Metamorphic Rocks (Metamorphic Rocks) and Complete Types

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Malihan Rocks (Metamorphic Rocks) and Complete Types – Malihan Rock (Metamorphic Rock) is a rock that changes shape both in its physical and chemical composition, so that it is different from the parent rock.

The process of changing metamorphic rocks is caused by high temperatures and pressures for a very long time. Metamorphic rocks can be divided into three types, namely contact metamorphic rock, dynamo metamorphic rock and contact pneumatolytic metamorphic rock.

Table of contents

  • Malihan Rocks (Metamorphic Rocks) and Complete Types
    • Contact Metamorphic Rock
    • Dynamo Metamorphic Rocks
    • Contact Pneumatolitis Metamorphic Rock
      • Geology
      • Endogenous Energy
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Malihan Rocks (Metamorphic Rocks) and Complete Types

Let's look at the review below for a complete and specific explanation

Contact Metamorphic Rock

These rocks are formed due to the influence of magma intrusion at very high temperatures. The very high temperature is because it is located close to the magma. Example: batholith rock, lacolite rock and sill rock

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. This metamorphic rock is influenced by the location of the intrusion, the further away from the intrusion the degree of metamorphosis decreases.

Dynamo Metamorphic Rocks

These rocks are formed due to the influence of very high pressure, in a relatively long period of time and are produced in the process of forming the earth's crust due to endogenous forces. Dynamo metamorphic rocks usually occur at the top of the earth's crust.

The existence of the opposite pressure causes changes in mineral grains to become flat and some are back in the form of crystals. Some types of metamorphic rocks turn into crystals, for example pulverized rock and shale.

Contact Pneumatolitis Metamorphic Rock

These rocks are formed due to the influence of gas from the magma, the influence of this hot gas causes changes in the chemical composition of minerals from This rock, for example contact pneumatolytic metamorphic rock, is quartz with boirum gas turning into tourmaline (a type of rock). gems).

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Malihan Rocks (Metamorphic Rocks) And Complete Types

The forces that change the shape of the earth's surface are divided into two, namely:


Geological forces are forces that affect the shape of the earth's surface. There are two kinds of geological energy, namely endogenous energy and exogenous energy.

Endogenous Energy

Endogenous forces are forces that affect the shape of the earth's surface originating from within the earth. Endogenous energy is constructive (constructive). For example volcanism, tectonism and seism.

That's above a little about the explanation Malihan Rocks (Metamorphic Rocks) and Complete Types. See also other stones in the next article, may be useful for all readers. Thank you.

source by: Geography of class X Aspiration

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