Previously, we have seen some examples word absorption from various languages ​​discussed in past articles. These articles include: examples of loan words from Arabic, examples of loanwords from Sanskrit, examples of English loan words, as well as examples of loanwords from Portuguese. This article will also show some examples of loanwords from other languages, which is Dutch. The examples are as follows!

  1. Mr. Musworo works as a advocate.
    • Dutch loan word: advokad
    • The origin of the word: advocate.
    • Meaning: legal experts who are authorized as advisers or defenders of cases in court.
  2. Mr. Dedik was chosen by acclamation as the new Chancellor of Harapan Bangsa University.
    • A loan word from Dutch: acclamation.
    • The origin of the word: acclamatie.
    • It means: a statement of complete agreement oral from all meeting participants and so on to an element without going through a vote.
  3. Due to the financial crisis, the company is now under threat bankrupt.
    • A loan word from Dutch: bankrupt.
    • The origin of the word: bankroet.
    • Meaning: suffer a great loss so that it falls.
  4. instagram viewer
  5. News Their second marriage has spread all over the place village.
    • Dutch loan word: news.
    • The origin of the word: berichteen.
    • Meaning: story or information about an event.
  6. Mom has bought a bunch bean from the greengrocer.
    • A loan word from Dutch: chickpeas.
    • The origin of the word: boontjes.
    • Meaning: plants from the type of nuts whose fruit and young leaves are often used as vegetables.
  7. The fruits he distributed to everyone free.
    • Dutch loanword: free.
    • The origin of the word: free.
    • Meaning: not paid.
  8. A rat carcass has been found in a sewer.
    • Absorption words from language Netherlands: got.
    • The origin of the word: goot.
    • Meaning: gutter.
  9. The airplane is still stored inside hangar.
    • A loan word from Dutch: hangar.
    • The origin of the word: hangar.
    • Meaning: a closed building that is used as a place to put airplanes.
  10. After retiring, Mr. Gumilar started his business in leasing boarding house.
    • A loan word from Dutch: indekos.
    • The origin of the word: in de kost.
    • Meaning: a room that is rented out for a certain period of time.
  11. In June, all residents of West Java will choose who will be the governor they are new.
    • A loan word from Dutch: governor.
    • The origin of the word: gouverneur.
    • Meaning: regional leaders at the provincial level.
  12. Daddy has bought one jerry can kerosene from the oilman.
    • A loan word from Dutch: jerry can.
    • The origin of the word: jerrican.
    • Meaning: a place to store kerosene, water, gasoline, and so on.
  13. T-shirt The white color is not suitable for Agus to wear.
    • A loan word from Dutch: Kaos.
    • The origin of the word: kous.
    • Meaning: clothes made from thin nylon fabric.
  14. Adi's father works as a Labourer building.
    • A loan word from Dutch: coolie.
    • The origin of the word: koelie.
    • Meaning: people who work by relying on physical strength.

Those are some examples of loan words from Dutch in sentence language Indonesia. If the reader wants to add reference About loanwords, readers can open the article types of loanwords, examples of loan words in sentences, as well as examples of standard words and loanwords. Hopefully useful and able to add insight for all readers, both regarding loanwords and Indonesian. Thank you.