Words in Indonesian do not always have a fixed meaning from time to time. As time goes by and the civilization of life develops, it is inevitable that a word will experience a shift or change in meaning. In the previous article we have discussed about types of meaning shift, this time we will discuss more specifically about one type of shift in meaning, namely the meaning of generalization.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, generalization is about forming general ideas or conclusions from an event, thing and so on; about forming an idea simpler than it really is (at length and so on); about forming more vague ideas; leveling.

In the context of changing meaning word, generalization is a symptom that occurs in a word which at first only has one meaning but later have other meanings caused by various factors such as grammatical processes, term development and others etc. Therefore generalization is also called the expansion of meaning.

To better understand the expansion of meaning or generalization, consider the following example:

instagram viewer
  • Helmet serves as protection headfrom collision in the event of an accident.
  • We hold a majority vote to vote head new school.

The word "head" in the first sentence means as a member of the body, while in the second sentence it means as a leader.

  • To get to this tourist spot, we have to use angkot major Old town.
  • Atik plans to choose major Business Economics followed his parents' advice.

The word "major" in the first sentence means the direction or purpose of public transportation, and in sentence second means as a field of science or specialization.

Example of sentences :

  1. People who live in rural areas generally have houses made of board or wood.
  2. In life we ​​have three main needs, namely the need for clothing, food and shelter board.
  3. Gramedia is back print the latest edition of the textbook to welcome the new school year which will begin early next month.
  4. Persipura was forced to leave the President's Cup because they couldn't afford it print goals against Gresik.
  5. Usually the construction of a building begins with making Foundation.
  6. Faith and life principles become Foundation strong in the face of modern society.
  7. Pregnant women are encouraged to reduce heavy work for safety contenthis.
  8. Guava fruit has contentnutrition which is good for the body.
  9. Sitting lost key his motorbike while playing futsal this afternoon.
  10. Hard work is key success in doing everything.
  11. The tree in front of the museum has root long because it is decades old.
  12. We plan to have a meeting tonight to discuss root problems from the feud between the Lurah and the Camat.
  13. You just gave us permission out of the house during the day.
  14. My sister was ticketed by the police for not having letterpermission driving.
  15. A fisherman has his own considerations before wade through ocean to catch fish.
  16. Budi and Nia have just started their journey in wade through household ark.

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Thus our discussion this time about the meaning of generalization and examples in languageIndonesia. Hopefully this article is useful.