In writing Indonesian, there are various use of punctuation and procedures use of capital letters which corresponds to Enhanced Spelling or EYD. Capital letters or uppercase letters are letters that have a special size and shape (larger than regular letters). Usually located at the beginning of a sentence, but also sometimes used in certain conditions. Here are some examples of capital letters according to EYD that you can learn:

  1. Our house is at the end of this alley. (beginning of sentence)
  2. He said, "We couldn't have done such a shameful thing," (beginning of sentence direct quote)
  3. As weak servants, we are obliged to ask for help only from the Almighty. (God's name)
  4. With valor and taste love his homeland, Prince Diponegoro defended Indonesia until the end of his life. (title, lineage, honor)
  5. Several small children lined up neatly, welcoming the Governor to their school. (position, rank)
  6. They called SBY's name loudly and enthusiastically. (abbreviation of person's name)
  7. If only Aminah knew that it was not her beloved cat that was hit by a car. (first name of person)
  8. instagram viewer
  9. I am a Javanese descendant who is Muslim. (tribe, race, religion)
  10. Tomorrow we will celebrate Eid Al-Fitr with our big family. (day, month, year, holiday)
  11. This year's holiday, we are going to Disneyland Tokyo to have some fun. (location, area, place)
  12. Budi reads the 1945 Constitution when ceremony in a loud voice. (state administration, country name, official document)
  13. Bilqis became one of the models in the Girl magazine. (magazine name)
  14. We can't do anything without Mom's help. (kinship)

Those are some examples of writing capital letters according to EYD in language Indonesia. Other articles related to punctuation are use of slashes, use single quotes, use of colon, use of question marks and exclamation points, types of punctuation, examples of using dashes in sentences, slash and colon punctuation function, examples of using hyphens in sentences, example of using double quotation marks in a sentence, an example of using the ellipsis in a sentence, examples of using brackets in sentences, example of using exclamation mark, and use of dash. May be useful. Thank you.