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Besides storylineThere is one important element that must be used in writing a story. The element is the point of view. One's own point of view is the way a writer places himself in a story; whether to act as a perpetrator, or act as a witness to the story.

The point of view itself is divided into several types. The types of points of view in the story itself will be discussed specifically in this article, where the discussion is as follows!

1. First Person Perspective as Main Actors

The first types of point of view are the first person point of view as the perpetrator. Through this point of view, the writer deliberately involves himself in the story that he made himself, and the writer also acts as the actor in the story. One of the characteristics of this point of view is the use of wordor me on the main character of the story.

For example:

I'm still sitting here on this park bench. I'm still digesting what that means from his words. Does he not want me anymore? Atyau, I've only been considered dust to him?

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2. First Person Perspective as Side Actors

In this point of view, the author still involves himself in a story he makes. However, the author does not play the main character. Rather, as a companion character of the main character of the story he made.

For example:

I saw a tinge of tears in Devi's eyes. Is he sad? I ventured to ask him. He also answered my question. Not by answer oral, but through his forced smile.

3. Observer's Third Person Point of View

The next types of point of view are the third person point of view of the observer. In this point of view, the author is not involved in the story at all. He only plays the role of the person who actually tells the contents of the story. In this point of view, the writer tries to tell the life of one character in a focused way without telling other characters.

Use of the word he and he is characteristic of this point of view. However, the storyteller also sometimes directly mentions the name of the character in depicting this point of view.

For example:

(a) He was still pensive on the park bench. He was still stabbed by the man's words. How small am I in your eyes? he grumbled in his heart.

(b) Marrissa is still pensive on the park bench. He was still stabbed by the man's words. How small am I in your eyes? The 20 year old woman grumbled in her heart.

4. All-Knowing Third Person Point of View

The last type of point of view is the third-person omniscient point of view. This type of point of view is actually almost the same as the third type of point of view. However, in this point of view, the author does not only tell one character, but all the characters in the story.

For example:

Marrissa was still sobbing in the garden. He was still devastated by what Jordan had said to him. On the other hand, Jordan who said that also burst into tears when he left the park.

These are the different types of points of view in the story languageIndonesia. If the reader wants to add reference about the story, the reader can open the following articles, namely: types of storylines, stages in the storyline. intrinsic and extrinsic elements, short story example, examples of personal experiences, and example of forward plot. Thank you and thank you.


Definition of Point of View and Types of the Clearest Discussion

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