Folklore is a story that exists in an area and is preserved by the people in that area. Usually story it is preserved by being told from one person to another. As for the contents of a folk tale usually about the legend of the formation of their area, myth in their area, as well as their hero in the past. One of the areas in Indonesia that has a folk story is Jakarta or also known as Betawi. In this article, we will find out what an example of folklore looks like from Jakarta or Betawi area, the example can be seen as follows!


In an area called Swamp Belong, there lived a hero named Si Pitung. This hero has a pious character, where he is always diligent in praying and studying the Koran. This hero also always learns religion from his favorite cleric, Haji Naipin. In addition to being pious in religion, this one champion is also good at martial arts. After every reading, Si Pitung always practices to improve his martial arts skills.

You could say at that time Si Pitung lived in the Dutch colonial period. At that time, the Betawi people were exploited by the invaders, both in terms of wealth and power. Countless treasures and lives were extorted by the invaders. Seeing this, Si Pitung was touched, and he decided to defend the oppressed Betawi people.

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Together with his two friends, Rais and Ji'i, Si Pitung also took action to defend the people by robbing the land of the old house and the rich boss in the area where he lived. The results of the robbery he gave to the common people who had been oppressed by the Dutch.

What Si Pitung did also made the Dutch Kumpeni restless. The Dutch also tried to dig up information about Si Pitung and his whereabouts to local residents. But the residents did not answer. Not giving up, the Dutch Company also tried to persuade the people with the lure of big money. However, that didn't work either. The Dutch Kumpeni were forced to commit acts of violence against the residents, and that's how they managed to find out information about Si Pitung.

The kumpeni also managed to get information about Si Pitung, especially regarding its strengths and weaknesses. Si Pitung has the advantage of being immune to weapons and martial arts which makes him free to rob, without being easily caught or shot.

Si Pitung's family and favorite clerics are the weakness of the hero. The kumpeni also arrested the family and teacher of Si Pitung so that Si Pitung appeared in front of them. Si Pitung finally appeared too. Si Pitung tried to fight them, but could not. Death finally approached the Betawi hero.

This is an example of a folk tale from Betawi in Language Indonesia. Hopefully useful and able to add insight for all readers, both about stories from Betawi in particular, and language Indonesia in general. Sorry if there are mistakes in this article. That is all and thank you.

If the reader wants to add reference about the story, the reader can open the following articles, namely: examples of Indonesian folklore, example of short story, example of a novel, examples of short stories and novels in Indonesian, example of forward plot, examples of personal experiences, and fable short story example.
