Understanding Waqf and Waqf Law in Islam (Full Discussion)

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Understanding Waqf and Waqf Law in Islam (Full Discussion) - In Islam, it is familiar with the word "waqf". Objects that can be donated are durable objects, not only disposable and are valuable according to Islamic teachings. Waqf objects cannot be owned by individuals, waqf objects are donated to a group of people or people who can use these waqf objects for the benefit of the people.

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  • Understanding Waqf and Waqf Law in Islam (Full Discussion)
    • Definition of Waqf
    • Waqf Law in Islam
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Understanding Waqf and Waqf Law in Islam (Full Discussion)

The following will explain the meaning of waqf according to the language, according to the terms, the Imams of the School and the government and their law in Islam.

Definition of Waqf

The meaning of waqf in language means 'hold’. According to the syara' term, waqf is withholding something eternal in substance, to take advantage of it for the good and progress of Islam. Withholding an object whose substance is eternal can be interpreted as an attitude not to sell and not to give and not to also bequeath, but only to give to charity for the benefit of it on a general scale (not for individuals) certain).

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The Imam Shafi'i and Hambali schools define waqf, namely someone who holds his wealth for use in all areas of benefit by continuing to perpetuate the property as a form of submission to God. Furthermore, the definition of waqf from the Hanafi school is to hold property by relinquishing its ownership rights to Allah.

A person who waqf something means he relinquishes the ownership of the property and gives it to Allah for can provide benefits to humans permanently and continuously, may not be sold, donated, or inherited.

A slightly different understanding from Imam Abu Hanafi is holding property in the ownership of people waqf of the proceeds or distribute the benefits of the property to people who he loved. Referring to the definition of Abu Hanifah, it can be understood that the property is in the control of the person who is waqf (wakif) as long as he is still alive. This can be passed on to his heirs if he has died either to be sold or donated.

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Another understanding of waqf from the Maliki school is to provide something as a result of the benefits of property, where the principal property remains in the ownership of the beneficiary even if only for a moment.

Based on the views of all Imams, the Indonesian government also issued regulations related to waqf. Government regulation no. 28 of 1977 is a legal act of a person or legal entity that separates part of his assets in the form of property and institutionalizes it forever. For the purposes of worship or other public purposes in accordance with the teachings of Islam.

Armed with an understanding of several views related to waqf, we can conclude that waqf is one of the types of gifts. But only the benefits can be taken and the object must remain intact. Therefore, assets that are eligible for waqf are assets that are not used up and generally cannot be transferred, such as land, buildings, and the like. Mainly for the public interest, for example for mosques, prayer rooms, Islamic boarding schools, orphanages, public roads, and so on.

Waqf Law in Islam

Legally, waqf is the same as charity. Judging from its nature, waqf is not just charity by sharing wealth like most alms. However, the reward is greater for those who do waqf. The level of usefulness of waqf also reaches many people because the goal is general benefit, not to individuals. The reward received flows continuously as long as the goods or objects that are donated are still useful and useful. waqf law is sunnah. Confirmed in a hadith:

Meaning: "When a child of Adam dies, all his deeds are cut off, except for three (kinds), namely alms Jariyah (which flows continuously), knowledge that is used, or a pious child who prays for him.." (HR Muslim)

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Understanding Waqf and Waqf Law in Islam

Waqf property may not be sold, donated or inherited. However, the waqf property must continuously be used for the public interest as intended by the person who is waqf.

Hadith of the Prophet which means: "Indeed, Umar had obtained a piece of land in Khaibar. Umar asked Rasulullah SAW; O Messenger of Allah, what is your command to me regarding the land? He replied: If you like to hold the land and give alms benefits! So with his instructions, Umar gave his land in charity with an agreement that the land would not be sold, neither given nor inherited.." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

The basic knowledge of waqf hopefully can make us better understand our social function as human beings. Waqf law teaches us about the value of the glory of a human being which should be measured from the level of usefulness as a human being for his fellow human beings and their religion. Let's be noble by continuing to be more useful for others and religion.

That's the discussion about Understanding Waqf and Waqf Law in Islam (Full Discussion), hopefully can provide benefits for all of us. Thank you

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