Refers to the meaning in the Big Dictionary LanguageIndonesia, The term 'romance' is defined as a prose essay that describes the actions of the perpetrators according to the character and contents of each soul, carrying more characteristics of the era than drama or poetry. Matzkowski (1998) suggests that if the term 'romance' is taken from the French, 'romanz' whose usage refers to all literary works of ordinary people. The term 'romance' is also identical in origin; from the Latin expression 'lingua roman' which means literary works of the ordinary class.

Romance is a literary work that tells the life of one or several characters, starting from his birth, adulthood, to the circumstances of his death. In addition, romance is also defined as a literary work that displays a continuous sequence of events each other that describes the experiences of the characters in a life situation certain. The description of the experience can be in the form of a picture of an outward or inner experience. Romance also describes the overall social life of the character.

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Goethe revealed that romance is a literary work that fiction. Furthermore, Goethe argues that romance is a literary work that describes events which may occur under conditions that are impossible or near impossible to become a reality. Goethe also argues that romance is subjective because the author will try to describe the world according to his own opinion in his work literature that.

Another opinion from Jasin (1959) revealed that if the romance is a story that covers the entire life of the character, the perpetrator is described from his childhood life to his death. However, there is another opinion which explains that the characters in the novel are not always told until they die, but some are told that they are still alive until the end of the story.

Difference Between Romance and Novel

In its development, romance is often equated with a novel because it is considered to have various similarities at first glance. Even so, romance and novel are two different literary works. According to understanding in German literature, here are some things that distinguish romance from novels, namely:

  • Romance is a story that is described at length, telling fictional characters or events. While the novel is a story that presents events with a story length that exceeds short stories but is shorter than romance.
  • Novels are written with a lot of use of repertoire or external reality in historical events.
  • In terms of story depth, romance describes the chronicle of the character's life in more detail and depth. While the novel only focuses on an extraordinary event that occurs in the life of the story character, where the event causes a crisis or inner upheaval that changes the fate of the character that.

Romance Features

To make it easier to distinguish romance from other literary works, the following are the characteristics of romance,

  • Romance tells the story of a fictional character.
  • Usually the characters in the romance tell their journey from from his birth to his death.
  • Has a complex storyline

Romance Types

Romance is classified into several types based on several categories according to various opinions from experts such as Ruttkowsko and Reichman and Badudu. Romance can be distinguished based on the main depiction in it and the emphasis of the story. In addition, other sources explain that romances can also be classified based on the material, theme, storytelling technique, target audience, as well as the purpose of writing.

Types of Romance Based on the Main Characteristics in the Story

Ruttkowski and Reichman (1974) classified romance into several types based on the main depiction in the story. These types of romances include:

  1. Figurenroman (Roman Character), This type of romance focuses on the depiction of one or more characters in the story. Or in other words the main focus story in this type of romance revolves around the characters in it. An example of this type of romance is the classic Acts of the Three Kingdoms.
  1. romance (World Romance)This type of romance prioritizes the depiction of a world in the story.
  1. Handlungsroman (Action Romance), This type of romance tells the formation of an interesting behavior or action. Or in other words, the main focus in this story is about an event or action.

Types of Romance Based on Story Emphasis

  1. Crime and Detective Romance (Cream- und Detectivroman)

Romance that is classified as a crime romance makes the psychology of a criminal the main focus of the story. While the detective romance type emphasizes the story more on a puzzle or case that must be solved by a detective character with the ability to analyze and track it. When reading this type of romance, the reader seems to be invited to think about how to deal with it a problem, predicting what will happen, to participate in the tension waiting for the end story. Examples of this type of romance include the novel by Suman Hasibuan, namely 'Seeking the Thief of a Virgin's Child'. The novel 'Searching for the Thief of a Virgin's Child' tells the story of Sir Jon, who is said to be a detective at heart, who tries to reclaim his fiancé Nona, from the hands of a character named Taro, who is told to have various tricks to influence Nona's parents to marry the girl with him. Other examples of detective and criminal type romances are Suman Hasibuan's novels 'Percobaan Seria' and 'Kasih Tak Terlerai', as well as Adi Soma's novel 'Cincin Stamp'.

  1. Adventure Romance (Abenteuerroman)

In his writings, Bittner (2006) reveals that adventure romances were first written in the 20th century and were introduced as a new type of romance that is different from traditional romances. This type of romance has a characteristic, which is to provide a real picture of an event through the character's behavior. In this type of romance, the situation will change rapidly, besides every scene in the story For the most part, it is the setting for extraordinary events, causing tension, but also providing entertainment. Furthermore, Bittner (2006) explains that the emphasis on adventure romance is that the main character in the story will later leave the everyday world he goes to a new world that is foreign and dangerous, but eventually the character will succeed in conquering that world after overcoming obstacles dangerous. The following are some of the characteristics of adventure romances,

  • The purpose of a character's journey in a story is usually to save someone or save the character's world.
  • Usually told from the point of view of the main character.
  • The main character represents goodness and is usually told that he struggles against evil or miserable power until he finally wins.
  • Compiled in simpler and descriptive language.
  • Usually a single story.
  • Built in a short plot that conveys actual events in a direct and easy to understand way.

Examples of this type of romance include the novel 'Dr. Haslinda' by Rivai Marlaut and the novel 'Surapati' by Abdul Muis.

  1. Romance Psychology (Psychologist Roman)

Psychological romance, as explained by Kwiatkowski (1989), is a type of romance that focuses on the inner state of the character so that the character's behavior and actions are only briefly reviewed. In this type of romance, the author is interested in describing the psychology and character of a human in a deeper way. In short, this novel tells the journey of life, mental state, and character behavior based on a review of psychology or the science that learns about psychology. One example of a psychological romance is the novel 'Atheis' by Achadiat Karta Miharja. This novel tells about how the thoughts and responses of a character named Hasan, who is an adherent of Islam who obedient, in response to the thoughts and behavior of the characters Rushi, Anwar, and Tini, where the three figures have an understanding Marxism. In the novel 'Atheist', the development of Hasan's character and all the inner conflicts he experiences are clearly described by the author. Another example of a psychological romance is the novel 'Frog Will Be Ox' by Nur Sutan Iskandar.

  1. Romance Romance (Liebesroman)

Wilpert (1989) expressed his opinion that romance is a romance that raises the love story in the romantic era as the main theme in this romance. Romance is considered as one of the types of romance that is favored by women readers. This type of romance usually tells a lot about the heroic side of a woman with a style that is not serious and usually has a happy ending and is less realistic. Examples of this type of romance include the romance 'Girl Four' Era' by Salkha and the novel 'Medan at Night' by O. M. Taufik.

  1. Entertainment Romance (Unterhaltungsroman)

Entertainment romance is a novel written with the aim of providing entertainment to the reader. The writing style in this type of novel is made light and makes it easier for the reader to understand it. This type of romance does not raise stories that are too serious and heavy, and do not tell about deep disputes with moving issues. The ending of this type of romance usually has a happy ending.

  1. Romance of Children and Youth (Kinder- und Jugenndroman)

According to Groschenek (1979), this type of romance is specifically intended for children and teenagers readers. This type of romance usually has an entertainment aspect and has an entry to teach or educate and instill certain values ​​​​to its readers. Romance for children and adolescents is generally equipped with a picture or painting, with the intention that it is easier for the reader to grasp the contents of the story in the novel. words-word or sentence contained in this type of romance is adapted to the psychology of the reader, namely children and adolescents who are the main targets. Examples of children's romances include 'Si Jamin and Si Johan' by Merari Siregar and 'Si Dul Anak Jakarta' by Aman. Meanwhile, examples of teenage romances include Abdul Muis' Matchmaking Meeting and Adinegoro's novel Asmara Jaya.

  1. Romance of Education (Bildungsroman)

Referring to the opinion of Dilthey (1989), the romance of education has a theme and content of the story, which makes the main character as the focus of the story is the development of education. In the scope of educational romance, the term education refers to the term 'humanitarian volunteer' or 'perfect humanity'. In addition to the development of the character's education, this type of romance also tells about the development of human psychology and character. Examples of this type of romance include Nur Sutan Iskandar's 'Hell of the World' and Abdul Muis's 'Salah Upbringing' novel.

Types of Romance According to Badudu (1977)

An expert in the field of literature, Badudu (1977) expressed his opinion about the division of types of romance. Badudu classifies romances into six types of romances, namely tended romances, historical romances, psychological romances, social romances, traditional romances, and detective romances.

  1. Tendency Roman

Tendency romance is a type of romance that raises a story about an oddity or imbalance that occurs in a society. This type of romance has the aim of correcting the oddity or lameness. In other words, a tended romance contains the content of certain ideals or goals that the author wants to achieve. One example of a tendentious romance is the novel 'SIti Nurbaya' by Marah Rusli. Romance 'Siti Nurbaya' tells the story of a girl named Siti Nurbaya who is forced to marry a character named Datuk Marannggi. Roman Siti Nurbaya raised the Minangkabau customs of his time which caused various impacts, both positive and negative. Angry Rusli, through the novel 'Siti Nurbaya', tries to correct and correct the imbalance in the custom, namely about forced marriage. Another example of this type of romance is the novel "Layar Terkembang" by Sutan Takdir A. and the novel 'Andang Taruna' by Jauhar Arifin.

  1. Historical Romance

Historical romance is a type of romance that describes the lives of story characters in a historical period. Historical romance focuses on the depiction of historical elements and events only. An example of this type of romance is the novel 'Hulubalang Raja' by Nur Sutan Iskandar. The novel 'Hulubalang Raja' tells about the arrival of the Dutch to the coastal areas of North Sumatra around 1665 to 1668. Another example of historical romance is the novel 'Heroes of Minahasa' by Marius Ramis Dayoh.

  1. Psychology Romance

As previously explained, psychological romance is a novel whose story focuses on the psychological development of the characters in the story. Examples of this type of romance are the novels 'Atheist' by Achdiat Karta Miharja and 'Frog Willing to Be Cow' by Nur Sutan Iskandar.

  1. Social Romance

Social romance or community romance is often also referred to as social romance. This type of romance describes the life or ups and downs experienced by the characters in a certain social strata of society. An example of a community romance is one of the novels 'Frog Willing to Be the Lembu' by Nur Sutan Iskandar which is also categorized as a psychological romance. The novel 'Kadak Wants to Be an Ox' takes the background of the Periangan area in the Dutch era which tells about about a figure named Surya who works as a civil servant (priyayi) who wants to live according to style the lives of most people around him, namely excessive lifestyles and sprees. So that in the story, the character Surya is told to carry a fairly heavy economic burden or the term 'dig a hole, close the hole' just for the sake of social status in society. Another example of a social romance is the novel “Not Breaking Up Dirundung Malang” by Sutan Takdir A. and Hamidah's 'Losing Mestika'.

  1. Detective story

This type of romance is generally a romance that tells of one or more characters who act like detectives. Examples of this type of romance are Suman Hasibuan's novels 'Seeking a Thief of Virgin Children' and Ardi Soma's 'Stem Ring'.

Types of Romance According to Other Sources

In addition to the types of romances as described earlier, romances can also be classified as follows,

  1. By Material: adventure romance (abenteuerroman), hero romance (ritterroman), romance crime (crimeromance), and travel romance (reiseroman).
  2. By Theme: romance romance (liebesroman), educational romance (erziehungsroman), social romance (gesellschraftsroman).
  3. Based on Storytelling Techniques: first person romance (ich-romane), second person romance (er-romance).
  4. By Demand: petty romance (triviaroman), entertainment romance (unterhaltungsroman).
  5. By Target: female romance (freuenroman), teen romance (jugendroman), and children's romances (kinderroman).

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Thus the article that discusses the types of romance - understanding, characteristics and examples, may be useful