One of types of semi-scientific essays is opinion. This essay is an essay that contains a person's views or opinions on a matter, especially on issues that are spreading in the community. This essay is a subjective essay. Even so, opinion writers must be able to present some concrete evidence so that their opinions can be accepted by the public.

Opinions are usually written in various types of mass media, including in media newspaper. In this article, we will find out what an example of an opinion piece published in a newspaper looks like. The examples can be seen as follows!

Champion Nation*
By: Asep Kadarohman

Anyone who achieves achievements at the national, regional, and even international levels, in general, his life will be guaranteed. Besides being famous, they will also get a job that matches their achievements and earn a satisfactory income. He will be adored and adored and pampered. That is the fate of champions in developed countries who value achievement. Then, what about in Indonesia?

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In Indonesia it is the same, whoever wins will always be praised and adored. They will also get abeja of appreciation, respect, and prosperity. However, in general, the awards given are temporary. After winning, yes. There will be no further treatment, unless the person concerned takes the initiative to continue his or her achievements independently. Those who rely on certain institutions to accommodate and develop their talents often face obstacles. Instead of achieving more, the champions are often frustrated because they face harsh realities that are not in tune with their achievements.

If he is a Civil Servant (PNS), then he does not necessarily occupy a certain position because of his achievements. There are many doors that must be passed in order to be able to occupy that position. If you have to occupy a certain position, sometimes it is not in accordance with the education and achievements he has achieved. In fact, it is not uncommon for them to get job who are far from their respective fields. In reality, positions in civil servants are more of a “nut sequence”; who is senior then he gets the position. Even if someone is promoted to a special position, sometimes it is because of his proximity to a number of power makers.

Apart from all the technical obstacles above, the most basic obstacle is that our culture is not yet conducive to achievement winners. We still maintainculture"that winning is defeating. So, anyone who achieves an achievement means he is "threatening" other people, especially leaders who can at any time be willing to be evicted to make room for the achievers. On the other hand, the presence of people who excel actually leads to counterproductive actions in the form of slapping the achievers. If the climate of achievement in the country is still like this, when will it be? Indonesia will go forward and become a champion nation?

That's an example of opinion in newspaper in language Indonesia. Hopefully it will be useful and able to add insight for all readers, both regarding opinions in particular, and Indonesian language in general.

If the reader wants to add reference about semi-scientific essays, the reader can open the following articles, namely: example of a short biography, biographical examples of successful people, example of a short autobiography about yourself, examples of literary essays, meaning and examples of memoirs, as well as articles example of a short memoir.

Thank you and thank you.

*Example of this opinion is quoted from Mind the People's newspaper, August 29, 2016 edition (with a few changes). The examples of opinions discussed are only half of the original text which is too long to be written in this article.