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Previously, we have known various kinds of speech examples, such as sample speech about education, example of a short speech about character education, example of a short speech about moral education, as well as example of short speech about health. This article will also feature example of speech short with juvenile delinquency as the theme. Like other speeches, this short speech sample also contains standard word function, example of opening paragraph, example of closing paragraph, Example of a statement sentence in Indonesian, and examples of persuasive sentences and paragraphs.

The example of a short speech about juvenile delinquency is as follows.

Let's Prevent Juvenile Delinquency!


Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings

Ladies and gentlemen

On this day, let us give thanks to the presence of Allah SWT for the abundance of His grace and gifts to all of us, so that we can gather in this glorious place. The speech I delivered today was about juvenile delinquency.

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Ladies and gentlemen

We need to know that the delinquency committed by teenagers today is increasingly concerning. Smoking, fighting, fighting, to drug abuse and bullying behavior (bullying) are forms of juvenile delinquency that are rampant in our youth today. The morally bad impact is of course very much felt, both for us and for our youth.

These delinquencies are caused by various factors, both within the teenager and outside the teenager. Weak self-control in adolescents is an internal factor that causes adolescents to commit delinquency. Meanwhile, the divorce of parents, friends and a bad environment are factors outside of teenagers that lead to juvenile delinquency.

To prevent juvenile delinquency from being acute, we must be able to minimize the causes from juvenile delinquency. As for the ways that we can do, among others, by setting a good example for teenagers, as well as providing motivation to do good so that their self-control is stronger, so that even teenagers can resist the temptation to do mischief teenager. In addition, we always parents must also maintain our household relations so as not to experience divorce which resulted in teenagers losing their shelter and committing juvenile delinquency.

We also have to educate the youth around us to be able to choose good friends and environment, and dare to avoid bad friends and environment. By doing all these efforts, our teenagers will be able to avoid juvenile delinquency and they will become teenagers who are smart and have noble character.

Therefore, let's prevent juvenile delinquency by educating our youth as best we can, be it in home, school, or in the community, so that later they become smart and moral teenagers good.

Maybe that's all I can convey in this speech. Hopefully it will be useful for all ladies and gentlemen. As a speaker, I apologize if there are mistakes in pronunciation or there are wordsword which offends ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for your attention. May prosperity always be with us all. Amen.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

This is an example of a short speech about juvenile delinquency. Hopefully useful, and able to add insight to all readers, both in the field of speech in particular, as well as languageIndonesia in general. That is all and thank you.

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