Difference between metaphorical figure of speech and symbolic figure of speech in Indonesian

In the previous article, we have seen what the difference between simile and association. In the article, it is stated that the difference between the two figure of speech lies in the meaning displayed by the two figure of speech. In this article, we will also discuss the differences between the two all kinds of figure of speech others, namely metaphorical figure of speech and symbolic figure of speech. The two figure of speech included various kinds of figure of speech comparison First, the definitions and examples will be presented, then the differences will be drawn. The discussion about the difference between metaphorical figure of speech and symbolic figure of speech is as follows!

1. Metaphor

This figure of speech is a figure of speech or style language that describes one thing with another thing that is similar to that thing. This figure of speech is often used in various works literature, as types of poetry, all kinds of short stories, as well as types of novels. Unlike associations or similes, metaphorical figures of speech do not use certain words in them. Thus, a thing that is about to be likened is immediately likened to a figurative word that equates it.

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To find out what the metaphorical figure of speech looks like, here are some: example of metaphor in Indonesian!

  • your face as beautiful the moon that shines at night.
    • Your face: the word to be likened, the moon that shines at night: the parable of the word your face.
  • He it's a masher.
    • He: the word to be compared, the masher: the parable or metaphor of he.
  • He is community trash in this village.
    • He: the word to be likened/metaphored, the garbage of the people in this village: a metaphor for the word he.

2. Symbolic figure of speech

It is a figure of speech to compare something with something else, whether it be animals, objects, plants, and other symbols. In symbolic figure of speech, something that is intended to be likened is usually immediately replaced with the parable of the intention. This is different from the metaphorical figure of speech which word figuratively coupled with the word he wants to describe. Like metaphorical figure of speech, this figure of speech also does not have certain words in it. In order to better understand, here are some: example of symbolic figure of speech In Language Indonesia!

  • The suspect has been brought to green table. (Green table: symbolic figure of speech from the word court)
  • Her heart is so white once. (White: symbolic figure of speech from holy or clean)
  • Andini's heart is now gray. (Grey: is a symbolic figure of speech from word bcondolences)

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the basic difference between metaphorical figure of speech and symbolic figure of speech is the word that the two figures of speech intend to compare. In metaphorical figure of speech, the word that is intended to be compared is immediately compared to another word. For example on sentenceYour face is as beautiful as the new moon. In that sentence, the word your face becomes a word to be compared, while the clause the new moon shines is a parable or metaphor of the word your face.

On the other hand, the word to be likened to a symbolic figure of speech is not accompanied by a parable of the word. Instead, the parable of the word is actually replaced by the parable of the word. An example can be seen in the sentence Andini's heart is gray. word gray in the sentence is a parable as well as a substitute for the word grieve.

Thus the discussion about the difference between metaphorical figure of speech and symbolic figure of speech in Indonesian. Hopefully useful and able to add insight to all readers, both about figure of speech and about language Indonesia. Thank you.