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Sad news is news that contains news of the death of someone, be it an artist, politician, or an ordinary citizen. The text of the sad news itself can be seen in various media, both print and online. In this article, we will find out what an example of a mourning news text looks like. The examples can be seen as follows!

Syifa, Congratulations Dear Grandson*

Sad news enveloped Pangandaran district. Syifa, sufferer nutrition The bad thing that had made a scene in the community finally breathed its last. The poor girl whose full name is Aura Nurusyifa had to give up on the circumstances she suffered while undergoing treatment at the Prof. Margono Soekarjo Regional General Hospital, Purwokerto, Central Java Province, Tuesday (5/4/2016) 5:55 p.m.

On the same day, the body was immediately taken to the Pangandaran district to be buried in Grandfather Saju Public Cemetery which is located not far from the deceased's residence at around 14.00. When he arrived, the body was greeted by a crowd of residents who had thronged Syifa's residence since noon which was located in Karangpetir Hamlet,

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Village Cintakarya, Parigi District, Pangandaran Regency for mourning.

Got better

Representative of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic Indonesia Achmad Mulyono said, while undergoing treatment at RSUD Margono since March 7, 2016, Syifa's condition had developed quite a bit significant. This can be seen from the development of body weight from 11 kilograms to 15 kilograms.

However, he said, this did not last long. In the past week, Syifa's condition has continued to deteriorate. The weight that had gone up slowly began to fall again, making his condition weak.

The peak, said Achmad, was that the 18-year-old girl had been in critical condition since Monday afternoon before finally passing away the next day. "We have tried hard, but never said otherwise," said Achmad when delivering the body to Syifa's house yesterday. He added that many of Syifa's internal organs were affected, such as the lungs, kidneys, and other organs before she died.

The sad look on the face of the Pangandaran Regent, Jeje Wiradinata, also radiated from the face of the Pangandaran Regent. Jeje, who had joined the funeral procession, said he was saddened by Syifa's departure. "Syifa, who surprised us yesterday, was called by God," he said while visiting the residence of the deceased.

While Syifa was being treated at the Margono Hospital, Jeje admitted that he had continued to monitor Syifa's condition. Because, word he, his daughter is undergoing a koas (doctor's assistant) at RSUD Margono. "So my daughter continues to report on Syifa's condition," he said.

Furthermore, Jeje admitted that he planned to visit Syifa's condition directly in Purwokerto. However, due to busy schedules, the plan has not been implemented. “I told his grandfather that I wanted to visit him. If not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow. But suddenly died. May the deceased be accepted by Him," he said.

Meanwhile, Totong (80), the grandfather who took care of Syifa for 17 years, looks strong. However, occasionally his red eyes shed tears when he saw the corpse of his beloved grandson. (Gandasara title/"PR")***

That's an example of a sad news text in language Indonesia. Hopefully it is useful and able to add insight to all readers, both regarding news texts in particular, as well as Indonesian language learning materials. Please also forgive if there are some mistakes in this article.

If the reader wants to add reference Regarding news and announcement texts, readers can open the following articles, namely: example of economic news text; football news text example; example of educational news text; example of short news text; example of news text in newspaper, Example of competition announcement; and Example of winner announcement. That is all and thank you.

*Quoted fromnewspaper Thoughts of the People April 6, 2016 edition.

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