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In simple terms, "word" is a grammatical unit that can still be divided into smaller units. While "phrase" is a unitary word that is born from two or more words. The appositive comes from the word position, which according to the Big Dictionary Language Indonesian apposition is an expression that serves to add or explain the previous expression into the sentence that is written or concerned. In the phrase, appositive means word which explains the previous word.

Appositive phrases can be divided into 2 types, namely:

  • Appositive verbal phrases

Is some information that is added or inserted. Example :

  1. Purwakarta, my birthplace, will be made the center of the city government.
  2. Mr. Budi's livelihood, meatball trade, has an income of ten million every month.
  3. Jakarta, My house, is a very pleasant place.
  4. Mr Andi's efforts, haircut, has now been successful.
  5. Rani, Titin's son, is the best graduate who received a scholarship to Japan this year.
  • Appositive noun phrases

Appositive noun phrases are groups or groups of verbs that provide more detailed or detailed information. Example :

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  1. The meeting will be held at Bandung, the capital city of West Java.
  2. Rose, types of shrubs, has been loved by many people for a long time.
  3. Banjarmasin, city ​​of a thousand rivers, turns out to have a lot of interesting culinary.
  4. Japan, cherry city, loved by everyone.
  5. Mangosteen, queen of fruits, turns out to have a million benefits for health.

Well above are some examples of Sentence Appositive Phrases in Indonesia, hopefully can add to your knowledge and insight. Other articles recommended for you include: example of exclamation of admiration, invitation sentence example, example of invitation and prohibition sentence, Example of a request command, MD patterned phrase example, noun singular example, example of an appeal sentence about reforestation, example of opinion sentence, example sentence advice, example of imperative sentence subtle command, example of confusion exclamation sentence, anger exclamation example, example of an exclamation of sadness, happy exclamation sentence example, and sample sentence request. Hopefully helpful, and thank you.

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