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Health is a theme that is often used for articles. Example of an argumentative paragraph about health, example of analogy paragraph about health, example of expository essay about health, example of expository paragraph about health, example of narrative paragraph about health, as well as example of a classification paragraph about health are some examples of articles that use health as a theme. This article will also raise the theme of health, where the theme will be presented in speech format. Definition or understanding from Speech itself is a discourse or expression that is conveyed to a large audience which is usually delivered in formal events, such as: ceremony flag-raising or other similar formal events.

For more details, the following is shown example of speech short about health.

Let's Take Care of Our Mental Health!


Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings.

Distinguished guests,

Let us give thanks to God Almighty for the abundance of His grace and gifts to all of us, so that we can meet in this place. On this occasion, I will deliver a speech about the importance of taking care of our mental health.

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Distinguished guests,

Our inner health is not just physical health. However, mental health is also an important aspect that we must have. So it is not surprising that sports subjects in schools are often called physical and spiritual health education, not just physical health education. Not to mention we hear that lately many people – especially famous figures – commit suicide due to the mental stress they experience.

For that, ladies and gentlemen, we must be able to take care of our mental health. By taking care of our mental health, we will not easily experience mental stress that causes us to take dangerous actions, including suicide. As for the ways that we can do, among others, by always worshiping and praying to Him, telling our complaints to those closest to us, appreciating and accepting who we are. existence, active in social activities, maintaining good relations with family, relatives, and friends, asking for help if experiencing difficulties both materially and morally, and taking a short rest at home. middle activity which we live. By following these methods, our mental health will be maintained, and we will become completely healthy human beings, both physically and mentally.

Distinguished guests,

Maybe that's all I have to say about this speech. Hopefully it is useful and can be understood by all attendees. Sorry if there is word or the content of the speech that is less pleasing to the audience. Perfection belongs only to Him, and mistakes and sins will not escape us.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

This is an example of a short speech about health. Readers can develop and create their own health-themed speeches using example of opening paragraph, example of closing paragraph, Example of a statement sentence in Indonesian, examples of persuasive sentences and paragraphs, as well as standard word function. If the reader wants to know other speech examples, the reader can open the article sample speech about education, example of a short speech about character education, and example of a short speech about moral education. Hopefully this article is useful and able to add insight to all readers, both regarding speeches in particular, and languageIndonesia in general. That is all and thank you.

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