Ambiguous Sentences in Indonesian

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Ambiguous Sentences in Indonesian – Definition, Types, and Examples – In Indonesian, each word will have its own meaning. But what happens if there are words, phrases, or clauses that actually have more than one meaning. This condition is then called ambiguous. Well, what is ambiguous and how the full explanation will be presented in this article. Have a good study!

Definition of Sentence Ambiguous

Based on the Great Dictionary of Languages Indonesia, ambiguous means having more than one meaning. This ambiguity can lead to doubt or ambiguity in spoken or written sentences. Ambiguity appears more often in language writing. This can happen if the spelling markers are not placed correctly, there will be a double meaning. This ambiguity can occur in words, phrases, or sentences. Usually, to avoid ambiguity, you have to choose the right word or put punctuation in the right place.

Types of Ambiguous Sentences

Ambiguous sentences are divided into several types based on their form, namely phonetic ambiguity, grammatical ambiguity, and lexical ambiguity.

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1. Phonetic Ambiguity

The first type of ambiguity is phonetic ambiguity. This type of ambiguity occurs due to the similarity of the sounds spoken. Because this ambiguity occurs during conversation, this type often occurs in everyday dialogue. Example:

  • Princess come here telling you.

The phrase "to tell" can have two meanings, namely to tell (food made from soybeans), or to provide information.

This ambiguity arises because of the sound that is pronounced between "tell" which means to give food and "know" which means "to give". information"same. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to the conversation in its entirety.

2. Grammatical Ambiguity

As the name implies, grammatical ambiguity occurs because of the grammatical formation process. However, words that experience this type of ambiguity will disappear if they are entered into the context of a sentence. Example:

  • Parents

word The word has two meanings, namely (1) an old person, and (2) parents. This ambiguity will disappear after the following sentence:

  • The whereabouts of Budi's biological parents are unknown. (meaning: mother and father)
  • Yesterday evening I met an old man with a black cane. (meaning: old person)

3. Lexical Ambiguity

The third type of ambiguity is lexical ambiguity. This kind of ambiguity is caused by the word itself. Example:

  • Anton Berrun very fast during the marathon race.
  • Anton run from the harsh realities of life.

The word "run" in the two sentences above has different meanings. In the first sentence, “run” means activity run, while the second sentence "run" means to stay away.

Example of Ambiguous Sentence

To further increase the understanding of related readers sentence ambiguous, the following are examples of ambiguous sentences in Indonesian.

1. New school building inaugurated by the Regent.

The ambiguity lies in the italicized word. The sentence above can be corrected into the following sentence:

  • New schools It was inaugurated by the Regent.
  • The new school building It was inaugurated by the Regent.

2. I read history book poetry the new one.

The sentence above can be corrected into the following sentence:

  • I read new history-poetry books. (new book)
  • I read new history-poetry books. (new history)
  • I read a new history book about-poetry. (his new poem)

3. The son of that clever conglomerate study at UGM.

The sentence above can be corrected into the following sentence:

  • That clever conglomerate-son study at UGM. (his clever son)
  • The son of that clever conglomerate study at UGM. (his clever conglomerate)

4. That uncle's daughter in red come from Bali.

The sentence above can be corrected into the following sentence:

  • Those uncles in red clothes come from Bali. (his daughter in red)
  • The daughter of the uncle in red originated from Bali. (his uncle in red)

5. Andre's fat friend didn't go to school today.

The sentence above can be corrected into the following sentence:

  • Those fat Andre-friends didn't go to school today. (chubby friend)
  • That fat Andreher friend didn't go to school today. (fat Andre)

6. Reading story new held tonight.

The sentence above can be corrected into the following sentence:

  • New story-reading held tonight. (Reading just done)
  • New story reading held tonight. (new story)

7. Donations to two schools it was hijacked by a thief.

The sentence above can be corrected into the following sentence:

  • Donation for the second time iit was hijacked by a thief. (2nd donation)
  • Donations to two schools it was hijacked by a thief. (donation to 2 schools)
  • Second-school donation it was hijacked by a thief. (donations from two schools)

8. Princess looks beautiful and charming in life stage.

The sentence above can be corrected into the following sentence:

  • Princess looks beautiful and charming in The Play of Life stage.
    (staging drama)
  • Princess looks beautiful and charming in life stage. (meaning the connotation of theatrical stage)

9. That fat employee's wife pacing around the office while looking around.

The sentence above can be corrected into the following sentence:

  • Those fat employees-wives pacing around the office while looking around. (the fat one is his wife)
  • The fat employee is his wife pacing around the office while looking around. (the fat one is the employee)

10. Hana's beautiful and pious friend is sick in the hospital.

The sentence above can be corrected into the following sentence:

  • Those beautiful and pious Hana friends is sick in the hospital. (the beautiful and pious one is Hana's friend)
  • The beautiful and pious friend of Hana Hana is sick in the hospital. (the beautiful and pious is Hana)

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A few articles about ambiguous sentences in Indonesian, which are equipped with definitions, types, and examples. Hopefully this article can be understood easily and can be useful for all readers. Thank you.

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