28 Examples of Semitransitive Active Declarative Sentences in Indonesian

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Examples of Semitransitive Active Declarative Sentences in Language Indonesia - A declarative sentence is sentence containing factual statements or opinions. Another name for this sentence is news sentence. Statement sentences do not need a response or response when this sentence is delivered. Some features from this sentence is:

  • The structure is not a typical sentence structure.
  • Spoken in a flat and neutral tone.
  • Can be placed at the beginning or at the end of the sentence.

One of types of declarative sentences is a semitransitive active declarative sentence. This type of declarative sentence is a type that does not need to include an object in the sentence structure. The sentence structure of this type of declarative sentence is S-P-Pel like examples of semitransitive active sentences in general. Another characteristic of this type of active declarative sentence is that it cannot be converted into the form types of passive sentences. The predicate in this sentence usually has the affixes ber-, me-, me-i, and ber-an. word used in the predicate of this sentence is types of verbs.

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In order to better understand, here are some declarative sentence example active semitransitive in language Indonesia.

  1. The person walks alone (S = the person, P = walks, Pel = alone)
  2. The children played until they forgot the time (S = the children, P = played, Mop = forgot the time)
  3. We had run into him. (S= us, P= we passed each other, Pel= with him)
  4. The tofu contains bean sprouts, bamboo shoots and chili pieces. (S= Tofu content, P= filled, Pel= bean sprouts, bamboo shoots, and chili pieces)
  5. We have discussed with him. (S= us, P= already discussed, Pel- with him)
  6. Mr. Samin works odd jobs (S = Mr. Samin, P = works, Pel = Scrub)
  7. His father became a Civil Servant (PNS). (S= His father, P= became, Pel= Civil Servant (PNS))
  8. He came late. (S = he, P = come, Mo = late)
  9. They eat sparingly. (S=them, P=eat, Mop=simply)
  10. The teacher teaches mathematics. (S = teacher, P = teaching, mop = mathematics)
  11. Children playing football (S=children, P=playing, Pel=football)
  12. Rahmi works all day. (S = Rahmi, P = work, Pel = all day)
  13. Uncle Andi works as a welding technician. (S = Uncle Andi, P = work = Mop = as a welding technician)
  14. His body was covered in sweat. (S = body, P = covered, Mop = sweat)
  15. His body was covered in blood. (S= body, P= drenched, Mop= blood)
  16. His house became a boarding house. (S = his house, P = to be, Pel = a boarding house)
  17. He ran fast. (S= him, P= running, Mop= fast)
  18. The singer has a beautiful voice. (S= the singer, P= voiced, Pel= beautiful)
  19. His behavior has gone too far. (S= behavior, P= has exceeded, Pel= limit)
  20. He is adamant. (S = he, P = stand up, Pel = firm)
  21. He grimaced in pain (S= him, P= grimaced, Pel= pain)
  22. The teacher is knowledgeable. (S = Teacher, P = knowledgeable, Mo = broad)
  23. We said goodbye after that. (S= us, P= goodbye, Pel= after)
  24. We followed him quietly. (S= us, P= follow him, Pel= quietly)
  25. The audience cheered with joy. (S= the audience, P= cheering, Mo= joy)
  26. The racer equaled his previous record. (S= that rider, P= equal, Pel= his previous record)
  27. They really like your behavior. (S=them, P=very much like, Mop=your behavior)
  28. Reza Rahadian really loves his current profession. (S= Reza Rahadian, P= really likes it, Pel= his current profession)

Read: imperative, declarative and interrogative sentences – Kinds of Imperative Sentences and Examples – Examples of Imperative Sentences of Omission – Examples of Imperative Command Sentences of Request and Hope – Imperative Sentences of Prohibition – Examples of Interrogative Sentences – Examples of Transitive and Intransitive Imperative Sentences – Examples of Intransitive Active Declarative Sentences 

This is an example of an active semitransitive declarative sentence in Indonesian. Hopefully it will be useful and add insight in the Indonesian language. Thank you.

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