UNESCO: Definition, Purpose, Tasks, Principles and Pillars

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UNESCO: Definition, Purpose, Tasks, Principles and Pillars - On this occasion About Knowledgewill discuss about UNESCO. Which in this discussion explains the meaning of UNESCO, its objectives, tasks, principles and pillars briefly and clearly. For more details, see the following article.

Table of contents

  • UNESCO: Definition, Purpose, Tasks, Principles and Pillars
    • Definition of UNESCO
    • UNESCO Destinations
    • Four Pillars of Education
      • Learning To Know (Learning To Know)
      • Learning to Create (Learning To Do)
      • Learning To Live Together (Learning To Live Together)
      • Learning to Develop Whole (Learning To Be)
    • Four Educational Issues
    • UNESCO Tasks
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UNESCO: Definition, Purpose, Tasks, Principles and Pillars

UNESCO was founded on November 4, 1946, in the city of Paris-France. Its main task is to promote international cooperation in the fields of education, science and culture. Currently, UNESCO has around 191 countries (including Indonesia) and is located at Unesco House, Place de Fontenoy, Paris de, France.

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Definition of UNESCO

UNESCO stands for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. UNESCO itself is an international organization under the PPB which takes care of all matters related to education, science, and culture. In order to increase mutual respect based on justice, the rule of law, and human rights.

UNESCO Destinations

The following are the objectives of the establishment of the UNESCO organization including:

  • Increase cooperation between countries in the world in the fields of education, science and culture;
  • Carry out activities/activities to eradicate illiteracy (illiteracy) as well as learning obligations for all the people of member countries; and also
  • Raising the dignity and degree of human life.

Four Pillars of Education

Below are the four pillars of education along with their explanations, namely:

Learning To Know (Learning To Know)

With regard to the acquisition, mastery and utilization of information, there is an explosion of information and knowledge. Because this is not only caused by very fast developments in the field of science and technology.

But also because of the rapid development of technology, especially in the field of electronics. Allows a large amount of information and knowledge to be stored, can be obtained and distributed quickly and almost reaches the entire planet earth.

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In addition, learning to know is an activity to acquire, deepen and also utilize knowledge. Learning to know itself can be done with a variety of knowledge acquisition efforts, such as: school, reading, accessing the internet, asking questions, attending lectures, attending seminars, and so on.

Learning to Create (Learning To Do)

In order to be able to adapt (adapt) in a society that is developing very fast. So the individual needs to learn to work. Learning to work is closely related to learning to know, because knowledge underlies action.

In the UNESCO commission concept, learning to work has a special meaning, namely in relation to vocational. And learning to work is learning or practicing mastering skills and work competencies. Then in line with the demands of industrial and company development, skills and job competition are also growing higher.

Not only at the skill level, technical or operational competence to professional competence. Because the demands of work in the industrial world and companies continue to increase. So individuals who will enter and/or have entered the industrial world as well as companies need to continue to work.

They must also be able to do much (try to work a lot). For example: Practicing music, Practicing a sport and doing scientific research.

Learning To Live Together (Learning To Live Together)

As nowadays we do not only interact with various ethnic groups, regions, cultures, races, religions, expertise, and professions. But also live together and work with these various groups. In order to be able to interact, communicate, work together and live together between groups, they are required to learn to live together.

Then each group has a different educational background, culture, tradition, and stage of development. In order to be able to work together and live in harmony, they must learn a lot about living together, being sociable (trying to build a life together).

For example: Participating in organizations on campus, Active in activities in the neighborhood, Mutual respect between religious communities.

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UNESCO - Understanding the Purpose of the Tasks Principles and Pillars

Learning to Develop Whole (Learning To Be)

In the challenges of life that are developing rapidly and are very complex, human development is demanded as a whole. Besides humans, all aspects of their personality develop optimally and in balance, both intellectual, emotional, social, physical, or moral aspects.

In order to achieve the goals, each individual is required to learn a lot to develop all aspects of his personality. But actually the demands of the development of this global life, not only demand the development of human beings as a whole and intact.

But also whole humans are superior, therefore they have to try a lot to achieve excellence (being excellence). Every excellence is strengthened by strong morals and this global individual must strive to be morally strong or being morally.

Below are some of the overarching goals:

  • Can achieve quality education for all learning and lifelong.
  • And mobilize scientific knowledge and policies for sustainable development.
  • Then it can address emerging social and ethical challenges.
  • In fostering cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and a culture of peace.
  • Also build an inclusive knowledge society through information and communication.

Four Educational Issues

Below are 4 (four) educational issues, including:

  1. In improving the quality of education, it is done by setting the objectives of competency standards.
  2. Increased efficiency, education management leads to school-based education.
  3. Then the increase in relevance that leads to community-based education.
  4. As well as equal distribution of educational services is a just education.


Aims to be able to support peace and security by promoting cooperation between countries through science, education and culture in order to increase mutual respect based on justice, human rights, the rule of law, as well as true freedom.

This is the explanation about UNESCO: Definition, Purpose, Tasks, Principles and Pillars. Hopefully it can be useful and add to your knowledge. Thank you.

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