Some examples fromtypes of poetry, we have discussed in the previous article. As example of friendship poem, example of figurative poetry, example of poetry about love, examples of poetry about life, and examples of educational poems and their meanings. The following is an example of a religious poem, where one of the characteristics of the poem which is also unique is the similarity of sound at each end. sentence.

Listen, my true friend,
A simple poem from the bottom of the heart,
About the life of the world mortal this,
About the pebbles to deal with,

Temporary life is only for worship,
Not cursing, not immoral,
Do not be lulled by the temptation of lust,
Until worship is missed,

Do not neglect to pray,
Don't be stingy about zakat.
Know that we multiply sholawat,
Use provisions later in the hereafter,

God never forgets,
God never turns us away,
For God is always with us,
But we always forget Him,

Where are we in happy times,
Choose others to express likes,
Where are we in times of pain,
Remember that God complains of sorrow,

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Try to always remember Allah,
Pray and surrender,
Both joy and sorrow within,
O Allah, our Lord,

Often we ask forgiveness,
So that the soul is like dew,
Don't be surprised later,
When life leaves the crown,

Do not do evil,
Do not do evil,
Immediately repent,
To be safe in the afterlife,

The holy verses that I always say,
I pray five times a day,
I always chant dhikr 
Worship You Lord,

Repent after doing wrong,
Because we are weak creatures,
Help me and guide,
To reach your beautiful paradise,

That's an example of a religious poem in the language Indonesia. To further deepen your knowledge of the work literature in language Indonesia, you can also read the article types of poems, types of poetry, various poems and their explanations, types of old poetry, example of a rhyming poem a-a-a-a, example of 5 stanza, example of a 4 stanza, example of a 3 stanza, example of 2 stanza, sample love poem 4 stanzas, example of poetry about love, examples of 4 stanzas of advice and their meanings, examples of prosaic poetry and examples of literary essays. May be useful. Thank you.