Previously, we already knew example of a short speech about discipline. Like the title of the article, the speech contains the theme of discipline. This article will also present examples of short speeches, where the theme to be discussed is honesty. Before example of speech is shown, we need to know again the definition or understanding of the speech itself, so that we do not forget about it. According to the Big Dictionary LanguageIndonesiaSpeech is the expression of thoughts in the form of words addressed to many people. In addition, speech is also interpreted as a discourse that is prepared to be spoken in front of an audience.

After knowing the definition of the speech, now let's look at the example of a short speech with the theme of honesty below.

Example of a Short Speech on Honesty


Assalamualaikum wr, wb.

Distinguished guests,

Praise be to God the Owner of the Universe who has brought us together on this beautiful morning. This morning, I ask the audience for permission to deliver a short speech with honesty as the theme.

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Distinguished guests,

In this era which is said to be more advanced, the moral values ​​of our society are getting left behind by the day. One of the moral values ​​that has declined and is now becoming rare is honesty. Very few we find people who speak and act honestly in era which is considered 'modern'. It also resulted in many criminal acts caused by the fading of one of these moral values. These crimes include fraud, forgery, and criminal acts of corruption.

Even though it is impossible, but we should be able to re-fertilize the value of honesty in society, starting from yourself first. The values ​​of honesty that we can do include telling the truth, not taking the found items and choosing to hand over the findings to the authorities, not cheating, not using dues money for extravagance, doing homework with their own efforts, and various kinds of actions other.

If we are able to carry out these actions, then we will also feel the various positive impacts of the value of honesty. The positive impacts of practicing the value of honesty yourself, among others, will get a reward and pleasure from Him, bring peace the heart, make other people's sympathy, and bring happiness because there is no need to hide something that can actually burden oneself.

Therefore, we must be able to practice the values ​​of honesty as best we can, even though it is difficult to do, considering the times that are indeed getting worse. In addition to maintaining the value of honesty, practicing the value of honesty will also bring a number of benefits for ourselves, as well as for others.

That's the speech I can deliver on this occasion. Hopefully useful and able to be practiced in everyday life. With all humility, I apologize if any word-words that are not pleasing.

Thank you for your attention,

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

This is an example of a short speech about honesty. If the reader wants to read some other speech examples, the reader can open the article sample speech about education, example of a short speech about character education, example of a short speech about moral education, example of a short speech about health, example of a short speech about juvenile delinquency, example of a short speech about independence, example of a short speech about drugs, example of a short speech about cleanliness, and example of a short speech about promiscuity. Hopefully useful for all readers. Thank you.