8 Types of Drama Based on the Form of the Complete Performance

Types of Drama Based on the Form of Performance – Who doesn't know drama? One of these arts has been a spectacle since era first. There is even written evidence that in the 5th century BC there were plays. Drama is often also referred to as theatrical art. Drama can also be interpreted as a staging of a story that is demonstrated by several characters on stage based on a script and contains a mandate for the audience.

There are several types of drama known in drama. On this occasion, an explanation of the types of drama based on the form of the performance will be presented. Happy listening.

Dramatic Elements

In a drama, there are several elements that are important and must be met. The elements of the drama are:

  • Theme, is the main idea in the story that will be staged through drama
  • Plot, is the storyline of the drama from the beginning, to the climax, to the end
  • Drama characters, consisting of the main character and supporting/extra characters
  • Character, is the behavior or nature of the players. Character is divided into two, namely the character of the protagonist (good character) and the character of the antagonist (bad character).
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  • The setting or setting is a description of the place, time, and situation in the drama story
  • The mandate, is message to be conveyed through a drama story.

Types of Drama

1. Tragedy

The type of drama based on the form of the first performance is tragedy. Tragedy usually contains a sad story. A sad story in a tragedy drama is usually told to happen to a character with a good character but has bad luck. Drama The original tragedy comes from Ancient Greece with its famous writers namely Aischilos, Sophocles, and also Euripides. An example of a famous tragedy is the story about Romeo and Juliet.

2. Comedy

Unlike tragedy dramas which contain sad stories, comedy dramas contain stories that contain humor. There are several types of skits, namely:

  • Sitcoms are comedy dramas inspired by planned situations. For example Bajaj clothes.
  • Slapstic comedy, is a comedy drama that arises from victims of ignorance. For example Warkop.
  • Comedy Satire, is a comedy drama that contains satire and wisdom in it. For example Mrs. Doubtfire.

3. Tragedy

The third type of drama is a combination of tragedy and comedy. This tragedy drama combines the characteristics of a tragedy drama and a comedy drama. This type of drama actually wants to reveal a sad event, but it is shown in style funny one. This type of drama has existed since ancient Rome. Usually, tragedy-comedy dramas end in happiness, even though at first there are many disasters or difficulties.

4. Opera

Opera is a drama by combining musical performances in it. in opera also usually presents scenery, clothing, and acting. The hallmark of opera performances is the wordsword in the script is not spoken but sung in a high voice. Opera is the original Italian theatrical art, and actually leans more towards musical art. Based on the theme, opera is divided into opera seria, opera buffa, and opera comic. Opera seria is a serious and popular opera in Europe around 1720 – 1770, opera buffa is opera that contains comedy stories, and opera comics are operas with dramatic stories that end happy.

5. melodrama

Melodrama is not much different from opera. In melodrama, the conversation takes place to the accompaniment of music or melody. The hallmark of melodrama is the story is very dramatic but has a happy ending. The situations presented in the melodrama are sensational and the storyline is designed to play with the feelings of the viewers. Characters that are emphasized in melodrama are usually single characters. An evil character is described as a person who always does evil, while a good character is described as a perfect person without faults. One of the most famous melodramas is Rousseau's Pygmalion.

6. Farce

Farce is also known as a joke. The art of this role has the theme of satirical jokes. However, there is still a dramatic element to it. The story presented in the farce drama is quite light. The term farce for this type of drama was first used in the 14th century from from the word "farsir" (language French) and the word "farcire" (Latin).

7. Tableau

Tablo drama is a drama that prioritizes motion in its performance. Drama dialogue is staged through movement without conversation. Tablo is also known as “tableau vivant” (in French) which means living image. This term is in accordance with the performance where the actor plays a role by doing certain poses. Scenes in tableau were originally used to act out scenes by painting models. Painters or sculptors make their artworks according to the poses of the models which are required to be more expressive. The tableau drama itself is synonymous with Christmas commemoration. During Christmas, usually there will be a tableau drama that tells the story of the birth of Jesus.

8. Ballet

The type of drama based on the form of the next stage is ballet. Based on the Great Dictionary of Languages Indonesia, ballet means drama or story which is presented in the form of a dance without dialogue and accompanied by music in the form of gamelan. Ballet is a combination of dance and drama. Although the dialogue is presented in the form of a dance, usually a short narrative is inserted to prevent confusion for the audience.

The ballet dancers are not only good at playing roles, but are talented in dancing. One example of a famous ballet is the Ramayana ballet. The Ramayana Ballet is a drama or performance that raises the story of the Ramayana. The Ramayana story tells of Rama's struggle to save Sita who was kidnapped by Ravana. The Ramayana ballet is regularly performed on the open stage of Prambanan Temple, Yogyakarta. In contrast to ballet performances in Yogyakarta, ballet performances in Bali usually hold colossal performances. The stories raised in ballet performances in Bali are usually the history of the kings, culture, or the famous folklore in Bali.

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So a discussion about the types of drama based on the form of the performance. Hopefully this article can add to your insight about drama. Thank you.