99 Kinds of Fairy Tales and Examples

Often when we were little, our parents would read us fairy tales before we went to bed. Fairy tales are also often used for early childhood education material because fairy tales are a means of giving lessons or planting message – an interesting moral message. In addition, fairy tales are also thick with elements culture because fairy tales are considered as a hereditary heritage from ancestors that must be preserved. Fairy tales in Indonesia are often implied by folklore and stories about animals. Yet beyond that, there are still many kinds of fairy tales that we do not know. Departing from this, the following is a review of the meaning of fairy tales, structures, characteristics, types, and examples.

Definition of Fairy Tale

Fairy tales are generally known as an essay that is only fictitious (imaginary), is one of the means traditional to convey moral and entertaining messages. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, it is stated that fairy tales are stories that don't really happen, especially about events

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era in the past what was strange and untrue, the long description was considered just a story. In addition to the above understanding, here are some meanings of fairy tales according to some experts,

  1. Charles Perrault

Fairy tales are short stories about imaginary adventures with supernatural and extraordinary situations and characters.

  1. Liberatus Tengsoe

Fairy tales are story fantasy whose truth is hard to believe because of the supernatural things that are presented, strange, and unreasonable.

  1. Bascom

Fairy tales are a type of folk prose that are not considered to have really happened and are not remembered by time and place.

  1. Trisna

Fairy tales are ancient stories.

  1. Semi

A fairy tale is an essay that tells the origin of a place or country or about a strange and amazing event about human or animal life.

  1. Badrun

A fairy tale is a prose story that is the result of folk art that thrives in people's imagination or imagination In other words, a fairy tale is a dream and a reality mixed into one in the world of fantasy – wishful thinking.

  1. Thursday

Fairy tales are stories that are told or written that are entertainment and usually don't really happen in life, fairy tales are a form of storytelling literary works whose stories do not really happen or are fictional that are entertaining but also have a moral message contained in fairy tales that.

  1. Agus Triyanto

Fairy tales are simple fantasy stories that don't really happen and serve to convey moral teachings that educate and entertain.

  1. Nurgiantoro

Fairy tales are stories that don't really happen and in many ways don't make sense.

  1. James Danadjaja

Fairy tales are essays that are included in oral folk stories that are not considered to have actually happened by the creator or owner of the story. Fairy tales are also not bound by place and time because fairy tales are told primarily to entertain.

Fairy Tale Structure

Just like any other composition, fairy tales have a special structure that builds them up. A fairy tale is built by three important parts, namely the introduction, content or events, and closing. To find out more, here is a review of the structure of the fairy tale.

  • preliminary

The introduction is the part of a fairy tale that contains introductory sentences to start a fairy tale. Usually in the form of introduction to the background of the story, introduction of characters, and so on.

  • Content or Event

This section contains the sequence of events or events from a fairy tale. In fairy tales, it is also known as problem recognition, climax, and conflict resolution introduction.

  • Closing

In the closing part of a fairy tale contains how to resolve conflicts and this part bagian usually closed with a conclusion containing a calm moral message that can be drawn from the whole fairy tales.

Characteristics of Fairy tales

To distinguish a fairy tale from another essay, the following are the characteristics of a fairy tale,

  1. Told in a Simple Flow

This is related to the purpose of fairy tales, namely providing entertainment and delivering moral messages so that fairy tales are made in a form that is as easy as possible for readers to understand.

  1. Short and Fast Storyline

In line with the number one feature, to make it easier for readers to understand the content of the fairy tale, usually the story line is made short and fast and usually uses the type of plot, the forward plot.

  1. The characters are not told in detail

Fairy tales can be categorized as short stories, (read also kinds of short stories), so that like the characteristics of a short story, the characters in a fairy tale are only introduced briefly and not in detail.

  1. The events in it are mostly fictitious or imaginary

The truth of a fairy tale is still in doubt. Fairy tales are one of the works literature which is passed down from generation to generation which sometimes makes it difficult for us to find the author, so it is difficult to imagine the current state of the story-making process and whether or not what is written in a fairy tale.

  1. More emphasis on the content or events

This characteristic is related to fairy tales which are only simple compositions with the aim of conveying a moral and entertaining message.

  1. Written with style imaging by oral.

At first fairy tales were conveyed and spread orally, so that in its development, fairy tales were written in an oral writing style. Most of the fairy tales that we find around must have various versions even though they still preach the same topic.

In addition to the characteristics above, Danandjaja expressed his opinion about the characteristics of a fairy tale which are described as follows:

  1. The distribution and inheritance is carried out orally, namely by word of mouth
  2. Spread within a community or group of people for a long time.
  3. There are many different versions of a fairy tale due to the spread of fairy tales from mouth to mouth.
  4. Almost all fairy tales are anonymous, that is, the name of the creator is no longer known.
  5. Usually has a formula form or pattern such as clichés, traditional expressions, sentences - sentence and word opening and closing words raw.
  6. Having a use or function in the common life of a society or a group of people as an educational tool; solace; social protest; and the projection of pent-up desires.
  7. Having a pralogical nature, which has logic outside general logic or has its own logic.
  8. The status of ownership of the work becomes the common property of a community or group of people. This relates to the first author who can no longer be traced and known.
  9. Plain and innocent, only looks rough and spontaneous. This relates to fairy tales which can be used as one of the most honest projections of the expression of human emotions.

Fairy Tale Classification

Based on the elements contained in it, fairy tales can be divided into nine types, namely myths, sages, fables, legends, parables, witty stories, solace stories, ordinary fairy tales, and fairy tales. formulate. However, sometimes a fairy tale contains more than one element, so it is not uncommon for a fairy tale to be categorized into two or more categories at once. The following is an explanation of the various types of fairy tales:

  1. Myth

Referring to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), myth is defined as a fairy tale that has a historical background, is believed by the community to be a story. what really happens, is considered sacred, contains many miraculous things, and is generally a god or a figure who has extraordinary powers. ordinary. In another source the fairy tale (sprookjes), and God or belief (religion) can also be categorized as a myth.

An example of one of these myths is "Tree Granting Requests" originating from India. This story wants to convey a message, namely If you want something, it must be balanced with hard effort, if you have tried then we just have to surrender to God, and never want an instant and easy way stupid. Another example of a myth is "The Story of Nyi Roro Kidul" who was previously a princess who was expelled from the kingdom due to the magic sent by the king's concubine out of jealousy of the noble beauty, and the attention that the princess received.

  1. Sage

Sage is defined as an old tale related to history that tells of a person's courage, heroism, magic, and magic. One example of a famous sage story is “Ciung Wanara” which is a Sundanese folk tale. This story explains the origin of the name Sungai Pamali and the origin of the relationship between the Sundanese and Orang Java, where based on the long standing of the kingdom, the Sundanese are considered the elder brothers of the Javanese.

Another famous sage example is “Charcoal Candidate” originating from Bali. This fairy tale tells of a cruel widow, Calon Arang, who has a beautiful child named Ratna Manggali. However, because he was afraid of his mother, Ratna Manggali never proposed and this made Calon Arang angry and made a mess. To overcome this, King Erlangga ordered Empu Baradah who then sent Bahula to marry Ratna Manggali. Long story short, Calon Arang was finally conquered by Empu Baradah.

  1. Fable

Fables in the Big Dictionary LanguageIndonesia, interpreted as a fairy tale that describes the character and mind of humans whose actors are played by animals. This fairy tale contains moral education and noble character. In this type of fairy tale, animals are likened to be able to speak and act like humans.

A very famous example of a fable is "A Collection of The Kancil Stories". This fairy tale is of course very well known among the people of Indonesia, this fairy tale elevates the figure The deer who is famous for being smart and likes to help other animals that are being bullied and mistreated fair. The “Si Kancil” series has a variety of fairy tales, ranging from "The Story of the Mouse Deer Crossing the River Full of Crocodiles", "The Mouse Deer, the Tiger, and Solomon's Belt", "The Story of the Mouse Deer Helping the Buffalo from the Crocodile", and so forth.

  1. Legend

Legend is a type of fairy tale that tells the origin of a place or area. There is often debate whether legend is a kind of fairy tale. Some argue that the legend does not enter as a fairy tale because it has historical facts in it. However, others argue that legend is a type of fairy tale because in legends sometimes unreal characters appear.

One example of a legend that is already well known in Indonesia is "The origin of the city of Surabaya". It is said that in the area there was a clash between Sharks and Crocodiles. In Javanese, Sharks are often called 'Suro or Sura'. While the crocodile in Javanese is referred to as 'Boyo or Baya'. Inspired by the battle between the shark and the crocodile, the name "Surabaya" was born.

  1. Parable

Parables are a type of fairy tale that tells of parables in which it contains educational figures of speech. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, parables are fictitious stories to convey religious teachings, morals, or general truths by using comparisons or parables.

An example of a parable is “Fair Judge” originating from China. This fairy tale tells the story of a famous judge Duan Guangqin, who is able to solve the problem between a poor man and a rich and miserly shop owner. This story teaches us not to be stingy but to be wise and generous. Another well-known example of a parable is "The Story of the Thief Kundang" from West Sumatra who was disobedient for not recognizing his biological mother after marrying the daughter of a wealthy merchant.

  1. Funny Stories

A witty story is a fairy tale that is written or told with the aim of entertaining the public so that it causes laughter when the story is told. This story is sometimes similar to an anecdote (read: example of anecdote text), because implicitly humorous stories also sometimes provide public criticism. What distinguishes anecdotes from humorous stories is that anecdotes are taken based on real facts or stories that occur every day, while humorous stories are purely fictional.

Examples of humorous stories that are well-known in Indonesian society are: "The Story of the Kabayan", if in Malay it will be known "Mr Pandir's Story", and no less famous is "The Story of Abu Nawas".

  1. Lara's Consolation Story

The story of consolation is a bit similar to a witty story in which there is an element of comedy that intends to entertain. What distinguishes the two, solace stories are often told using props such as puppets. The story of consolation is intended to be able to comfort people who are sad as well as stories of young people making love. Examples of solace stories that we often hear include: “The Tale of the Poor”, “The Tale of Nalim Deman”, “The Tale of Anggun Cik Tunggal”, “The Tale of King Budiman”, and so forth.

  1. Ordinary Fairy Tales

This type of fairy tale is a story where the characters are human and usually tell about a person and their dreams. Examples of this type of fairy tale are numerous, such as “The Story of Shallots and Garlic”, “Ande – Ande Lumut”, “Keong Mas”, “Cinderella”, “Snow White”, and others.

  1. Formulated Fairy Tales

This fairy tale has a story structure consisting of repetition. Formulated fairy tales have three sub forms if distinguished according to the repetition structure, namely a. fairy tales multiplied (cumulative stories); b. fairy tales to play with people (catch tales); and c. fairy tales that have no end (endless stories).

That was a review of the various types of fairy tales, along with examples. I hope this article is useful