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Previously, we already knew what it was like example of a short biography and also hero biography example. This time, we will find out what forms or examples of biographies of successful people who achieve success in certain fields look like. The examples of biographies of successful people in Indonesian are as follows!

Biography of Bob Sadino*

Bambang Mustari Sadino or popularly known as Bob Sadino is a well-known Indonesian businessman who does business in the food and livestock sector. This entrepreneur who was born in Bandar Lampung March 9, 1933 is known for his words:word the wise weird as well as the appearance unique, where the businessman who died on January 19, 2015 always appears with short-sleeved shirts and his distinctive shorts.

Bob Sadino himself is a child born to a wealthy family. When his parents died, the youngest of five siblings received all the inheritance from his parents, because his older siblings were considered well-off by both parents. Half of Sadino's inheritance is used to travel the world. On his journey around the world, Sadino had lived in the Netherlands for 9 years and worked for the Djakarta Lylod company. In the country of the windmill, Sadino also met a woman who would later become his wife, namely Soelami Soejoed.

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In 1967, Bob Sadino and his family returned to Indonesia with his 2 Mercedes cars with him. He sold one of his cars and used the money to buy a plot of land in the Kemang area, South Jakarta. As for the other car, he still keeps it at his residence. Since returning to Indonesia, Bob Sadino decided to quit from long time job and decided to work independently.

Bob's first job after leaving his old job was to open his Mercedes car rental service that he didn't sell. Unfortunately, this job was not carried out for a long time because his car was in an accident and was badly damaged. Because he had no money, Bob could not repair his car and he decided to work as a construction worker who was paid Rp. 100 rupees per day.

One day, Bob Sadino's good friend suggested that he raise domestic chickens and sell eggs from these chickens. He followed the advice and Bob started selling domestic chicken eggs. Bob also peddles the chicken eggs with the system door to door. Bob's business selling domestic chicken eggs was difficult because at that time domestic chicken eggs were not yet popular in the community. However, slowly but surely, Bob's business grew rapidly and Bob became the first person to introduce and do domestic chicken egg business in Indonesia.

After success, Bob also developed his business in the field of selling domestic chicken meat and vegetables. Especially for vegetables, Bob developed the vegetables he sold using a hydroponic system that was not yet popular at that time. This made Bob Sadino the first person to grow vegetables hydroponically.


Those are a few examples of biographies of successful people in Indonesia language Indonesia. If the reader wants to know some other types of writing, then the reader can open the article persuasion essay, exposition essay, narrative essay, description essay, and argumentative essay. Hopefully useful for all readers.

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