The bibliography is usually used as a reference sheet for citations in scientific papers which is located at the end of a manuscript. Writing a bibliography consists of several types according to the reference sources used. In our discussion this time, we will learn how to write a bibliography correctly and according to EYD (Spelling Corrected) in English. language Indonesia and references from sources that can be taken for use in scientific works.

Definition of Bibliography

A bibliography is a list that contains books, papers, articles, journals, or other materials cited either directly or indirectly. material ingredient read, but not cited, need not be included in the bibliography. Meanwhile, all materials quoted directly or indirectly in the text must be included in the bibliography.

Elements of Writing Bibliography

Writing a bibliography has a certain order of elements, namely:

  1. The author's name is written in the following order: last name, first name/middle name (abbreviated), without academic degree, ending with a period. Author's name consisting of two
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    word written in the order of the last name followed by a comma then the first name is abbreviated. If the referenced source is written by a team (no more than 6 people), all the names of the authors must be listed in the bibliography. And if the number of authors is above or more than 6 people, all the names are written and then added et al. or et al.
  2. The year of publication is followed by a period.
  3. Titles, including subtitles, are italicized and followed by a period.
  4. The name of the publisher followed by a colon and the city of publication.

These elements can vary depending on the type of library source. If there is more than one author, the writing method is the same as the first author. If you want to include on which page the citation was taken, you can write it after the city where it was published.

Types and Examples of Writing Bibliography

1. Library in the form of textbooks

Author's name, year of publication, book title, edition number, publisher's name and publisher's place.


  • Chapel, H and Haeney, M. 1993. Essentials of Clinical Immunology, 3th Ed. Blackwell Scientific Publications: Cambridge.
  • Tjokoprawiro, A. 1994. Diabetes Mellitus: Classification, Diagnosis, and Treatment Basis, 2nd Edition. PT Gramedia Main Library: Jakarta.
  • Suharsimi, Arikunto and Cepi, Safruddin Abdul Jabar. 2010. Evaluation of Educational Programs. Earth Literacy: Jakarta.

2. Libraries in the form of magazines, bulletins, journals, newspapers

Author's name, year of publication, title of article, name of magazine.


  • Prijanto, M, Pangastuti, R, and Suprijanto, E. 1991. Toxoid Immunization Effectiveness Absorb Diphtheria and Tetanus. Health Research Bulletin.
  • Sueyadarma. 2007. Improving the Quality of National Education Through Certification Programs, May 2007 Edition. BSNP Bulletin.
  • Gems, Sophie. 2015. Get used to speaking the right and good language, Issue 20 March 2015. Bandar Lampung Post, page 2.

3. Abstract library

Author's name, year of publication, title of article, description (abstract), name of publisher.


  • Ohmiya Y, Hirano T, Ohashi M. 1996. The Structural Origin of The Color Differences in The Bioluminescence of Firefly Luciferase. (Abstract). FEBS Letter.
  • Ardoni. 2005. Technology Information: Librarians Readiness to Use It. (Abstract). Science Study Program Information Padang State University Library and Archives.
  • Celine, Albert. 2012. Warm Water Immersion for CHF. (Abstract). Elsevier: Singapore.

4. Library in the form of translated text books

The name of the original author is written first, followed by the year of publication of the original work, the title of the translation, the year of the translation, the name of the publisher of the translation and the place of publication.


  • Bellanti, JA, Robbins, JB. 1985. Immunology III. Samik W (translator). 1993. Gajah Mada University Press: Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
  • Mull, B. 2016. Five Kingdoms: Rogue Knight. Lasmana R. 2016. Mizan Fantasy: Jakarta.
  • Douglas, Robertson, C, Nicol, F. 1995. Macleod Clinical Examination. Rudjianto, Ahmad. 2014. Elsevier: Singapore.

5. The library is taken from the internet

Quoting literature from the internet for literature review is only allowed if it comes from a clear source in the form of the name of the author, magazine and or publisher. What differs a little at this writing is the site and access time must be listed.


  • Ahmad, Syaifudin. 2015. Things to Pay Attention to In Making Papers. educational  Retrieved April 14, 2015.
  • Anonymous. 2003. Geographic Distribution of Malaria. Retrieved 10 October 2016.
  • Nugraha, Aria. 2014. Procedure for Writing Bibliography from the Correct Journal. http://www. Accessed 27 March 2015 at 20.00 WIB.

6. Libraries in the form of final assignments, theses, theses, or dissertations

Author's name, followed by the year on the cover, title of the final project / thesis / thesis or dissertation, statement of the final project / thesis / thesis or dissertation, unpublished statement, name of faculty, name of college, name of city where college is located.


  • Setiawan D. 2005. Effect of Salmonella typhi AdhO36 Protein on Macrophage Respiration Acceleration. Thesis. Not published. Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya: Malang.
  • Martiana I. 2014. The Effect of Writing Feelings on Reducing Insomnia in PLWHA (People with HIV/AIDS). Not published. Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya: Malang.
  • Diana, F. 2000. The Effect of Learning Methods on Junior High School Students on Achievement. Thesis. Not published. Faculty of Psychology. University of Indonesia: Jakarta.

7. Libraries in the form of Laws/Government Regulations/Presidential Decrees

The person in charge of these documents is the Indonesian government, so it can be written as Republic Indonesia or the Government of Indonesia or Indonesia alone.


  • Republic of Indonesia. 1992. Law No. 24 of 1992 concerning Spatial Planning. State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1992, No. 115. State Secretariat. Jakarta.
  • Republic of Indonesia. 1999. Law No. 22 of 1999 concerning Regional Government. State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1999, No. 60. State Secretariat. Jakarta.

8. Libraries in the form of encyclopedias / dictionaries

Library writing from the source of the encyclopedia or dictionary is the same as the elements of the library in general.


  • Stafford-Clark, D. 2000. Mentasy Disoders and Therir treatment. The New Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica. 27: 567-568.
  • Echols, J.M. and Shadily, H. (Eds). 1989. English-Indonesian dictionary. Jakarta: PT Gramedia.

9. A library of films/videos

The author's name is the name of the producer or video maker and is accompanied by the total duration of the film/video.


  • Oldfield, B. (Producer) 1977. On the Edge of the Forest. Tasmanian Film Corporation. Hobart: Australia. 30 min.
  • Burke, J. 2009. Distant Voices. BBC Videocasette: London, UK. 45 min.

10. Library in the form of interviews

This library includes the speaker's name, meeting/event name, year, and place. If the interview is broadcast on media, also mention the media source who is the holder of the broadcasting rights.


  • Sudrajat, Ahmad. 2012. Interview of “Bandeng History” on his home, Jl. Mertapada 20.
  • Simatupang, Soni. 2017. Welcoming New Year 2017. Indosiar: Jakarta. 30 min.

Writing an important bibliography is used as a form of anti-plagiarism which includes every source cited. Writing the correct bibliography is also important to avoid reference errors.

Hopefully the above article can help you to understand better about how to write the correct bibliography according to EYD in Indonesian. If all the citations have been included in the bibliography, the arrangement of the order must be in alphabetical order A - Z. The writing of each library is arranged in the second line and so on more indented than the first line.