A slash (/) and a colon (:) are two of the existing punctuation marks. Both have their respective functions which are regulated in the Enhanced Spelling (EYD) rules. Function fromuse of slashes itself is as a marker in the letter number, address, year marking, and as a substitute for word or, each and per. Meanwhile, the function of use of colon among others, is as a punctuation mark that connects the main text with the explanatory text. In addition, colons are also often used in text example of short dialogue 2 people, or on text types of drama.

In order for readers to better understand what the functions of the two punctuation marks are, here are some examples of the functions of the slash and colon punctuation marks.

A. Slash Punctuation (/)

1. The Function of Slashes as Instruments in Numbering Letter, Home Address, and Two School Year Markers.

  • No. 7/PK/1973.
  • No. 12/ATK-AN/2008/XI/2009.
  • Jalan Rasuna IV/51.
  • Jalan Cempaka III/31.
  • 2015/2016 academic year.
  • 2016/2017 term of office.

2. The Function of Slashes Instead of Words Or, Each, and Per

instagram viewer
  • Coffee can be served hot/cold. (read: coffee can be served hot or cold)
  • The price of admission to the rides is Rp. 20,000/person. (read: the price of admission to the rides is Rp. 20,000 per person)
  • Human running speed can reach 45 km/hour. (read: human running speed can reach 45 kilometers per hour)
  • Declarative sentence/statement sentence is sentence containing informative statements. (read: declarative sentences or statement sentences are sentences that contain informative statements)
  • The rental price for the three-star hotel is Rp. 300,000/night. (read: the rental price for the three-star hotel is IDR 300,000 per night)

B. Colon Punctuation Function (:)

1. The function of a colon as a connector between the main element and the explanatory element

  • Guest star: Rizky Febrian.
  • The majors at this university include: medicine, graphic design, accounting, and science communication.

2. The Function of Colons as Instruments in Writing Quotation Sources from Newspapers, Bible Verses, Magazines, or From Books

  • Kompas, X, No: 28/2016: 12.
  • Surah Al-Baqarah: 183.
  • Santri and Literature: Horison Magazine December 2015 issue.
  • Damono, Sapardi, 2015. Saying This Means That. Jakarta: Gramedia.

3. The Function of Colons As Instruments in Conversational Text

  • Rully: Hi, Gendis, how are you? It's been a long time we haven't seen each other.
  • Gendis: I'm fine, Rully. Uh, yes, yes. Since we graduated from college, we haven't seen each other at all.
  • Rully: Oh, yes, Ndis, where are we working now?
  • Gendis: I the hell now starting a shop business on line. how about you?
  • Rully: If I the hell now working in an advertising company. There, I worked as a copywriter.

These are some examples of slash and colon punctuation functions. Hopefully the above examples can be understood by all readers. If the reader wants to know some examples of the function or use of punctuation others, readers can open articles example of using exclamation mark, example of using question mark, example of using semicolon, and example of using comma. Hopefully useful and able to add insight for all readers, both in the realm of discussion of punctuation in particular, as well as languageIndonesia in general. That is all and thank you.