One of types of paragraphs there is a syllogistic paragraph. As for syllogism paragraph meaning itself is a paragraph that contains a conclusion from the two premises or statements that exist. Element paragraph This usually consists of a general premise/statement (PU), a special premise (PK) and also a conclusion (K). Some example of syllogism paragraph of several types themselves have been shown before, starting fromcategorical syllogism paragraph example; example of a hypothetical syllogism; example of alternative syllogism; to example of an entime syllogism.

This article will also present some examples of one type of syllogistic paragraph, namely the disjunctive syllogism paragraph. This paragraph is a syllogistic paragraph in which the PU is a choice and the PK is a justification or denial of the PU which usually begins with wordevidently.

Examples from this paragraph itself are as follows!

Example 1:


PU: Sitor returned to his hometown or remained overseas.
PK: It turns out that Sitor will not return to his hometown.
K: Sitor will still be living overseas.

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The paragraph:

The day before Eid, we confirmed to Sitor whether he would return to his hometown or remain in his overseas place. Sitor also replied that this year's Eid, it turns out that he will not return to his hometown. That means Sitor will still stay in his overseas place.

Example 2:


PU: He likes to eat fried rice or fried noodles.
PK: Turns out he doesn't like fried noodles.
K: he likes to eat fried rice.

The paragraph:

I asked him if he likes to eat fried rice or fried noodles. Before he answered, I still thought that he liked fried rice. But, after hearing his answer, I just found out that he doesn't like to eat fried noodles. That means he likes to eat fried rice.

Example 3:


PU: Irfan's father is a sailor or farmer.
PK: Turns out Irfan's father is a farmer.
K: Irfan's father is not a sailor.

The paragraph:

Many thought that Irfan's father was a sailor, including us. To confirm our estimates, we finally ventured to ask Irfan. We asked him if his father was a sailor or a farmer. Irfan also answered the question. From this answer, we learned that Irfan's father was a sailor. That means, it can be concluded that Irfan's father was not a sailor, but a farmer.

Example 4:


PU: Is the smuggler still in the market or has gone.
PK: Turns out the slacker is not in the market
K: the slacker is gone.


I wanted to see if the slacker was still on the market or had it gone. Then I went to the market. When they got there, it turned out that the slacker was no longer in the market. That means the slacker is gone from there.

Example 5:


PU: the merchant trades honestly or fraudulently.
PK: the merchant traded fraudulently.
K: the merchant was dishonest.

The paragraph:

I'm investigating whether the merchant is trading honestly or fraudulently. After investigation, it turned out that the merchant was trading fraudulently. That means, all this time he was trading in a dishonest way.

These are some paragraphs of the disjunctive syllogism in languageIndonesia. Hopefully useful and able to add insight to all readers, both about paragraphs and Indonesian language. Thank you.