Example of Speech for the Opening of the Training Event in Indonesian

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As the name implies, welcome words are words spoken as a welcome in an activity. The speech itself is usually delivered at various events, such as training, seminars, birthdays, and so on. Especially for this article, we will find out what an example looks like word speech used for the opening of a seminar. The examples are as follows!

Sample Speech for the Opening of the Training Event

I respect the basic level journalism training committee.

I love all of today's trainees.

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings.

To all my brothers and sisters, let us give thanks to Allah SWT today, because it is with His blessing that we can gather in this place. In addition, let us also convey salawat and greetings to our beloved prophet, Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Distinguished guests,

In the morning bright I would like to thank the committee for their hard work in realizing today's training event. This training event is very useful, especially for the participants who will later enter the world of journalism.

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As we know, the media industry is one of the growing industries in this country. We can see this by many media-New media emerging, start from print media. electronics, to online media.

To all these media, of course, we need journalists who have qualified qualities, so that these media can present information information nutritious and quality. To become a qualified journalist, one must first be trained in journalistic skills, especially basic journalistic skills. By mastering basic journalistic skills, someone who wants to become a journalist can better understand how journalism works properly and correctly.

For all these reasons, a journalistic training activity is something that needs to be carried out. And very coincidentally, we will now be holding this training at our beloved campus.

I, as the Chancellor, hope that this event can last until a later date. In addition, I also hope that all participants can follow this event carefully and can take every lesson in it.

Finally, by asking the pleasure of Allah SWT, and by saying Basmalah, I hereby open a basic level journalism training program.

Hopefully this activity is useful for all of us. Amen.

Billahi taufik wal hidayah.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

This is an example of an opening speech for a training event in Indonesian. The examples above are just a few examples of opening a training event. Readers can create and develop their own opening remarks for training events based on style the language of the reader himself. The discussion about this article will suffice here.

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