Examples of Response Sentences in Indonesian – After the previous article discussed about core sentence and kinds of news sentences, then now comes the turn of another type of sentence, namely response sentences. This article will thoroughly explore what is a response sentence, what are the types of sentences? responses, how to deliver good and correct response sentences, and example sentences response. Have a good study!

Definition of Response Sentence

Response is a person's reaction in the form of comments on an event or events that he sees, reads, hears, or feels for himself. Response sentences can be interpreted as sentences containing comments on an event or information. Responses usually appear in a forum discussion either official or unofficial. The existence of a response will lead to conclusions on the information being discussed.

Types of Response Sentences

Response sentences are divided into two types, namely positive response sentences and negative response sentences. These two types of responses can appear in one topic of discussion.

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  • Sentence positive response, is a response sentence to information or events that are optimistic or support related information. This type of sentence is intended to agree information or events that occur.
  • Negative response sentences, are sentences in response to information or events that are dropping because they do not agree with the related information. In a negative response sentence, it will contain a rebuttal or statement that denies the information that has been stated.

How to Submit Response Sentences

Submission of response sentences should be done in a good way. Don't let the responses that are conveyed actually become a divider between two different opinions. Here are some ways to deliver good feedback:

  • The response submitted must be in accordance with the topic of discussion
  • Submission of feedback must be able to make others understand the discussion of the problem
  • The response sentence must be purely your own opinion
  • The response sentence should be a correct sentence and not ambiguous
  • If what is conveyed is a negative response, then it should not be accompanied by emotion
  • Submission of response sentences can be accompanied by movements, facial expressions or tone of voice
  • Response sentences must be objective
  • When submitting feedback, one should not vilify the other party
  • Response sentences will be stronger if accompanied by facts

Example Sentences of Response

In order to better understand the response sentences, here are some examples of response sentences on a complete topic from each type of response sentences:

1. The government plans to increase the price of the basic electricity tariff in the near future.

  • Positive response sentence: The decision taken by the government must have been through careful consideration for the sake of the country, and of course it will not be an additional burden to the people's life
  • Negative response sentence: The government does not think about the current condition of the people, the number of poor people is increasing day by day, if The decision to increase the basic electricity tariff is still carried out, it will increase the number of poor people in Indonesia Indonesia.

2. Parents have the right to determine the path of their children's lives.

  • Positive response sentence: Parents who have taken care of their children since childhood must know the ins and outs of their children, what can make their children happy or that can make them hurt, when parents determine the path of their child's life, then they must have gone through various considerations mature.
  • Negative response sentence: A person's life path is the person's own decision, even though parents take care of it from small, but the one who will live life is the child himself, so parents should leave the decision on their child's life path to the child himself.

3. The National Examination is the right way to determine a student's graduation.

  • Positive response sentence: The National Examination can determine the success of student learning, if during the learning process students learn meaningfully then the national exam that is taken will be passed smoothly.
  • Negative response sentence: It is not appropriate if the students' learning process for 6 years (SD) and 3 years (SMP-SMA) is only assessed from the results of their working on the questions. for 2 hours, the assessment and determination of graduation should be assessed from the beginning of the learning process to the end, not just through several questions course.

4. The dangdut singer launched the singles 'om telolet om' and 'forgive me first'.

  • Positive response sentence: The new single is a manifestation of his creativity in singing, the lyrics of the song are very beautiful as beautiful as his voice.
  • Negative response sentence: The dangdut singer just took advantage of the situation because word-the words 'om telolet om' and 'forgive me in the past' are currently hits media social.

5. The National Examination is conducted by means of computer-based exams and online.

  • Positive response sentence: National exams are now conducted in a more sophisticated way modern and take advantage of developments technology There is, indeed from year to year there must be innovation in the way of learning, including the exam method.
  • Negative response sentence: Maybe indeed the basis and purpose of implementing this computer-based and online national exam is very good, but we don't see the readiness in the field. Many schools do not even have computers in their schools let alone internet networks, so how can this computer-based and online national exam be implemented. The government should first improve the learning infrastructure in every school in Indonesia

6. The perpetrators of klitih must be severely punished and should not be given leniency because they have disturbed the community.

  • Positive response sentence: The klitih perpetrators are indeed very disturbing, they always act for no apparent reason, law enforcement officers must act immediately by punishing them with legal entanglements that will deter them for life life.
  • Negative response sentence: Giving proper punishment really must be done to klitih perpetrators, this is of course because their actions, which in addition to violating the law, have also disturbed the community because there have been victims life. However, note also that most of the klitih perpetrators are still minors. The law imposed on them must still consider the protection of minors, of course, it does not rule out the mistakes they have made. There should also be assistance from the KPAI so that the punishment given is right on target.

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A few articles about response sentences in language Indonesia. Hopefully the presentation of the material on response sentences on this occasion can be useful for all readers. Thank you.