! If only I had a mouth, I would vomit my whole body! Damn !
"Ha ha. I didn't expect that Mother would do such a silly, very silly thing! Be thankful that you don't have a sharp nose to breathe in that stinky air. Poor old chair…”
"Humans don't know etiquette, my friend, doesn't their religion teach about manners? Do you know table, my partner, that courtesy is very precious in God's eyes, at least, they know the etiquette of visiting, I'm surprised by these humans, they learn religious knowledge but don't practice it."
“Yes, you are right. Ah, I don't care about them, after all, I have nothing to lose, you lose right? You always get hit by the rock! Ha ha "
"You are like that, hi table, I really just want to share knowledge with you"

My partner has never paid attention to [my opinion, but it's okay at least I can share my knowledge with him, even though he never cares. I peeked out the window, there were many small children who were picking leaves carelessly.
"Look at those kids!"
"So what? There is something wrong?"
“Of course, look, they are picking the leaves carelessly, what are you trying to do? They just tear the leaves, then throw them away, they are not satisfied if the land has not become a mountain of garbage! “
“Ah, never mind, you're always like that, let them do what they want. They will bear the consequences themselves. “
“But why don't they ever pay attention to us? Their environment? Aren't you sad? Hah? After all, if a disaster comes, such as a flood, we will also be hit, right? Not only them, they can escape, but us? They won't care about us."
"You're right too. But what can we do, we can't possibly talk to them."
“God has another will for it!”

Shut up. The table was silent. I hope it's a sign of understanding in my words. Noisy. The atmosphere of this house is like a market. The conversations are intertwined. Most talk "Where did you buy those shoes?" "How much it costs?" "Can you get a discount or not?"
"Ah, this house is so noisy!" said the table.
“Yeah, you're right, they're just collecting sin here. Since then, I haven't heard anyone talking about religion. Maybe something like "When will we be able to carry out the tablig akbar in our village?" "Regular studies, and so on." Though it would be very useful for them. In fact, they are here to establish ties of kinship, not to gossip about people or talk about unimportant things. What a waste this meeting is if it will only knit sin without cleansing it."
"Hmm, hmm, keep on lecturing like that, no matter how loud it is, they won't be able to hear it!"
"Just wait, God will surely give a signal through us, until the humans realize it."
"Yes, yes, it's up to you!"
"Look at that, the kids are coming in,"
"Wow, look at that one, his body is huge, his cheeks wobble when he runs, his strength is very strong, be careful, danger threatens you! you're old, maybe, "
"No ah, no .." said the table while smiling sarcastically.

The children were running here and there, making the atmosphere change, which was like the atmosphere of a market, now it was like the atmosphere of the World War. The children's voices echoed, to the corners of the room, things vibrating at their stomping, especially the fat boy. No, I've been in this house for years, and indeed I'm old now, my body likes to sway when I sit on it and I could end my history if the fat kid stepped on me.
"Yeah, watch out!! hide there! Run! Wow, it's also fun watching the kid. Hey, old chair, you know our differences right? They prefer to approach you than me, they won't hurt me because if they hurt me, they will suffer the consequences. Their skin will turn blue after being hit hard, from the corners of my body!”
“We are indeed different, but we must complement each other's friends. God, created us in pairs, chairs with tables, books with shelves, wardrobes with clothes, and no doubt they fill each other's void. Won't you be with me? All these years I was with you, trying to make you an authoritative table in the eyes of men, into a useful inanimate figure. We have usability, without us, they, humans, will never prosper, they will not be able to write comfortably without a table, they will not be able to sit comfortably without a chair. We thank God who has destined us to be useful creatures for every human being."
“Aaarrgghhttt, old chair! Can't you just shut up for a day? Don't you realize that every minute you always say clichéd words, regarding humans who can't take care of us, their environment. How many times do I have to say? No matter how loud you talk, they won't be able to hear us, notice us, you know that right? You stupid chair!”
“Then, what can we do to make them aware? Hah? Apart from signaling to them,
"What cue?? So what do you want? Hah? Do you want to be proud of this? Are you jealous of me?"
"Astagfirulloh, shirk is an act of the devil! I never felt that way, I accepted my destiny to be occupied, stalked, trampled on, I never complained, all this time I just want to give you advice so that you become a creature who is good at signaling, God knows how we feel, if you feel what I feel, what will you do other than signal humans to take care of us with good??"
"All these years I have been with you, only the advice and advice you gave did not make me understand what a sign means, the inhabitants of this house have often polluted us but what can we do? I'm tired, if I have to keep listening to your lectures!!”

Shut up. Maybe this is how I respond. So far, I have always hoped that humans can take care of their environment. I know, global warming is hitting Indonesia. The heat of the king of the day that burns the body, is so fierce that it makes the leaves dry, the air is tight, the dust settles on my body. For me, humans are the cause, if only they wanted to make savings, reforestation and so on, I'm sure the world would not be like it is today.
"I honestly want to help rebuild consciousness in humans"
"How to?? Can you do it?? “
"Nothing is impossible if God wills, He will make our mouths speak according to His will. I feel sorry for the mini style which is getting more and more damaged by the day. I entrust my responsibility to you, if my body can no longer support a human body, take good care of yourself!”

The atmosphere is still very lively. The children still with their guns, running here and there, hiding, tiptoeing, they approached. The fat boy looks very agile, his strength is so great to beat his opponent. he runs and keeps running. It's getting closer to me. His steps were getting closer and closer, he jumped high then climbed on me and..
"GUBBRAKKK .." my body was broken, my rickety body was broken into pieces. This body has been destroyed. Seeing my condition, the atmosphere of the house was suddenly quiet because of the sound of the child's fall. The child was crying loudly in pain. Unfortunately for the child. While the table was just silent looking at me who was now helpless.
"I never thought it would be like this my friend .." this is the first time I heard him say "my friend" to me,
"Why?" I ask
"So you're really going to leave me?"
"Of course.."
"So, so, so, no one else will advise me?"
"Isn't that what you wanted?"
“If I had tears, I would shed them right now. I really don't like you advising me too much, but really I will feel lost, I don't have friends, like you.. come on can you put your body together again?”
"No way, I was destined to be like this comrade, every beginning, there must be an end, every life, there must be death. You don't have to be sad, my friend."
"I promise to follow your advice, listen to your advice, I promise!!"
"I've had enough luck, thank you for listening to me .."

Also Read:Short Story Text: Definition, Characteristics, Structure, Elements and Examples

Two fathers came to carry my body, took me to the warehouse for storage of damaged goods. The table was screaming.
"Do not!! don't you take my friend, man!! I can't do without it! oh my god what can i do without it? What's a table without chairs? God, I beg you, let me speak to them, let me scream right now, God what should I do??? “

The atmosphere that was once bustling was suddenly quiet, gradually people began to leave the house. Quiet, scary.
"I'm still moaning here, come on give that chair back, I can't live without it, what do I mean? What does me mean? I'm completely meaningless..."

Motivational Short Stories: Understanding, Writing Tips and Examples

I Want to Memorize the Qur'an

Short story by Diah Ayu Fatmawati

The morning sky is so captivating. In his mind he always imagined that the stars in the sky were glorifying, praying for his people who were carrying out worship. The moon tarasa is so beautiful in peace of mind. Since childhood his mother always taught him to learn the Koran. His mother painstakingly taught him the letters in the reading of the Qur'an so that Fatma could understand the reading of the Qur'an. He aspires to be able to memorize 30 juices in the Qur'an in order to make his mother proud.

Fatma lives with her mother and sister, Fatma also has a father, but it has been 10 years that she has never returned or told her family, I don't know where... So now the backbone of his life is his mother. Therefore, fatma respects her mother very much.
Exactly 2 o'clock fatma tahajjud prayer, where the angels are praying and chanting. In his prayer he wants his life to be useful and can memorize the Qur'an. While shedding tears, he said "O Allah, the most merciful and the most merciful, what is the meaning of life? If I can't give you the meaning of life, then from that, please bless me in learning to memorize Al-Qur'an.

I Want to Memorize the Qur'an – Motivational Short Story
In the village and in her school, many people know her because of her beauty, friendliness, kindness and courtesy to others. He is familiar with all the residents, and he also often helps others in need, even though he is in a tight family, but because of the very strong belief in GOD, who has given what you have given to others by sincere.

He goes to SMA 01 GARUDA, and I'm now in grade 2. Many of Fatma's at school know her not because of her beauty but also because of her intelligence. He is smart in all fields, but only mathematics that he does not understand. But because of his very strong spirit, he never gave up on mastering mathematics.
Ow, yes, he also had a province-wide Al-Quran reading competition, you know…and he won 1st place representing his school. Great right.,,!!! Therefore, he developed his talent which since childhood has liked to memorize the Qur'an.

Well…Fatma doesn't go home right away because she has to work with her friends when she comes home, she rides an old motorcycle, so that the old ones can be used, Fatma said. After finishing work, he came home with his battered motorbike again, he rode his bike slowly. At that time there was a truck that suddenly appeared from the right at high speed, while Fatma went straight. Then he was hit, his bike swerved and crushed the front. His body collided with the side of the truck, and his eyes were bleeding. Not long after, many people helped him, and he was taken to the hospital.

After one of his friends contacted Fatma's mother, and her mother immediately went to the hospital, in a state of shock and weakness, she was determined to go to see the condition of her son. After arriving at the hospital, her mother asked the officer, and was told that fatma was in room 58…it turned out that fatma had her eye surgery done because she made it up. But unfortunately, the doctor did not ask the family for permission in advance, with a very shocked condition to see the condition of his son, who according to the doctor was permanently blind.

His mother immediately fainted and was treated at the side of her son's room. After some time fatma woke up. Fatma: Where am I now, everything feels dark. (and in that room there are fatma's friends, the names are ita and ayu). Ayu: Ma (their nickname for fatma) you are in the hospital, earlier you fainted because you were hit by a truck. (Ayu did not respond to fatma's question about "why is everything dark, because Ayu can't bear it). Fatma: (she innocently said “Am I blind? If it is true that I am blind, I am sincere with all my heart, I surrender myself because that is all the best way that Allah has given me. They both cry and hug fatma. And ita said "yes ma'am you are blind, even permanently blind, be patient, ma'am?? Remember Allah is not sleeping, ma'am, istighfar, ma'am. Fatma: Astaghfirllahhalazim (stammering tone) Why.. why do I have to be blind now, when I am passionate about memorizing the Qur'an..

(Long later with loud and angry tone) God is unfair in this life, why should I. Why God??? why not just others who are useless. God is not fair... (the friends can only cry and can't say anything, they are afraid that they will hurt him, patiently they calm and hug fatma)

Soon his mother realized, holding her still dizzy head, she headed to her son's room. "Nduk sing patiently Gusti GOD is fair nduk". (while stroking her son's hair). But Mrs. Fatma wants to fulfill mother's wish, so that Fatma can memorize the Qur'an. Mrs. Fatma's hopes are crushed, like thin dust that gets blown and scatters everywhere without a clear purpose (said Fatma to her mother, who explained her hopes for her mother)

The days passed, with the spirit that had returned to him, he memorized the Qur'an, he memorized the Qur'an by listening to other people read it. Because he still recites the Koran, it is the ustad who guides him every day. The Ustadz who taught him was very impressed with him, because Fatma had memorized 8 juices in 5 months. Fatma also often fills recitations, first many people admire her strengths, even though her condition is not perfect. But there are also those who mock him.

His mother is very proud of him, his mother hopes that Fatma can memorize the Qur'an 30 juices. Oh yes, many people at school mocked him for being blind. In fatma's class there is a gang who really hates fatma. Idiihh.,, where are there blind, smelly, poor people who are still studying here. Aren't you ashamed? Hahaha (with a disdainful tone the gang left the class while grumbling) Eh, my friends, I'm sorry, Fatma, he didn't see it (there was a one of the themes from the gang is a bit geeky and kind compared to his other friends whose name is Friska she is nicknamed by her friends as the whacky.

Tika is the head of the gang in her class... why are you trying to defend a blind girl like fatma, a useless child. Iiich amused to see his blind eyes. Even though fatma is blind but her best friend never leaves her (ayu, ita, and the confident guy, namely Rehan) Rehan is a guy who says he's cool and the PD asks for forgiveness, the 4 of them are always together wherever they go go.

Okay, back to the beginning., in learning to memorize the Qur'an, Fatma is very much supported by his friends, his mother and sister. That's what makes Fatma even more enthusiastic in memorizing the Qur'an. It's been 8 months he can memorize 20 juz in the Qur'an. At that time there was a competition event at the Jami' cottage in order to welcome the birthday of the Prophet. Fatma was registered with the ustadz who taught her the Koran and there were no fees to pay.
When he came home from school happily, he told his mother that he was participating in the "HAFIDZ" competition to memorize the Qur'an. Even though mommy is proud... study harder, bro. So that you get what you want. AMIIIIN

There is no day without memorizing the Qur'an, the time for the competition is only tomorrow. At 9 o'clock, Fatma was told to sleep with her mother so that tomorrow during the competition, she could be more enthusiastic. The time we have been waiting for arrives, Fatma is getting ready to leave. But her mother said that she would follow fatma. Fatma was told to go first. Oh, yes, I received greetings for your ustadz, sir. Fatma kissed her mother's hand while shedding tears. "Ma'am, please pray for fatma to go smoothly, ma'am in the competition later, don't forget to come, okay? (fatma leaves)

Fatma's mother went by riding an ojek, very happy and happy, Fatma's mother always drank. In the middle of the trip, it rained quite heavily. But fatma's mother was determined to continue the journey. Suddenly BRAAAKKK….the motorcycle that I was riding in fell, Fatma's mother was thrown quite far about 35 m, the helmet she was wearing was taken off her head bleeding, her right leg was severed because she was hit by a bus. The incident occurred at that time the net was quite slippery, then the motorbike hit the pavement in front of it. At that place also Fatma's mother died.

(Fatma is nervous, because soon the program will start, but her mother hasn't come yet. His negative feelings began to appear in his hunch, he was afraid that something would happen to his mother, a few minutes later there was a call from an unknown number). Fatma: Hello, assalamualaikum, who is this? B: We are from the police that your mother just had an accident and died on the spot. Fatma: prakkkkkkkk, the phone fell, tears immediately started to flow, but the event had already started and fatma was participant number 1, with a heavy heart she raced first and then approached her mother. After all the competitions have finished and now it's time to announce who the winners will be, and it turns out that the 1st place winner goes to fatma, with feeling happy and sad he took the trophy that was given to him then he went straight home, his mother was about to go bury. At Fatma's funeral while carrying a trophy she said, "This mother is a trophy ma'am... this is proof of Fatma's sincerity in memorizing the Qur'an. But at this time the mother did not know Fatma's victory. Fatma won 1st place in memorizing the Qur'an, Fatma felt guilty because she had not been able to fulfill mother's expectations in memorizing the Qur'an 30 juz (while stroking and kissing her mother's tombstone)

Fatma now has no mother, the mother who always teaches memorization of the Qur'an, now is the time In the morning, no one wakes Fatma at the time of the Fajr prayer, and makes breakfast for Fatma and sister. Fatma promises that Mrs. Fatma will take care of her sister, OUR HEAVENLY MOTHER. May your charity and worship be accepted by Allah swt.

Name: Diah Ayu Fatmawati
Age: 15 years old
Dream: Policewoman
Hobbies: model
About: besides school I also want to be a model.
Facebook: Diah Ayu Fatmawati

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