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Types of Phrases based on their Forming Elements – According to the Big Dictionary LanguageIndonesiaPhrases are combinations of two or more words that are non-predicative, or do not have a predicate. The position of the phrase is higher than types of words and smaller than clause in Indonesian and types of sentences. The characteristics of the phrase or phrase are as follows:

  • Consists of two or more words.
  • Has a grammatical function in sentence structure, be it subject, predicate, object, and so on.
  • Has one grammatical meaning.
  • Phrases can function as predicates of a sentence. However, a phrase is not a collection of words that has a predicate like sentence.

In addition to characteristics, phrases also have a number of types which are divided based on certain elements, one of which is the element forming the phrase. Types of phrases based on their constituent elements will be discussed specifically in this article, where the types include the following.

1. Endocentric Phrases

Is a phrase formed from a central element and certain elements, where certain elements are complementary to the main element. For example, in the phrase

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typing. The central element of the phrase is type, while medium is a certain element. Certain elements can be removed and the meaning from phrase typing will not be lost. This phrase is further divided into three, namely:

1.1. Coordinative Endocentric Phrases

Is a combination of two or more words where all word forming the phrase is the central element. If the two central elements have different meanings, then they must be connected by kinds of conjunctionsand or or. For example:

  • Husband and wife.
  • Education and coaching.
  • Good or bad.

1.2. Attributive Endocentric Phrases

This type of endocentric phrase is a phrase composed of main elements and supporting elements, where the supporting elements are elements that explain the main elements in order to have a clearer meaning. For example: tomorrow afternoon. In that phrase, the word tomorrow is the main element, while noon is the supporting element, so the word tomorrow which is the main word becomes clearer the time span.

1.3. Appositive Endocentric Phrases

Are two or more words consisting of a central element and an explanatory element (appositive). These two elements are separated by using a comma (,). Examples are in Bandung, the city of flowers. In this phrase, the word Bandung acts as a central element, while flower City is is the appositive. The two are separated by a comma.

2. Exocentric Phrases

The opposite of an endocentric phrase, an exocentric phrase is a combination of words that does not use a central element as its constituent. The elements that make up this phrase are types of verbs (noun), conjunction, and types of prepositions (preposition). This phrase is further divided into three, namely:

2.1. Directive Exocentric Phrases

Is a phrase in the form of a combination of two words consisting of prepositions (prepositions) and nouns (nouns). Example:

  • at home
  • to the market
  • from Yogyakarta
  • for Dad
  • for them

2.2. Nondirective Exocentric Phrases

Combination of two words whose first element is a pronoun (si or the) or other words like para, which, and people. The second element itself consists of a noun, types of adjectives (adjective), and types of verbs (verb). Example :

  • the dancer
  • the red rooster
  • authorized
  • workers
  • papas

2.3. Connective Exocentric Phrases

Is a combination of two words, one of which is a connecting element such as hurry, want, etc. Example:

  • come home soon
  • about to go
  • when rain
  • when you go
  • will arrive

Read: examples of endocentric and exocentric phrasesgive examples of attributive endocentric phrasesexamples of appositive endocentric phrasesexample of coordinating endocentric phrasephrases in Indonesian

Thus the discussion of the types of phrases based on their constituent elements. Hopefully useful and add insight to all readers. Thank you.

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