12 Definitions of Motion According to Experts and Kinds (Complete)

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12 Definitions of Motion According to Experts and Kinds (Complete) – After previously we discussed about understanding physics, then we will discuss the notion of motion and the types of motion which are matter in basic physics.

Table of contents

  • 12 Definitions of Motion According to Experts and Kinds (Complete)
    • Definition of Motion
      • 1. J. Untoro
      • 2. Kamajaya
      • 3. Efrizon Umar
      • 4. Ruslan Tri S & Cahyo W
      • 5. Sri Murtono
      • 6. According to KBBI
      • 7. According to Physics
      • 8. According to Biology
      • 9. According to Wikipedia
      • 10. According to Schmidt (1991)
      • 11. According to Oxendine (1984)
      • 12. According to Rahantoknam (1988)
    • Kinds of Motion
      • Pseudo or Relative Motion
      • Double Motion
      • Straight Motion
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12 Definitions of Motion According to Experts and Kinds (Complete)

Let us first discuss the meaning of motion carefully.

Definition of Motion

Motion is a change in the state or place of an object at the initial equilibrium point. An object is said to be in motion when it changes its position on another object, either in the near or away changes. In simple terms, motion can mean a change in position. The factors that affect moving objects are the area, the shape of the object, the weight of the object, the condition of the object being traversed. In addition to the understanding of motion above, we can understand other understandings of motion according to experts, following a simple explanation.

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1. J. Untoro

Motion is a change in position with respect to a reference point or point that is the benchmark.

2. Kamajaya

Motion is a change in the position or place of an object where the object moves from a reference point or point of origin.

3. Efrizon Umar

Motion is a change in position or position with respect to a certain reference point.

4. Ruslan Tri S & Cahyo W

According to them, motion is a change in the position of an object with respect to another object or a certain reference point.

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5. Sri Murtono

Motion is the movement of a place or position from one position to another.

6. According to KBBI

Motion is a change of place or position, either once or repeatedly.

7. According to Physics

Motion is the process of moving an object from one place to another.

8. According to Biology

Motion is one way of responding to a stimulus, because one of the characteristics of creatures that can be categorized as living things is that they can react when given a stimulus.

9. According to Wikipedia

Motion In physics is defined as a change in place or position either only once or many times.

10. According to Schmidt (1991)

Motion is a series of processes associated with practice or experience that lead to change - a relatively permanent change in a person's ability to perform appropriate movements skilled.

11. According to Oxendine (1984)

That motor/motion learning is a relatively permanent process of changing movement behavior as a result of practice and experience.

12. According to Rahantoknam (1988)

Motor or movement learning is the process of improving a motor skill caused by conditions training or acquired from experience, not due to conditions of maturation or temporary motivation and fluctuations physiological.

Kinds of Motion

There are many types or kinds of motion, including the following:

Pseudo or Relative Motion

That is motion that is as if moving or not actually (image or illusion).

For example: All objects that are outside our vehicle such as inside the car seem to move even though the vehicle is moving, not objects outside that are moving. And the earth that rotates on its axis around the sun, but as if we see the sun is moving from east to west.

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8 Definitions of Motion According to Experts and Kinds

Double Motion

That is motion that occurs simultaneously with the objects around him. For example: A emaciated little boy throws peanut shells from the top of the electric circuit train while walking on the roof of his train. Then there will be movement of the peanut shell between the three objects around it, namely: the motion of the train carriage, the motion of a small child who is thin, and the motion of the earth or the ground.

Straight Motion

It is the motion of an object in a straight line. For example: the motion of falling fruit on the tree, the rotation of the earth, etc. Straight motion is divided into two, namely:

  • Uniform straight motion: moving in a straight line and uniformly with a steady speed. Example: The train travels at the same speed on a straight railroad track.
  • Straight motion changes uniformly berubah: the motion of an object that is irregular at a speed that is not stable or changing at any time. Example: The motion of raindrops falling from the roof of the house to the floor.

A few reviews regarding 12 Definitions of Motion According to Experts and Kinds (Complete), hopefully it can help you in understanding and finding references and useful. Thank you.

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