7 Examples of Generalization Sentences and Their Explanations

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Examples of Generalization Sentences and their Explanations – Sentence types which contain types of word meaning been discussed previously. There are several articles that discuss this, including: example of pejorative sentence which contain meaning of peyoration and examples; example sentence amelioration which contain meaning of amelioration; example of synesthesia sentence which contain Synesthesia meaning and examples; examples of association sentences and their explanations which contain example of association meaning; examples of idiomatic sentences and their meanings which contain idiomatic meaning and examples; and Meaning and examples of denotative sentences in Indonesian which contain denotation meaning and examples. The generalization sentence itself is a sentence that contains meaning of generalization.

In the article expansion of meanings - meanings and examplesThe meaning of generalization or expansion of meaning is the expansion of a word's meaning from a special meaning to a general or broad meaning. This type of meaning belongs to one of the

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types of meaning shift. An example of the meaning of generalization is head. This word originally only meant the part of the human body that was above the body. After generalization, the meaning of the word expands to become the leader of a company, institution, or association. To understand better, here is an example: sentence generalizations and explanations.

1. mother Tuti is the owner of the boarding house that I am currently renting.

word mother above originally meant the parents of the woman who gave birth to the child. After being generalized, the word also expanded its meaning to become a designation for women who are older or respected.

2. Sir Baroto is the boss at the company I work for

Sir or father originally meant male parents who were usually the head of the family and the breadwinner. However, the meaning has been expanded by the meaning of generalization, so the word Sir or father in the sentence above is a designation for men who are considered older or respected.

3. Mr. Baroto has board very broad.

Meaning of the word board in the sentence above is not the true meaning. Rather, the meaning of the generalization, where the word board in the sentence above is home.

4. Because sibling come late, then sibling I will give punishment.

Then say sibling in the sentence above originally meant a designation for relatives or family. However, the meaning of the word has been generalized, so that its meaning also expands and becomes a greeting word that is commonly used in everyday conversation.

5. Andini is Princess from Mr. Salim

wordPrincess originally used to designate the daughter of a king or sultan. However, the meaning of this word is increasingly widespread and becomes a designation for girls no matter whose child she is, whether it's a king's child or even an ordinary person's child.

6. Sobri is son a mantri

As said Princess, word son also originally meant a designation for the son of a king or sultan. Now, the word has become a common designation for boys, regardless of whether the child is a king's son or a commoner's child.

7. The kind attitude shown by Adelia, made seed love also appeared in Beni's heart

word seed in the sentence above originally meant seeds or fruit prepared for planting or sowing. After being generalized, the meaning of the word expands. The wrong meaning is reflected in the sentence above, which means cause or origin from something.

These are some examples of generalization sentences and their explanations. Hopefully it will be useful and able to add insight to all readers, both in the realm of generalization sentences and in the field of generalization languageIndonesia. That is all and thank you.

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