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Judging from its history, literary works that developing in Indonesia can be grouped into two periods, namely the period. old Indonesian literature and the new Indonesian literary period. Old Indonesian literature. grew and developed before the entry of Western influence into the Indonesia. As for. various forms of old Indonesian literary works of which are old prose and. old poetry. On the other hand, Indonesian literature. only grew and developed after the entry of Western influence into Indonesia. Forms of work literature Among the new Indonesia are new prose and poetry. new.

One of the old Indonesian literary works that will be reviewed on this occasion is poetry. Poetry is one of the types of old poetry who came from Persia or Arabia and entered Indonesia at the same time as the entry of Islam into Indonesia. In terms, the word or the term poetry itself comes from Arabic, namely Syi'ir or Syu'ur which means "a feeling of being aware of". In its development, the word Shu'ur became Syi'ru which means poetry in general knowledge. Usually, poetry is expressed in sequence and forms a long story.

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According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary Online, syair is defined as an old poem in which each stanza consists of four lines (lines) ending with the same sound. Meanwhile, Nasution (1973) in Darusman (2014) defines poetry as a kind of poetry long composed from four lines in a single rhyming rhyme flat (aa-aa) and not side by side. From the two meanings of poetry, it appears that poetry is one type of old literary work Indonesia has several characteristics or characteristics that distinguish it from other types of literary works other.

The characteristics of the poem are as follows. following.

1. Consists of four lines

Poetry generally consists of four lines or four lines. An example of a poem by St. Alisjahbana's destiny:

Stop the story of the king of Hindustan (line 1)
That is also a word (line 2)
Abdul Hamid Shah, Your Majesty the Sultan (line 3)
Sit down, rejoice (line 4)

The snippet above shows the number of lines. in the poem that is as many as four lines.

2. The number of words per line is 4-6 words

The number of words per line reaches 4-6 words. An example of a poem by St. Alisjahbana's destiny:

Stop/ story/ king/ Hindustan (line 1)
That's/also/a/a word (line 2)
Abdul/ Hamid/ Shah/ Your Majesty/ Sultan (line 3)
Sit down/ sire/ rejoice/ likesuka (line 4)

3. Each line consists of 8 to 12 syllables

Besides consisting of 4-6 words per line, each line also consists of 8 to 12 syllables. An example of a poem by St. Alisjahbana's destiny:

Stop it/ ki-sah/ ra-ja/ Hin-dus-tan (line 1)
It's too much/w-la/su-atu/ per-ka-ta-an (line 2)
Ab-dul/ Hamid/ Shah/ pa-du-ka/ Sul-tan (line 3)
Du-duk-lah/ ba-gin-da/ su-ka-/su-ka-an (line 4)

amount tribe words from the verse above. indicated by a dash.

4. Don't have a sampiran

Poetry does not have a sampiran like pantun or other literary works. In a sense, all the lines in the poem are contents that are not finished with just one stanza because poetry is used to convey a story. Examples of poetry by St. Alisjahbana's destiny:

Stop the story of the king of Hindustan
That is also a word
Abdul Hamid Shah, Your Majesty the Sultan
Sit down, rejoice

Abdul Muluk son of the king
Great is the young noble
Beautiful, explaining the proposal, syahda
Thirteen years old

her face beautiful so perfect
Petah explains wisely like
Gives a worried heart
Love for him is noble and despicable

Will the Rahmah daughter of the nobility
His face is beautiful, it's hard to fight
Good sweet behavior
Ten years old sir

The verse above shows the absence of sampiran. but the whole content. The poem describes or tells. about the son of the Sultan named Abdul Muluk who was thirteen years old put. I love Rahmah, a ten year old noble princess.

5. End rhyme a-a-a-a

Poetry generally has a rhyme with an a-a-a-a pattern. From the example of a poem by St. Alisjahbana's destiny above,

Stop the Hindust king storyan …..(a)
That's also a wordan…..(a)
Abdul Hamid Shah Your Majesty the Sultanan….. (a)
Sit down, rejoicean….. (a)

The verse above is example of a rhyming poem a-a-a-a marked in bold.

6. Contents in the form of story

Generally, poetry contains about a story or stories that contain elements of myth, history, religion/philosophy, or mere fiction. For example Singapore Poem Eaten Fire (history), Boat Poetry (containing religious teachings), Bidadari poetry (fictitious), Ken's Poetry (design), and so on. (Kemendikbud, 2012)


As one of the old Indonesian literary works, poetry has several types based on the content of the poem. As for types of poetry is as follows.

  • banner poem is a poem whose contents tell about events or events that occur in a kingdom.
  • Religious poetry is a poem that tells or contains religious values ​​or teachings.
  • figurative poetry is a poem that tells or contains wordsword figure of speech. The purpose of using figurative words in poetry is to criticize an event or events.
  • historical poetry is a poem whose contents tell an event or events that have become history.
  • romantic poetry is a poem that tells about love stories.


Here are some examples of old poetry quoted from various sources.

Example 1:

Then walk Ken Additional
Accompanied by a consolation with a custodial
Gentle walking slowly
His behavior is sweet to give pity.

Bow down to cry all the princesses
Each one says the same
The evil temperament of the empress
He acts like a genie and a fairy

The back of the nobility is about to walk
Not given a satirical brother
Adinda, sir, don't write poetry
If the master of thunder and lightning

This is the marine park
Pungguk, O master, don't come here
It's not that you don't give
If you are tempted by a fairy

Example 2:

Below are examples of quoted verses. from the book Language Indonesia for SMP/MTs Class IX, Ministry of Education. National, 2008

With Bismillah, the beginning of the script
Take the kalam paper and lift it up
Pen and ink become union
Conveying the truth with passion

Dive pen welcome Pena
Spread out white paper
When dancing the word is called
Traces unfold as hair

In the beginning letter designed
Memories strike no future tidak
Day and night all at once
Master's face taste in the face

This letter is a substitute for yourself
Come before young bestari
Sitting talking fairies
Letting go of the longing of the heart

Example 3:

Below is an example of a titled poem. "Negeri Barbari" which is chapter 1 of "Syair Abdul Muluk" by Raja Ali. Haji, quoted from Riau Malay Culture (Pantun, Syair, Gurindam) by works. Akmal, Journal of Minutes, Vol. 26, No.4, December 2015

Bismillah is the beginning of the word
In the name of the Lord of the universe
It will be the crown sultan
In the land of the Barbarian kings reign

Said the person who owns the fairy
Will the sultan of Barbari
Brave and wise bestari
The news is that the whole country is famous

Abdul Hamid Shah it is said that his name is
The kingdom is too big
Some countries are subject to him
Once it was under his orders

As for your majesty,
There is a younger brother
Abdul Majid his name is sister
Ruling under brother law

To the nautical sultan's wife
There is a brother
Named Mansur wise bestari
Becoming a great wazid

Several prime ministers
Under the wise Mansoor
The consensus is perfectly good
Remain the vicious duli kingdom

Good news all over the country
Abdul Hamid Shah Sultan Barbari
Fair and cheap, wise bestari
Really love the flashlight trade

How long does it take to crown
His Majesty is sitting on the throne
Real pregnant empress
The sultan was very happy

Two months pregnant already
Abdul Majid returns to Rahmatullah
Then go first caliph
Buried by the king with completion

As for his wife,
Cared for by Duli His Majesty
Anything you want, everything is there
Slightly no different

The time has come
Princess giving birth with completion
A good-looking woman
Immediately greeted by the midwife

After it's been made
To His Majesty is presented
His Majesty is also very merciful
Sitti Rahmah your son is named

Even the king's love is indescribable
Your children are princess friendly
Come on, the two wives
Made like a child

With seems to be cared for
The nanny is equipped
With Abdul Muluk equated
Not the least bit different

Sit down king bestari
Have fun everyday
Too many barbarian countries
Full of trade sentari

Example 4:

Here is an example of the next verse.

On era A long time ago
That's a story
A safe country
Led by a wise king

A country called Pasir Luhur
The land is wide and fertile
Regular people live prosperous
The pillars of raharja are immeasurable

The king named Darmlakasana
Handsome, beautiful face
Fair and honest, full of authority
Incomparable mighty

Thus a brief review of the characteristics of poetry in Indonesian. Other articles that can be read include various poems and their explanations, examples of 4 stanzas of advice and their meanings, examples of educational poems and their meanings, poetry elements, example of 2 stanza, example of a 3 stanza, example of a 4 stanza, examples of poetry about life, example of poetry about love, example of 5 stanza, sample love poem 4 stanzas, example of figurative poetry, example of friendship poem, and examples of religious poetry. May be useful. Thank you.

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