9 Types of Verbs and Examples in Indonesian

In the previous article, we discussed about types of words in Indonesian. Also discussed in detail about several types of words such as types of adjectives, types of numerals, types of repeat words, and types of prepositions. This article will discuss the types of verb types in more detail.

Definition of Verb

According to the Big Dictionary LanguageIndonesia (KBBI), verbs or verbs are expressed as words that describe processes, actions, or circumstances. In other words, the verb indicates an action or activity made by the subject. So that the verb acts as a predicate in the preparation of active voice and passive voice.

Basically, it is very easy to find the verb in a sentence. Determination of a word including a verb or not can be done in two ways. The first way is to test it. Testing is done by two methods, namely:

  • Rule I, Adding the word "with + noun" is placed after the word being tested, for example: Marni eat by hand (form S + P + "with" + "noun").
  • Rule II, Adding "with + adjective" is placed after the word being tested, for example:
    instagram viewer
    Marni sing sweetly (S + P + "with" + "adjective").

The second way is to pay attention to the characteristics of the verb. The characteristics of the verb include:

  1. has the meaning of action, activity, or action, for example: eat, write, read
  2. has a process meaning, for example: explode, explode
  3. a verb can be followed by a noun, for example: Marni picking flowers ( form S - P - O )
  4. Verbs can be followed by adjectives or adverbs, for example: Marni dances lively (S – P form – adjective)
  5. a verb that means a state or condition cannot be added prefix the most, example: like
  6. You can start with the word denial, for example: Marni can not read

Types of Verbs

There are many forms of verbs used in sentences. Among them are the types of verbs based on their shape, based on the subject, based on the object and other forms. Here's the explanation:

1. Based on the Shape

Types of verbs based on their form can be divided into two, namely basic verbs and derived verbs.

1.1. Basic Verbs

A root verb is a verb that does not have an affix or is a root word. For example, eat, drink, bathe, sleep, run, burn, come, get up, pick up, pick up, deliver, etc. Example in a sentence:

  • It's 12.00 noon, Marni still not Wake up 
  • Adi never drink liquor
  • Erna and his friends bath in the river
  • Long holidays only work eat and sleep only

1.2. Derivative Verbs

Derivative verbs are verbs that have received affixes. Derivative verbs can be divided into 5 categories, namely:

  1. Free of mandatory affixes, for example: widen, land, cycle, land.
  2. Free of arbitrary affixes, for example: read, run, take, work.
  3. Bound mandatory affixes, for example: meet, fight, meet, flee.
  4. Reduplication, for example: swinging, circling, jumping.
  5. Compounds, for example: face-to-face, face-to-face talks, pilgrimages.

Examples of derivative verbs in sentences:

  • Rice fields start dry up in the dry season
  • Father work Until late night
  • Adi meet Mirna at the bookstore
  • Those trees dance dance blown by the wind
  • Every weekend we take a walk at the mall while eye wash

2. By Subject

Based on the role of the subject, verbs are divided into active verbs and passive verbs.

2.1. Active Verbs

Active verbs are verbs where the subject is the doer and usually begins with me- and to


  • Adi hit ball strong
  • Mirna collect shells on the beach
  • That horse run very fast
  • My mom meet Mrs. Lurah at the market

2.2. Passive Verbs

Passive verbs are verbs whose subject is the sufferer and generally begins with in- and the most


  • That flower watered by Mirna every morning
  • Ball kick Andi to the goal
  • Adi thrownfrom the bike
  • We stranded on the island, because the boat we were on was broken

3. By Object

Verbs by object are divided into:

3.1. Transitive verb

Transitive verbs are verbs that must have an object. In a sentence, this verb must be followed by an object in order to know its meaning. Example:

  • Marni pick fruit. (the word "pick" is word transitive work. "picking" can be interpreted as picking fruit, flowers, leaves and so on, so it must be clarified by the presence of objects in it sentence).
  • Adi make tree House. (The word "make" is a transitive verb. "make" can be interpreted to make cakes, robots, games, and so on, so it must be clarified by the presence of objects in the sentence).
  • Erna herding ball on the field. (The word "to lead" is a transitive verb. "dribbling" can be interpreted as dribbling, livestock and so on, so it must be clarified with the object in the sentence).

3.2. Intransitive verb

Intransitive verbs are verbs that do not need an object, because their meaning is clear. Examples of intransitive verbs such as go, sleep, sit. However, intransitive verbs are usually followed by an adverb. Example:

  • Adi is eat in the school canteen
  • Erna didn't happen go to the health center
  • Medium Mirna sleep sleeping
  • The family of the accident victim cry

4. Other Shapes

Verbs can also be divided into 3 groups in other forms, namely beneficial, reflective, and reciprocal verbs.

4.1. Benefactive Verbs 

Benefactive verbs are verbs that indicate work or action done for someone else. Benefactive verbs generally have the affix me- and - right. Example:

  • Adi usually cross that grandma
  • Mirna make birthday cake for sister
  • Erna buy new clothes for mom
  • Erni bathing persian cat every week

4.2. Reflective Verbs

Reflective verbs are verbs that show an action for itself. Reflective verbs generally use the suffix me-, or to-. Example:

  • Ordinary Mirna make up yourself before going to the office
  • Adi shave his mustache every Friday
  • Erna hiding behind the big rock
  • Erni run in the meadow

4.3. Reciprocal Verbs

Reciprocal verbs are verbs that show actions or activities carried out by two people. These verbs generally should not be preceded by the word "mutual", because the meaning already indicates "mutual". This verb usually uses the affix to and -an. Example:

  • Adi shake hands with the principal
  • Mirna look at with Adi
  • Erna and Erni holding on hand.

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Thus a description of the types of verbs and examples in Indonesian. May be useful.