Mathematics Learning Problems in Schools (Full Discussion)
Problems in Learning Mathematics in Schools (Full Discussion) – National education based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia functions in terms of developing capabilities and shaping the character and civilization of a dignified nation in the context of educating life nation.
Education also aims to develop the potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become a democratic and responsible citizen. To carry out this function, the government organizes a national education system as stated in Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System.
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Problems in Learning Mathematics in Schools (Full Discussion)
- Causes of the Low Attractiveness of Mathematics Learning
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Problems in Learning Mathematics in Schools (Full Discussion)
National education must be able to ensure equal distribution of educational opportunities, improve the quality and relevance and efficiency of education management. Equitable educational opportunities are realized in the 9-year compulsory education program. Improving the quality of education is directed at improving the quality of Indonesian people as a whole through exercise, think, exercise and sport in order to have competitiveness in facing global challenges.
Increasing the relevance of education is intended to produce graduates who are in accordance with the demands of needs based on the potential of Indonesia's natural resources. Increasing the efficiency of education management is carried out through the implementation of school-based management and reform of education management in a planned, directed, and sustainable manner in the process of learning.
Learning is a process of interaction between students and teachers and learning resources in a learning environment. Learning is one of the school activities that can affect the improvement of the quality of education. Education is an effort that is consciously designed to help a person or group of people in developing knowledge, outlook on life, attitude to life, and life skills both individual and social manual.
Causes of Low Learning Attractiveness Mathematics
The low quality of mathematics learning will have an impact on the low student learning outcomes, this is found by many factors which generally consist of external and internal factors. External factors are factors that come from outside the teacher, for example; curriculum, carrying capacity, learning, and other factors. While internal factors are factors that come from the teacher himself, for example the ability of mathematics teachers to package learning.
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Therefore, teachers need to get coaching with audio-visual media. From the coaching process with the media audio visual This can improve the ability of teachers in carrying out mathematics learning, especially in the aspects of preliminary activities (opening lessons), core activities, mastery of subject matter, use of question and answer (interaction) techniques, processing class/time/material, use of learning media, use of language, and assessment study.
Mathematical content is an abstract thing and the basic objects of mathematics include facts, concepts, principles, skills, and their use in everyday life. In delivering this material, it is clear that the teacher must pay attention to his students. For that we need an appropriate way so that students can understand properly and correctly, so that students will have a meaningful learning experience. To carry out activities like the above, the teacher must understand what should be done in the classroom learning process in accordance with a copy of Permendiknas No. 19 of 2007 on Management Standards pads,
Section 5c, 4) reads:
“Each teacher is responsible for the quality of the learning activity planning that he/she has so that students are able to: (a) increase their curiosity; b) achieve learning success consistently in accordance with educational goals; c) understand the development of knowledge with the ability to find sources of information; d) processing information into knowledge; e) using knowledge to solve problems; f) communicating knowledge to other parties; and g) developing independent and group learning with reasonable proportions.”
And section 5c, 7 reads:
“Each teacher is responsible for the quality of the learning activities he/she carries by: a) referring to the development of the latest learning methods; b) using various innovative and appropriate learning methods to achieve learning objectives; c) use the available facilities, equipment, and tools effectively and efficiently; d) pay attention to the nature of the curriculum, student abilities and previous learning experiences varied and special needs for students who are able to learn quickly until slow; e) enriching activities through cross-curriculum, research results and their application; f) leading to a competency approach in order to produce a curriculum that is adaptable, motivated, creative, independent, have a high work ethic, understand lifelong learning, and think logically in solving problems problem. “
To bring it up, of course, cannot be separated from the role of the supervisor, for that the supervisor must have ability as stated in the copy of Permendiknas Number 12 of 2007 concerning Supervisory Standards School. In part B2 about the competence of academic supervision.
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Section 3.6 reads:
Guiding teachers in carrying out learning or guidance activities (in the classroom, laboratory, and or in field) for each subject in the relevant subject family in the relevant high school kind.
And also mentioned by Professor Dr. H. Nana Sudjana that:
Supervisors must be skilled in applying the concepts and principles of selecting learning strategies/methods/techniques when carrying out supervision and using learning strategies/methods/techniques. For this reason, school supervisors must be able to carry out their main duties and functions optimally. The implementation of supervision in this case is in the form of coaching.
Thus our discussion this time about Problems in Learning Mathematics in Schools (Full Discussion), hopefully the article above can be useful and increase our knowledge. Thank you