Writing is synonymous with one's imagination which is then assembled to produce an idea that can be enjoyed by the public. The results of this series of ideas can vary depending on the process of creation. Some can agree that the "composition" (the result of composing) that is known to the public is a form of writing, as well as the scientific works of academics. However, writing in this case is not enough to just write, but also includes form oral such as speeches and speeches directly.

The result of the composing process is an essay, another form of ideas that were originally only imaginary into a visual real form. Basically, both visual audio (speech, oration) and writing (thesis, book, short story) are a unified idea from the author. Both are the result of the process of formulating ideas, only the way they are conveyed is different.

Definition of essay

In this discussion, it is more directed to the material about the form of written essays. Written essays are the result of compiling writing ideas which are then summarized for the public to enjoy. In KBBI, essay is defined as the result of composing; story; pens. So it can be interpreted that the essay is a process of describing an idea that is carried out formally and structured. Ideally, an essay is a description of the main idea that the author has and wants to convey to the reader.

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Essay Classification

Based on the type of essay is divided into three categories, namely scientific essays, semi-scientific essays, and non-scientific essays. Scientific essays are found in the work of academics in the form of theses, theses, and dissertations. Semi-scientific works are works commonly known as opinions, elaboration of arguments, editorials, and the like. Non-scientific works are essays in the form of novels, short stories, and so on. In the following sub-chapters, the types of essays will be described.

1. Scientific Writing

Scientific essay is a result of writing obtained by the author through observation and research first. The research in question is research that is in accordance with certain areas of expertise possessed by the author. This is because, that scientific essays are intended for readers to be able to pick accurate information about the topic of the essay. Scientific essays have the aim of providing explanations and information, express suggestions and comments as well as criticism. In other functions, scientific essays aim to prove the hypothesis of a theory that is being used as a research reference.

In this case, for example, a medical student who is pursuing higher education is required produce scientific work in the form of a thesis to obtain a bachelor's and professional degree in order to be recognized as a a doctor. The student's scientific essays can be useful for people who are also studying doctors or the general public who need information about the object of research that has been recognized by the Higher Education. The same applies to academics in other areas of expertise.

Scientific work consisting of theses, theses, and dissertations is an absolute product of education whose preparation must use the rules raw and can be accounted for regarding the content and results of the research. The differences between the three types of scientific essays will be described in the following discussion.

  • Thesis

Thesis is a scientific essay that must be written by students as part of the final requirements of their academic education (KBBI, 2016). This understanding explains that the thesis does have a purpose and responsibility as a result of research that can be recognized accurately. The thesis is made based on opinions and supporting research theories accompanied by accurate data and facts about the objects and problems studied. Thesis can be done by several methods including direct research; observation; literature review; and laboratory research.

  • Thesis

Thesis is a scientific essay written to complete postgraduate education in a college. The preparation of the thesis uses writing rules that can be assessed for validity. The scientific weight of the thesis is higher than the thesis. In preparing the thesis, postgraduate students are required to be able to process technically both in terms of language (use of terms), table presentation, and bibliography. In KBBI, thesis is defined as a scientific essay written to obtain a master's degree at a university.

  • Dissertation

A dissertation is a scientific work that cuts down on the length of time in the preparation process. This is because, a dissertation is a scientific essay with the highest scientific weight among theses and theses. The dissertation is prepared with accuracy data, research, and original discoveries. Dissertation authors are required to use data valid and detailed analysis. A dissertation is defined as a scientific essay written to obtain a doctorate degree at a university (KBBI: 2016). In general, the preparation of a dissertation must prioritize the validity of the research, the object and the originality of the hypothesis that will be used phenomenon to solve the problem.

2. Semi-scientific essay

Semi-scientific essay is defined as an essay that contains some facts and partly in the form of text fiction. Semi-scientific essays are written in non-formal language because the preparation does not follow standard rules. It is recommended that this essay use language that is easily understood by the general public so that it can arrive message from the author. Some examples of semi-scientific essays can be seen in the following description.

  • Opinion

Opinion is a semi-scientific essay that contains opinions or arguments from the author regarding public events that are currently happening. With word On the other hand, the author wants to put his opinion forward to be known by the readers of his writing, because then the reader can participate in promoting the author's thoughts to other readers.

  • Editorial

Editorial according to the Big Dictionary LanguageIndonesia interpreted as an article in letter newspapers or magazines that reveal the opinion of the editor or head of the newspaper (magazine) regarding several issues; editorial. With this understanding illustrates that editorial is the opinion of one party (individual) on behalf of the newspaper.

  • Review

A review is a semi-scientific essay made by someone to review a book and express opinions about the contents of the book.

  • Anecdote (read: example of anecdote text)

An anecdote is defined as an interesting and impressive short story, many anecdotes are based on story draw an important character based on a true story.

  • Saga

Saga is a work literature old intended for entertainment media. Hikayat contains classic Malay stories with historical, religious, biographical backgrounds and a combination of these three things.

  • Features

Feature is known as a term in journalism that discusses entertainment news. Features usually contain news that is intended for entertainment media only (light news).

3. Non-scientific essay

Non-scientific essays are essays that are written in non-formal language and are easy for readers to understand. Non-scientific essays contain fiction or fictional stories which are usually written from a subjective point of view by the author. Non-scientific essays have several characteristics in their writing, including:

  • Imaginative
  • The facts discussed are subjective
  • persuasive
  • Use style familiar and connotative language
  • Dramatizing the situation
  • Does not show the hypothesis
  • Based on personal facts sometimes aligned with history

Several types of non-scientific essays include, descriptions; narrative; argumentation; persuasion; and exposition. The five types of non-scientific essays will be discussed in the following description.

  • Description

Descriptive essay is writing that reveals in detail and includes various evidences related to the writing, so that later the reader can be involved in the focus of the writing.

Some of the characteristics of descriptive essays are:

  1. The object of the conversation is obtained through careful observation of the shape
  2. What matters is more on feelings than logic
  3. Always involve the five senses of the reader

Example of a descriptive essay:

(1) The Manik Mas Art Building, which was just inaugurated last Monday, is now crowded with several visitors traveler local people who want to take pictures and see the beauty of the architecture in it. The building, which is designed with a typical Balinese architectural style, costs around 6 billion for six months of the restoration process. With a circular shape like a stadium, the art building is intended to have a layout that focuses on the middle side only. In addition, the use of a roof of fibers or coir is expected to reduce the effects of heat even though the building is a semi-indoor building.

(2) The little pink bicycle was bought by Mother as a birthday present for Lina yesterday afternoon. The bike is about 80 cm high and 100 cm long, pink with red predominance, Lina's favorite color. Lina's new bicycle is designed with a rear sling according to Lina's request last year. Coupled with the basket in front of her, Lina looked very happy and promised to be more active in helping her mother at home.

  • Narrative

Narrative is writing that contains a series of events and is arranged in chronological order
The characteristics of narrative essays are:

  1. Presenting events chronologically
  2. Show the perpetrator
  3. The background of events is explained in detail

Example of narrative essay:

(1) The accident involving a dump truck and automatic motorcycle that occurred this morning (14/11) is currently still in the evacuation process. The dump truck driver who was wedged between the front body of the truck suffered leg and neck fractures which caused the evacuation process to take a long time. Meanwhile, another victim, a DK 5554 HJ motorcyclist named Evi Sulastri, a resident of Jombang, East Java, was declared dead during the incident. According to the witness, the incident that occurred right in front of the Astina Banjar Peguyangan Buleleng village office The eye occurred due to the negligence of the truck driver who was sleepy so that he swayed and hit the motorcyclist on the road front. Until this news was revealed, the investigation into the accident case was still ongoing.

(2) Exactly at 08.00 this morning, our tour of one school complex started. This semester vacation was deliberately filled with a trip to the Blitar museum. Since 07.00 the participants were ready by bringing their own equipment such as cameras, notes, and snacks for the trip. at 08.00, the bus rented by the school arrived at the school's front yard. In an orderly manner we all headed to the seats in the order of class attendance.

  • Argument

Argumentative essay is a type of essay written based on the opinion of the author. Argumentation shows reasons that aim to justify an opinion by revealing data as evidence. This is intended so that the author obtains justification from reader.
Characteristics of an argumentative essay include:

  1. Aims to change the view of readers
  2. Convince the reader of the truth of the author's opinion
  3. Not subjective
  4. Equipped with related data or facts so that readers are more confident

Example of an argumentative essay:

(1) Discussions on the SARA war have recently begun to be widely discussed. This has happened since the 4 November demonstration after a group of mass organizations in the name of a certain belief rejected the leadership of one party. Should such an event occur? Should be a community modern we do not need to respond to the SARA debate that is increasingly being raised by parties who intend to divide unity and integrity. Thinking logically when Indonesia has recognized that the leadership is democratically elected, then naturally automatic all results are entrusted to the people. Regardless of whether you are of faith or tribe where is the community? There is a need for intensive socialization from all parties including the government, security forces, and related civilians to improve upholding unity and integrity from any aspect, in order to create harmony which is indeed the noble ideals of Pancasila as a the basis of the Republic of Indonesia.

(2) The development of globalization at this time becomes a new problem for observers of children. This is due to the liberation in the system communication media. We can see that there are many shows on television that are not appropriate if consumed by children. As generation young people, it is appropriate that we participate in monitoring and providing appropriate advice to parties media in order to present a quality and educational spectacle. This is important to improve the quality of education both mentally and academically for future generations.

  • persuasion

Persuasion is an essay that prioritizes elements of influence on the reader. Persuasion essay aims to influence the reader to share the views of the author's ideology. The writing is usually found in advertisements, pamphlets, banners for candidates for representatives of the people.

Example of a persuasive essay:

(1) Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about the design of cigarette packs that contain pictures of cancer and the like. This happened not without reason, the government through the Health Service cooperated with Some parties do recommend this so that the smoking community better understands the dangers of smoking now. The higher the number of smokers in Indonesia, the more the physical and mental health of the next generation will decline. If so, it would be nice to stop smoking starting with ourselves so that our children and grandchildren will be healthier in the future.

(2) Most Indonesian people, especially those living in urban areas, would agree that waste is a big problem for the common good that must be addressed immediately. Garbage is an item that must be disposed of, destroyed in an appropriate way to maintain the balance of the ecosystem. Waste use can be a dangerous threat if not treated immediately. As waste producers, we must also play a role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. The first thing we have to do is separate the types of organic and inorganic waste, then separate This will continue in the recycling process which will have an impact on the processing of waste to return utilized.

  • Exposition

An expository essay is also called an expository essay. This essay describes and explains an object or problem for the public to know.
The characteristics of an expository essay are:

  1. Expressing something true and actual, because it aims to provide information
  2. There is no sentence provoking
  3. Show presentation objectively
  4. Sometimes it also describes the process of making something

Example of an expository essay :

(1) Making soybean juice begins by soaking the selected soybean overnight and then squeezing it in the morning. Don't forget to replace the soaking water with new, clean water. After being squeezed and crushed, boil the soybean juice by adding sugar according to taste and natural flavors (chocolate, strawberry, etc.). Use fire during the boiling process, wait until it is cooked and ready to be consumed. In addition to the formation of new cells, because of the protein it contains, soybean juice also functions as a metabolic regulator because of its vitamin E content.

(2) Canang sari is a medium of worship offered to God Almighty by all Hindus in Bali. The arrangement of canang saris is always accompanied by other typical Hindu offerings such as food and drinks and incense. How to serve canang sari is actually not too complicated because it uses coconut leaves or leaves coconut that is stitched according to the shape of the canang you want to present while filling it with flowers colorful. The flowers consist of several colors, there are red, yellow, white, blue and also filled with fragrant pandan leaves slices. After the canang sari is finished, the Hindus are ready to pray.

This is an article about the types of essays, their definitions and examples, which are discussed in full including the types of language and the characteristics of their writing. May be useful!