Most of us have certainly read novels, both translated novels and original novels from Indonesia. What exactly is a novel?

The word novel actually comes from from Italian is novella which means “a little new thing.” However, the notion of this novel later developed into a literary work in the form of prose. Novel according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary is defined as a long prose essay containing a series of stories of a person's life with the people around him by highlighting the character and nature of each person perpetrator. Meanwhile, according to Kosasih (2008), a novel is an imaginative work that tells the whole side of the probematics of the life of a person or several characters. Another definition of novel is expressed by Wirajaya (2008) who states that the novel is a long prose essay contains a series of stories of a person's life with those around him by highlighting the character and nature of each person perpetrator.

From the definition of the novel above, it can be said that the novel is one of the

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new kinds of prose in language Indonesian-especially prose fiction– which are arranged in the form of a narrative or story. When compared to types of prose For example, short stories or essays, novels have several special characteristics as follows (Kosasih, 2008).

  • Novels have a plot or plot that is much more complicated and longer.
  • The novel is marked by a change in fate that occurs in the character.
  • There are many characters in the novel and each has its own character and nature.
  • The setting of the novel usually covers a large geographical area and is of a longer period of time.
  • The theme in the complex is more complex which is characterized by the presence of derived themes.

All types of novels built or formed by several elements, namely: intrinsic and extrinsic elements. What is meant by intrinsic elements are novel building elements that come from within the story. The intrinsic elements of the novel are the theme, plot or plot, setting, characterizations, point of view or perspective point of view, mandate, and style language. The following is an understanding of the building blocks of a novel based on the Big Indonesian Dictionary.

  • Theme refers to the main idea or basis of the story that is used as the basis for making a novel. The themes that can be used as stories in the novel can be social problems, power, religion, education, and so on.
  • Storyline or plot refers to a carefully contrived or woven series of events and moves the storyline through complexity towards a climax and completion.
  • Background Refers to information about the place, time, space, and atmosphere of the action in the novel.
  • Characterizations refers to the creation of the image of the character in the novel.
  • Viewpoint or point of view refers to the position of the author in a story.
  • Mandate refer to message moral that will be conveyed by the author through the novel. The message of a novel can only be known after reading the novel as a whole.
  • Language style refers to the language used by the author to liven up the atmosphere, formulate a dialogue that is able to show the relationship and interaction between characters, as well as marking the characters.

Meanwhile, what is meant by the extrinsic elements of the novel are the building blocks of the novel that come from outside the story. Included in the extrinsic elements of the novel are ideology, language, moral values, education, religion, social and culture culture which is the background of the author's life.

From the novel building elements above, the novel elements that will be reviewed on this occasion are only two intrinsic elements of the novel, namely the characterizations and the plot of the novel.


According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, characterization is generally defined as the creation of the image of a character in a literary work. Characterization is one of the intrinsic elements of literary works which is the author's way of describing the characters in the work literature. Generally, the depiction of the characters in the novel is done by the author based on various things, namely direct depiction by the author, physical or physical depiction. the character's behavior, the description of the character's life environment, the description of the character's grammar, the disclosure of the character's way of thinking, and the description by the character. other.

The characterizations in the novel have different characteristics or characteristics. Some are kind, humble, patient, honest, or helpful. On the other hand, there are characters who are evil, careless, cunning, or arrogant. The description of the character or character traits by the author is called characterization.

The types of novel characters include the main character and side character. The main character is the character who moves the story in the novel. The main character is divided into two types, namely the protagonist and the antagonist. The protagonist is a character who has good ideas, ideas, or actions. An antagonist is a character who opposes the protagonist. Side characters are characters whose presence helps the main character.


According to the Great Dictionary of Languages IndonesiaWhat is meant by plot is a carefully designed and woven series of events and moves the storyline through complexity towards a climax and completion. Plot is also defined as a chain of events in a literary work to achieve a certain effect (the link can be realized by temporal or time relationships and by causal or causal relationships). Meanwhile, according to Kosasih (2008), plot is a pattern of story development formed by causal relationships. Another definition of plot is conveyed by Wirajaya (2008) which states that the plot or plot is a fabric events or series of events that are intertwined sequentially by paying attention to cohesiveness and completeness story.

Compared to other types of prose such as short stories, novels are generally much more complicated and lengthy. Sometimes it's too convoluted and lots of surprises. The themes are often more complex and the problems faced by the characters in the novels are so complicated that the novel's storyline is usually longer.

According to Kosasih (2008) and Wirajaya (2008), the plot is formed through several stages. As for stages in the storyline is the introduction of the story situation, the disclosure of events, leading to the existence of a conflict, the peak of the conflict, and the resolution.

  • Introduction to the story situation contains the introduction of the characters and the relationship between the characters in the novel as well as the arrangement of the scene. In addition, what is also presented by the author at this stage is related to the setting, dialogue or certain events that open the story.
  • Event disclosure contains the presentation of various early events that cause problems, conflicts, or difficulties for the characters.
  • Leading to conflict contains stories that show the increasingly complex problems faced by the characters in the novel so that they begin to develop towards the peak of the conflict.
  • The peak of the conflict or also known as the climax is the part of the story that describes the problem at its peak. This part is the most thrilling part of the story because it is in this part that the fate of the characters in the novel is determined.
  • Solution is the final part of story novel and usually contains problem solving done by the characters. However, not all the endings of the novel contain the resolution of various problems experienced by the characters. Sometimes it is found that the ending of the novel is left hanging without completion so that the reader has to think or imagine for himself about the end of the story.

The story line can be divided into several types based on the order in which the parts are told and the density of a story.

a. Types of storylines Based on the order of the parts that are told, the plot is divided into a forward plot, backward plot, and a combined plot.

  • Chronological plot is a plot that is presented sequentially, starting with the introduction or introduction stage, then conflict, increasing conflict, climax, and ending with resolution. With word On the other hand, the forward plot is a plot that begins with a story from the past to the present.
  • Backflow is a plot that begins with the completion stage, then moves back to the previous stages which tells the various events that preceded it. In other words, a backwards plot is a plot that begins with a story from the present to the past.
  • Combined flow or back and forth flow is a flow that is a combination of forward and backward flow. In other words, a combined plot is a plot that begins with the story of the past, present, and returns to the past, or vice versa.

b. Meanwhile, based on the density of a story, the plot can be divided into a tight plot and a loose plot.

  • Tight groove is a plot that if part of it is left out it will ruin the whole story.
  • Loose groove is a plot that if left out will not spoil the whole story.

Thus a brief review of the characterizations and plot of the novel in Indonesian. Other articles that can be read include types of characters based on their roles, types of setting in the story, backflow example, example of omniscient third person point of view, examples of stories from the third person point of view as an observer, examples of stories from the first person point of view as a side actor, an example of a story from the first person point of view as the main character, types of points of view in stories, example of forward plot, novel prose example, sample novel and synopsis, and example of short novel. Hopefully helpful, and thank you.