11 Correct Use of Dots According to EYD

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Our topic this time is the correct use of periods according to EYD. Previously, several punctuation marks have been discussed, including use of punctuation, use of colon, use of single quotation marks and quotation marks, and use of question marks and exclamation points. An understanding of the use of punctuation is very necessary in compiling a sentence or text in general, whether specifically for students or the general public.

A full stop is a punctuation mark used at the end of a sentence. The sentence in question is not a question or an exclamation, but a statement. Guidelines for the use of periods are regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Indonesia Indonesia No. 46 of 2009 concerning General Guidelines for Spelling Language Perfected Indonesia. Guidelines for using the correct period according to EYD along with examples, will be explained below.

1. Dots at the End of Sentences

A period is placed at the end of a sentence that is not a sentence questions or exclamations. It is the statement or news sentence that uses a period at the end of the sentence. While the question sentence uses a question mark and exclamatory sentences use an exclamation mark.

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  • The government continues to enforce the National Examination as a graduation standard at the elementary – high school level.
  • Everyone on the street was touched to see the struggle of a father who invited his son to sell newspaper.
  • The Sindoro-Sumbing mountain climbers abandoned their climbing intentions because weather bad for days.

If the end of a sentence already contains a period, then a full stop is not needed.


  • Rani said, "I will continue to struggle to find the whereabouts of the mother regardless of her condition."
  • The speaker at this seminar was Mr. Tri Sumarno, M.Sc.
  • The teacher asked the students to bring green vegetables, such as spinach, kale, mustard greens, etc.
  • The core team of exam question editors consists of Ahmad Syafi'i, S.Pd and Rahmawati Setyaningrum, M.Pd.

2. A full stop is used at the end of a person's name.

If several word If someone's name is abbreviated, a period must be at the end of the abbreviation. However, a full stop is not used if the name is written in full.


  • Ahmad S. Hendrawan
  • Fatima R. Azzahra
  • Moh. Yamin
  • General A.H. Nasution

3. Dots at the end of abbreviations of titles, ranks, positions, greetings

In addition to abbreviations of people's names, full periods are also used in abbreviations of titles, ranks, positions or greetings. Consider the following example:

  • Dr. Prambudi delivered his paper on savings energy.
  • Cabbage. Suparman decided to apply for early retirement due to illness.
  • After the graduation procession, her full name became Rani Fitriana, S.E.
  • Rr. Ajeng Prawirodirjo was crowned the queen of the kingdom.
  • The environmentalist award was given to Mr. Suprihono.
  • Ir. Soekarno was the first president of the Indonesian nation.

4. Dots for Common Abbreviations.

Writing abbreviations consisting of three letters or more still uses one full stop. Example:

  • etc. → and so on
  • etc. → and more
  • p. → page
  • date. → date
  • sda. → same as above
  • a.n. → on behalf of
  • d.a. → with address
  • s.d. → up to

5. Dots To Separate Hours, Minutes, and Seconds

Hours, minutes, and seconds can be intermediate in showing the time and period of time. Example:

  • Time: 10.30 WIB, 5.12.30 → 5 past 12 minutes 30 seconds
  • Timeframe: 1.15.25 → 1 hour, 15 minutes, 25 seconds; 0.10.02 → 10 minutes, 2 seconds

6. Dots as Separator of Thousands and Multiples

The use of a full stop is only used for numbers that show the amount, but not for numbers that don't show the amount.


  • The number of victims temporarily recorded 2,453 people died.
  • A total of 10,000 tickets for football matches were sold out.
  • Ani got the test number 045623 in the selection of civil servants.
  • My father was born in 1956 and is now exactly 60 years old.
  • A total of 1,500 tons of rice were burned by the Red Rooster.
  • The serial number of this printer is 58793145.

7. Dots are used in writing bibliography

Writing a bibliography is also inseparable from use of punctuation. A period is written after the author's name, the year the book was written, the title of the book, and the publisher. Example:

  • Ivan, Hendriawan. 2015. Scientific Writing Techniques. Jakarta: Zero Publishing.
  • Stafford-Clark, D. 2004. Mentasy disodes and their treatment. The New Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica. 27: 567-569
  • Suyanto. 2007. “Artificial Intelligence: Searching, Reasoning, Planning and Learning”. Bandung: Informatics Publisher.
  • Wilson, Robin J. & Wattkins, John J. 1990. Graphs: An Introductory Approach. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Gutin, Gregory & Punnen, A.P. 2004. The Traveling Salesman Problem and Its Variations. New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers

8. Dots are used in format Numbering (numbering)

In numbering, a period is placed after the numbered number.


1. Prepare gelatin, sugar, water, food flavorings.

2. Enter all ingredient into the pot and turn on the stove.

3. Stir until boiling then turn off the stove.

4. Pour into molds and leave to cool.

5. After it hardens, store it in the refrigerator or you can enjoy it immediately

9. Period Marks Used in a Chart or List

The use of a period in a chart or list is placed after a number or letter. This list is often seen in the table of contents of a book. Example:

A. Algorithm

1. Basic Algorithm

2. Algorithm Presentation

B. graph

1. Graph Basics

2. connectedness (Connectivity)

3. Types of Graphs

3.1 Simple Graph

3.2 Non-Simple Graph

3.3 Directed Graph

3.4 Undirected Graph

4. Representation of Graphs in Matrix

10. Dots are not used in Institution abbreviations

Abbreviations of official names of institutions, organizations, or other types of acronyms that are common in society do not end with a period.


  • MPR → People's Consultative Assembly
  • Student Council → Organization Intra-School Students
  • Constitution → Constitution
  • KTP → National Identity Card
  • KAI → Train Fire Indonesia

11. The full stop is not used in the description of the sender and recipient of the letter

The use of a full stop is placed behind the address of the sender / recipient, the date of the letter, the name of the sender or recipient letter.


Dear. Hasan Hussein

Jalan Cikunir 51


August 21, 2016

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Thus the article on using the correct period according to EYD. Hopefully the explanation of the topic of using dots in this article is easy to understand, useful and suitable as a learning resource for both students and society in general. Thank you.

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