The definition exposition paragraph is one type of exposition paragraph paragraf which contains the definition or understanding of a thing. Shown in paragraph Exposition of definitions includes not only the definition or understanding of a particular topic but also all things related to the topic so that the reader gets information clear. On the previous occasion, we have reviewed about example of an exposition of the definition of plants and example of an exposition of the definition of an animal. Now, we will review an example of an exposition paragraph on the definition of education.


According to the page, etymologically, education comes from from Latin is "e” which means exit and “ducare” which means to lead, direct, or lead. So, education is defined as an activity leading out. Meanwhile, according to Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, what is meant by education is a conscious effort and planned to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by himself, society, nation, and society country.

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Another definition of education is the definition found in the Big Dictionary LanguageIndonesia Online, which states that education is a process of changing attitudes and behavior of a person or group of people in an effort to mature humans through teaching and training efforts. Education is also interpreted as a process, method, or act of educating. The purpose of education is to increase one's knowledge about something, so that they master it. Educational goals can be achieved if the learning process takes place communicatively. In a sense, if the learning process is not communicative, the educational goals will not be achieved.

Thus a brief review of examples of paragraphs about education. Other articles that can be read related to expository paragraphs and examples include example of expository paragraph development pattern, example of analytical exposition paragraph, example of definition exposition paragraph paragraf, example of a classification exposition paragraph, example of illustration exposition paragraph paragraf, news exposition paragraph example, example of contradicting expository paragraph, and example of a comparative exposition paragraph. That is all and thank you.