23 Examples of Simplified Proverbs or Proverbs in Indonesian

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In Indonesian, the use of words to sentences is often formed by using figures of speech where these sentences are called proverbs. The proverb is sentence or a group of words that express an intention, a person's condition or things that reveal a person's behavior, actions and things. In addition, proverbs can also be interpreted as an indirect expression but implied meaning conveyed can be understood by listeners or readers.

Read: kinds of proverbscollection of proverbs – examples of proverbs and expressions and their meanings – 40 examples of parables and proverbs in Indonesian – examples of proverbs and proverbs in Indonesian – meaning of words meaning of terms and expressions

The characteristics of proverbs are:

  • The words that make up a proverb the order or arrangement is fixed and cannot be changed.
  • Used to satirize or to beautify language.
  • The words that make up proverbs are generally regular, pleasant to hear and have a certain meaning.
  • Formed or made based on a very careful view and comparison of the natural surroundings and the events that occur or apply in people's lives.
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  • Formed with a solid and beautiful language bond unit, it is attached to the mouth of the community for generations.

Based on the characteristics above, proverbs are divided into several types, namely:

1. Thimble/Pameo, a type of proverb whose contents contain reproaches, warnings, ridicule. Example:

  • If you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way (meaning, people who are embarrassed to ask other people who are more knowledgeable will definitely lose).

2. proverb, a type of proverb whose contents are in the form of instructions, advice, lessons. Example:

  • Like the earth and the sky (meaning, two very different things like the earth and the sky).
  • Like the fall of the moon (meaning, get a fortune or something so fun).

3. Parable, a type of proverb that contains wordsword to express the condition or behavior of a person and compare it with something else. Generally preceded by the words like, like, like, bak and so on. Example:

  • Like a tiger hiding nails (meaning, someone who hides his strength or strength).
  • Empty barrels make a loud sound (meaning, people who talk a lot are usually lazy at work).

4. Motto, a type of proverb which is a collection of words or sentences that are used as a clue or belief. Example:

  • Clean base is healthy (meaning, personal and environmental health must begin with cleanliness).
  • Diligent base smart (that is, whoever studies diligently will become someone who is smart).

5. Expression, a type of proverb that contains the condition or behavior of a person expressed using a proverb. Example:

  • Rumors, meaning mere gossip.
  • Hard work, it means hard work
  • Blue blood, meaning royalty.
  • Field star, meaning the best player.
  • Cool head, meaning calm.

6. Imagery/Like, a type of proverb that often uses the word "like" and has the aim of making comparisons related to a thing or case. Example:

  • The elders of taro are getting older and getting older (meaning: people who are getting older are more like young people in their attitude and treatment).
  • There is a field with grasshoppers, there is water and there are fish (meaning: wherever you are, there must be sustenance available for you).
  •  The custom of ups and downs (meaning: nothing in this world is eternal, everything will always change).
  • There is money, dear brother, there is no money floating around (meaning: only want to be together when in a state of joy/being alone, do not want to be together when in a difficult situation).
  •  Winning to charcoal, losing to ashes (meaning: in a fight winning or losing will only bring suffering to both).
  • Like ashes on the embankment (meaning: people who are in a difficult situation and very easy to fall).
  • Divide equally, cut equally (meaning: when dividing or deciding something should be fair and impartial or one-sided).
  • Calm water washed away (meaning: People who seem quiet and ignorant, but in fact have high knowledge).
  • Rippled water is not deep (meaning: People who talk a lot usually have no knowledge or not much knowledge).
  • The water from the roof falls into the sewage as well (meaning: traits possessed by children are usually inherited traits from their parents).
  • Studying abysmal, is like an unfinished flower (meaning: studying must be wholehearted and not half-hearted so that the results achieved are maximal).
  • Like a bird in a cage (meaning: someone who feels his life is restrained).
  • Empty barrels make loud noises (meaning: people who talk a lot and are arrogant usually don't have knowledge).
  • Full barrels don't shake, half barrels shake (meaning: people who have a lot of knowledge will not talk much, while stupid people will usually talk a lot and seem to know everything Thing).
  • The elders of taro, the older they become (meaning: parents who behave like young people, especially in matters of love).
  • Made of from even though gold, sangkat is still a cage (meaning: even though he lives with abundant wealth, if he is restrained he will still feel tormented).
  • Because of a speck of indigo, a pot of milk is damaged (meaning: because of a small mistake, all the good that has been done just disappears).
  • Pain is the same as complaining, hurt is the same as complaining (meaning: one word in all circumstances).
  • Whoever digs a hole, he also falls into it (meaning: the intention of the heart wants to harm others, it is still himself who is harmed).
  • Unfortunate cannot be denied, luck cannot be achieved (meaning: everything that happens in this life is not the one who determines it).
  • Far in the eyes, close to the heart (meaning: two people who still feel close even though they are separated by distance/live far apart).
  • As heavy as the eyes look, the shoulders are heavy too (meaning: no matter how heavy the person who only sees, the person who experiences it will suffer far more).
  • Like a flower, fresh is used, withered and thrown away (meaning: Someone who is loved when he is still healthy, is left when he is sick).

That's an example of a figurative proverb or like in the language Indonesia along with his mother. May be useful.

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