25 Understanding Politics According to Experts (Full Discussion)

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25 Understanding Politics According to Experts (Full Discussion) – In this discussion we will explain about Politics. More precisely the understanding of politics according to experts. The word politics itself comes from the Greek, namely politicos which means from, for, or relating to citizens. For more details, see the review below.

Table of contents

  • 25 Understanding Politics According to Experts (Full Discussion)
    • Understanding Politics According to Experts
      • 1. Aristotle
      • 2. Prof. Miriam Budiardjo
      • 3. Franz Magnis Suseno
      • 4. Ibn Aqil
      • 5. Rod Hague
      • 6. Ossip K. Flechtiem
      • 7. Seely and Stephen Leacock
      • 8. Adolf Grabowsky
      • 9. Liters
      • 10. Sri Sumantri
      • 11. Wilbur White
      • 12. Kartini Kartolo
      • 13. Carl Schmidt
      • 14. Cheppy H. Cahyono
      • 15. Ramlan Surbakti
      • 16. F. Isjwara
      • 17. Paul Janet
      • 18. Harold Laswell
      • 19. Robert
      • 20. W.A Robson
      • 21. Andrew Heywood
      • 22. Roger F. Soltau
      • 23. Johan Kaspar Blunchli
      • 24. Joye Mitch
      • 25. Generally
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25 Understanding Politics According to Experts (Full Discussion)

Let's talk about politics in full below.

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Understanding Politics According to Experts

The following is the definition of politics according to experts.

1. Aristotle

According to Aristotle, politics is an effort taken by citizens to realize the common good.

2. Prof. Miriam Budiardjo

Understanding politics according to Prof. Miriam Budiardjo is a variety of activities in a political system (state) which involves the process of determining the goals of the system and implementing those goals.

3. Franz Magnis Suseno

The definition of politics according to Franz Magnis Suseno is all human activities that are oriented to society as a whole or oriented to the state.

4. Ibn Aqil

The definition of politics according to Ibn Aqil is practical things that are closer to goodness for humans and further from damage even though it is not outlined by the Prophet Muhammad.

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5. Rod Hague

The definition of politics according to Rod Hague is an activity that concerns the way in which groups achieve their goals collective and binding decisions with an attempt to reconcile the differences between its members.

6. Ossip K. Flechtiem

Understanding politics according to Ossip K. Flechtiem is a social science that specializes in studying the nature and purpose of the state insofar as the state is a the organization of power, and the nature and purpose of other unofficial signs of power that may affect country.

7. Seely and Stephen Leacock

Understanding politics according to Seely and Stephen Leacock is a science that is suitable for dealing with government.

8. Adolf Grabowsky

The definition of politics according to Adolf Grabowsky is to investigate the state in motion.

9. Liters

The definition of politics according to Literature is the science of governing and governing the state

10. Sri Sumantri

The definition of politics according to Sri Sumantri is the institutionalization of human relations which are institutionalized in various political bodies, both political superstructure and political infrastructure.

11. Wilbur White

Political understanding according to Wilbur White is the study of the origin, forms and processes of state and government.

12. Kartini Kartolo

The definition of politics according to Kartini Kartolo is a behavioral activity or process that uses the power to enforce laws and decisions that are valid and applicable in the middle Public.

13. Carl Schmidt

The definition of politics according to Carl Schmidt is a world in which people make decisions rather than abstract institutions.

14. Cheppy H. Cahyono

Understanding politics according to Cheppy H. Cahyono is a variety of activities in the political system or the State that are related to the process of determining and simultaneously implementing the goals of the system.

15. Ramlan Surbakti

According to Ramlan Surbakti, politics is a process of interaction between the government and the community to determine the common good for the people who live in a certain area.

16. F. Isjwara

Understanding politics according to F. Isjwara is one of the struggles for power or as a technique of exercising power.

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17. Paul Janet

Understanding politics according to Pauh Janet is the science that regulates the development of the state and also the principles of government.

18. Harold Laswell

According to Harold Laswell, politics is the study of the formation and distribution of power.

19. Robert

According to Robert, politics is the art of governing and regulating human society.

20. W.A Robson

Understanding politics according to W.A. Robson is a science that studies power in society, namely its essential nature, basis, processes, scope and results.

21. Andrew Heywood

According to Andrew Heywood, politics is the activity of a nation that aims to create, maintain and amending the general rules that govern his life, which means that it cannot be separated from the symptoms of conflict and cooperation.

22. Roger F. Soltau

Understanding politics according to Roger F. Soltau is the study of the State, the goals of the State, and the institutions of the State that will carry out these objectives and the relationship between the State and its citizens and the State other.

25 Definitions of Politics According to the Complete Experts

23. Johan Kaspar Blunchli

Understanding politics according to Johan Kaspar Blunchli is a science that pays attention to state problems, by fighting for understanding and understanding of the state and its conditions, its basic characteristics in various forms or manifestations its construction.

24. Joye Mitch

The definition of politics according to Joicce Mitchel is in the collective decision-making or general policy making of society as a whole.

25. Generally

Understanding politics in general is the process of formation and distribution of power in society which is in the form of a decision-making process, especially in the state.

That's how it was explained about 25 Understanding Politics According to Experts (Full Discussion), hopefully can increase your knowledge and insight about politics. Thank you for visiting.

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