Definition of Bibliography, Purpose, Elements, Types, Benefits, Sections & Examples

Definition of Bibliography, Purpose, Elements, Types, Benefits, Sections & Examples – In this discussion we will explain about Bibliography. Which includes the definition of bibliography, purpose, bibliographic elements, types or kinds, benefits, sections and examples of bibliographic writing that are discussed completely and lightly. For more details, please read the review below carefully.

Table of contents

  • Definition of Bibliography, Purpose, Elements, Types, Benefits, Sections & Examples
    • Definition of Bibliography
    • Bibliographic Purpose Tujuan
    • Bibliographic Elements
    • Types of Bibliography
      • According to the way of presentation and description of the description
      • By Coverage
    • Bibliography Compilation
    • Benefits of Bibliography
    • Bibliographical Sections
    • Example of Bibliographic Writing
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Definition of Bibliography, Purpose, Elements, Types, Benefits, Sections & Examples

Let's discuss the meaning first carefully.

Definition of Bibliography

Bibliography comes from the Greek Biblion which means book and graphein which means writing. So bibliography can be interpreted as writing a book.

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Bibliography is a bibliography that includes the contents and description of a book, which consists of the title, author, edition, print, city of publisher, publisher name, year of publication, number of pages and book height measurements and ISBN.

Another definition of a bibliography or also called a bibliography is a list whose contents are titles books, articles, and other publishing materials related to an essay that has been resolved.

For ordinary people, bibliography is not important, but for a scholar, prospective scholar or bibliographic scholar This is very important because with the bibliography attached at the end of the article, they will be able to look back at where the source came from original.

Bibliography is also a technical activity to make a description of a written listing or library that have been published, are arranged systematically in the form of a list based on the want.

Bibliographic Purpose Tujuan

The purpose of making a bibliography is to be able to find out if there is one or a number of books or libraries that have been published. In determining the scope or topic of a bibliography, it is determined based on several considerations such as user requests, topics that are currently developing or are also needed at the time, documentation of collections owned and mandates agency.

Bibliographic Elements

The elements of a bibliography are as follows:

  • Author Name: Completely compiled from various sources
  • Book Title: Included in the additional title
  • Publication Data: This includes the name of the publisher, place of publication, year of publication, in what edition, volume number and thickness of the book (number of pages)
  • The article also requires the title of the related article, the name of the magazine or newspaper, the date and year.

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Types of Bibliography

Types or types of bibliographies include:

  • According to the way of presentation and description of the description

    According to the way of presentation and description, bibliography can be divided into two types, namely:

    • Descriptive Bibliography
      Descriptive bibliography is a type of bibliography whose contents are complete with brief descriptions obtained from physical descriptions written in library materials. For example, book or magazine titles, article titles, author names, impressions, collations, keywords and written abstracts.
    • Evaluative Bibliography
      An evaluative bibliography is a type of bibliography that is complete with an evaluation of a library material. Often this evaluation includes an assessment of the content of library materials or articles.
  • By Coverage

    According to its scope, bibliography is divided into five types, namely:

    • Retrospective Bibliography
      Retrospective bibliography is a type of bibliography that writes library material that has been published in ancient times. Like the historical bibliography of the Diponegoro War
    • Current Bibliography
      Current or current bibliography is a type of bibliography that writes publications that are or are still being published at this time or now. Like Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory
    • Selective Bibliography
      Selective bibliography is a type of bibliography that writes certain publications and with a specific purpose. For example, bibliographies are not selected readings for pre-school age children
    • Subject Bibliography
      Subject bibliography is a type of bibliography that writes library materials or articles in the field of certain sciences and subjects. For example a special bibliography of cattle
    • National Bibliography
      National bibliography is a type of bibliography that writes publications of a particular country or region. For example, the National Bibliography of Indonesia.

Bibliography Compilation

The correct way of compiling a bibliography is as follows:

  • Author names are listed in alphabetical order
  • If there is no author name, the title of the book or article is entered in alphabetical order
  • If there is more than one author in the reference material, then the second reference and so on, the author's name is not included, but is replaced with a 5-7 typed line.
  • The spacing between lines for a single reference is one space. However, the distance between the subject and another subject is two spaces
  • The first line starts from the left margin. The second line and so on of each subject should be entered in 3-4 strokes.

Benefits of Bibliography

The benefits of a bibliography are as follows:

  • Increase the number of library collections that multiply the form and field of study.
  • The need for user information continues to vary and increase in number.
  • Efforts to improve the quality of information retrieval services quickly and precisely.

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Bibliographical Sections

The sections of the bibliography include:

  • Title: Contains the title of the article or book title you want to describe
  • Authorship: Filled with the name of the individual author or the author of the organization
  • Source: Filled with the title of the journal, the title of the proceedings or the title of the book where the information is or comes from
  • Publish or Impression Data: Contains data about the city of publication, publisher name, and year of publication.
  • Physical Description or Open Collation: Contains the page where the article was obtained
  • Information Description: Contains keywords and abstract
  • Additional Information: Contains the location of the storage rack, the code for the call number, the library owner of the library materials and others.

Example of Bibliographic Writing

1. If the source is a book, the composition of the writing is:

  • Author Name
  • Publication Year
  • Book title
  • Place of Public
  • Publisher Name
    Example of writing:
    Setiabudi, A.N. 1985. Archipelago Horizon. Jakarta: Gramedia. Ministry of Education and Culture 1989. The Story of the Author as a Hero, Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.

2. If the source is a magazine, the writing structure is:

  • Author Name
  • Publication Year
  • Article Title
  • Magazine Name
  • Magazine Number
  • Rising Moon
  • Publication Year
    Example of writing:
    Setiabudi, A.N. 1985 “The Story of Writing as a Hero” Insert Media, 12 (December IV). Jakarta

3. If the source is a newspaper, the writing structure is:

  • Author Name
  • Publication Year
  • Article Title
  • Newspaper Name
  • Date of issue
  • Place of Public
    Example of writing:
    Setiabudi, A.N. 1985 “The Story of the Author as a Hero” The Jakarta Post, December 2, 19987. Jakarta.
Definition of Bibliography, Purpose, Elements, Types, Benefits, Sections, Writing Examples

4. If the source is an anthology, the writing structure is:

  • Author Name
  • Year of publication
  • essay title
  • Editor's Name
  • Anthology Title
  • Place of Public
  • Publisher Name
    Example of writing:
    Setiabudi, A.N. 1985: “The Story of Writing as a Hero” The Case of Indonesian Rhetoric. in Kaswati Purwo (ed), the struggle of fighters. Jakarta: Gunadarma University.

5. If the source is the internet, the writing structure is

Setiabudi, A.N. 1985 “The magleve train of the future” Wikipedia (online), vol. 5, No.4, (, accessed December 14, 2000)

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