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Reading according to the Big Language Dictionary Indonesia is to see and understand the content of what is written (orally or only in the heart). Other than that, language It is also interpreted as spelling or pronouncing what is written, saying, knowing or predicting, and calculating or understanding. Meanwhile, according to Tarigan in Darmadi (2018), reading is a process that is carried out and used by readers to obtain information message conveyed by the author through written language media. Another understanding of reading is put forward by Tampubolon in Darmadi (2018) which states that reading is an activity or a way to seek the development of reasoning power.

The purpose of reading according to Darmadi (2018) is to understand the linguistic aspects (words, phrases, sentence, paragraph, and discourse) in the text; understand the message in the text; search for important information from the text; get instructions to do a job or task; and enjoy reading, both textually and contextually.

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Linguists say there are several types of reading, namely intensive reading and extensive reading. According to Harras and Sulistianingsih in Meliyawati (2016) both types of reading are included in reading Comprehension is a kind of reading that aims to understand literary standards or norms, reviews critical, drama write, as well as patterns fiction. What is intensive and extensive reading? Here is a brief review.


The following is the definition of intensive and extensive reading according to experts.

1. Intensive Reading

Tampubolon in Meliyawati (2016) states that intensive reading is a reading activity program that is carried out carefully. In this reading activity, students only read one or several choices of existing reading materials. The intensive reading program is one of the efforts to grow and hone critical reading skills.

Meanwhile, according to Indrastuti et al (2010), intensive reading is a careful reading technique. Intensive reading techniques require precision and accuracy. With this accuracy, one can understand the contents of the reading correctly. The purpose of intensive reading is for the reader to understand all the things presented in the reading. Therefore, intensive reading can be done in the following ways.

  • Read carefully each sentence from the beginning to the end of the reading.
  • Take notes on important readings and problems in reading.
  • Formulate the problems obtained for discussion.

2. Extensive Reading

According to Meliyawati (2016), what is meant by extensive reading is broad reading, namely reading surveys, skimming, and shallow reading.

  • Reading surveys is reading by researching first what we will study by looking at the title found in related books, then check or research the schematic concerned.
  • Skim reading is reading that makes us move quickly to see, to show ingredient written to seek meaning, to obtain enlightening information.
  • Shallow reading Reading is to get a non-depth understanding of a reading.

Meanwhile, extensive reading according to Indrastuti et al (2010) is reading as much text as possible in the shortest possible time. The purpose of extensive reading is to understand the content of important reading quickly. Extensive reading can be done in the following way.

  • Searching for the same topic from various media.
  • Collect several readings on the same topic.
  • Briefly read the title of the reading.
  • Read the first and last paragraphs. Usually on both paragraph This raises the main problem.
  • Examining at a glance other clues regarding information discussed in the reading.

After reading extensively the reading text, it will be found the problem being discussed. Then, the next step is to conclude the similarity of the problem from the two readings. The way to conclude the similarity of the problem is as follows.

  • List the problems of each story determine the main problem of each story.
  • Compare the problems and conclude the similarities between the problems.

There are two things to look for by extensive reading.

  • Look for similarities and differences in information in several texts of the same topic.
  • Solve problems based on more than one material.


Intensive and extensive reading is included in reading comprehension, which is a kind of reading that aims at to understand literary standards or norms, critical reviews, written plays, and patterns fiction. Although both are included in reading comprehension, both have some differences, including the following.

Items Intensive Reading Extensive Reading
Definition Intensive reading is a careful reading technique. Intensive reading techniques require precision and accuracy. With this accuracy, one can understand the contents of the reading correctly. Read as much text as possible in the shortest possible time.
Destination The reader understands all the things presented in the reading. Understand important reading content quickly.
  • Read carefully each sentence from the beginning to the end of the reading.
  • Take notes on important readings and problems in reading.
  • Formulate the obtained problem for the material discussion.
  • Searching for the same topic from various media.
  • Collect several readings on the same topic.
  • Briefly read the title of the reading.
  • Read the first and last paragraphs. Usually the two paragraphs present the main problem.
  • Examine at a glance other clues about the information discussed in the reading.
  • Reading content studies is reading with full accuracy, understanding, critical thinking, and the skills to capture the ideas implied in the content of the reading. Content review reading includes perusing, critical reading, and idea reading.
  • Reading language studies aims to increase power word and develop vocabulary.
  • Reading a survey is reading by researching first what we will study by looking at the title contained in related books, then check or research the schematic concerned.
  • Skimming is reading that makes us move quickly to see, show written material to look for meaning, get enlightening information.
  • Example

    Below are examples of intensive reading and extensive reading cited from news media portal.

    1. Intensive Reading

    The following is an example of intensive reading with a health theme quoted from the page on April 24, 2019.

    Sneering at each other on Social Media about Elections? Doctors Remind Risk of Mental Disorders

    The habit of defending presidential candidates or legislative candidates during elections seems to be a common practice. But start the thumb brake for tweet war or comment war on social media. Be careful, it can increase the risk of mental disorders!

    Especially now that there are more phenomenon claim victory. According to a mental health practitioner from the Wangaya Hospital, Denpasar City, Dr. I Gusti Rai Wiguna, SpKj, people who often make fun of on social media can have the possibility of experiencing mental disorders.

    "Of course have. When we get lost and obsess too deeply about something, including the presidential election, of course we become vulnerable to mental disorders, such as psychosomatic and anxiety-depressive disorders,” he explained.

    Moreover, tracing real cases that he encountered, it turns out that there are people who experience anxiety disorders due to election results that are not in line with the expectations of election champion supporters. Complaints vary, ranging from difficulty sleeping to heartburn.

    “After this year's simultaneous elections, there were 5 cases who consulted at the clinic experiencing depression, anxiety or psychosomatic disorders triggered by post-election there were people who didn't like it. They generally experience sleep disturbances, emotional easily accompanied by physical complaints such as dizziness and heartburn. Consumption of cigarettes and coffee also increased than usual," he concluded.

    2. Extensive Reading

    The following is an example of extensive reading with the theme of the 2019 General Election, quoted from two major news media portals in Indonesia, namely and

    a. Example 1 –, 24/04/2019

    Bawaslu: PPLN Sydney Must Hold Follow-Up Elections If They Don't Want to be Convicted

    Bawaslu: PPLN Sydney Must Hold Follow-Up Elections If They Don't Want to be Convicted

    Member of the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) Rahmat Bagja said the Sydney Overseas Election Supervisory Committee (PPLN) had to implement further voting recommendations.

    Neither the PPLN nor the Supervisory Committee (Panwas) may reject the Bawaslu recommendation.

    “PPLN must implement Bawaslu's recommendations. There is no (rejection of Bawaslu's recommendation), our Panwas cannot do that," said Bagja at the Bawaslu office, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (24/4/2019).

    Bagja said that if the election organizers did not implement Bawaslu's recommendations, they could potentially commit an election crime.

    He asked the election organizers to be careful in taking actions related to the implementation of the election stages.

    "The crime, be careful PPLN in Sydney, if you don't want to carry out (Bawaslu recommendations), it's a crime," said Bagja.

    Previously, the General Elections Commission (KPU) decided not to hold a follow-up vote in Sydney, Australia.

    This decision was taken by agreement between the Overseas Elections Committee in Sydney.

    "In Sydney, the information we received was that there was an agreement between the PPLN and the Supervisory Committee in Syney not to have to vote," he said Next (continued), there has been an agreement," said KPU commissioner Wahyu Setiawan at the KPU office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Monday. (22/4/2019).

    The Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) recommended holding a follow-up vote in Sydney, because it was suspected that there were voters who had not exercised their voting rights on Saturday (13/4/2019).

    It is known, PPLN Sydney has closed polling stations at 18.00. In fact, there are still voters in line who have not yet cast their ballots.

    b. Example 2 –, 24/4/2019

    Bawaslu: PPLN Sydney Must Carry Out Follow-up Voting Recommendations

    Bawaslu emphasized that the Overseas Election Committee (PPLN) in Sydney, Australia, must carry out the recommendations for the follow-up voting.

    "PPLN must implement Bawaslu's recommendations," said Bawaslu member Rahmat Bagja to reporters at his office, Jl MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (24/4/2019).

    Bawaslu warned of criminal threats for PPLNs who did not comply with the rules. "Yes, the crime. Be careful with PPLN in Sydney, if you don't want to carry out a crime," he said.

    The KPU previously said that Panwaslu and PPLN had agreed not to conduct a follow-up vote in Sydney.

    “In Sydney, the information we received was that there was an agreement between the PPLN and the Supervisory Committee in Sydney not to need to hold the next vote. There has been an agreement," said KPU commissioner Wahyu Setiawan, Monday (22/4).

    The agreement for no further voting in Sydney, Wahyu emphasized, was based on a study. But Wahy did not explain in detail about the study in question.

    "So if it's a crowd, whether the crowd is voters or residents who are crowding, we need to look into that as well. What for? So that the right to vote is really used by people who are entitled to it," he said.

    Thus a brief review of intensive and extensive reading. Other articles that can be read include types of punctuation, type of sentence, types of paragraphs, types of essays, types of words, how to cut off basic words, example of decapitation of basic words in a sentence, how to write a degree, procedures for writing derivative words, Correct writing of basic words and derivatives, example of using punctuation, use of semicolon, use of slashes, and example of using abbreviation punctuation. May be useful. Thank you.

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