4 Examples of Parable Figures and Their Meanings

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Majas is a stylelanguage which is figurative or contains an untrue meaning. Majas itself consists of various types, where one of them all kinds of figure of speech it is a parable figure of speech. Parable figure of speech itself is a figure of speech that contains the moral values ​​contained in a story. This figure of speech can be found in examples of parable fairy tales. Not only parable fairy tales, this figure of speech can also be found in all kinds of fairy tales others, like sage fairy tale example, examples of short fables and their structures, as well as examples of myths or myths.

To find out more about what parable figure of speech looks like, here are some examples of parable figure of speech and their meaning!

Example 1:

Malin Kundang was cursed to be a stone for not acknowledging the existence of his biological mother who was dressed in tatters and in tatters in front of his wife.

Meaning: The figure of speech contained in Malin Kundang's story implies that a child must still acknowledge the existence of his mother, no matter how her mother's condition is.

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Example 2:

Bawang Merah and her mother stole Garlic's pumpkin which was a gift from a grandmother. Bawang Merah and her mother hoped that the pumpkin contained gold and gems. However, after opening it, it turned out that the pumpkin contained a snake and the snake bit them both.

Meaning: The meaning of the parable figure of speech above is that as humans we should not take things that are not ours. Because this will have a negative impact on us. The figure of speech in the example above comes from fromstory Onion and garlic

Example 3:

Toba, who was angry because his son Samosir immediately cursed the child and addressed him with a sentencebaby fish! After saying this, Toba also remembered his oath to his wife, that he should not curse his son as a fish child. But rice has become porridge. Rain The torrent immediately descended and inundated the entire surface of the ground, and drowned everyone in it, including Toba. Meanwhile, Samosir managed to escape to a place, and the place was later named Samosir Island.

Meaning: The meaning of the parable figure of speech above is that we as humans should not violate the oath we have made. Because, if we violate, then we must accept the bad impact. The parable figure of speech above comes from the folklore of the Origin of Lake Toba.

Example 4:

Nawang Wulan, who knew that the missing scarf was in Jaka Tarub's hands, was annoyed and then returned to heaven.

Meaning: The meaning of the parable figure of speech above is that we must be honest and frank with the people we care about for the actions we have done. If not, then the people we love will be upset and leave us. The parable figure of speech above is taken from the story of Jaka Tarub and Dewi Nawang Wulan.

This is an example of a parable figure of speech and its meaning. If the reader wants to know some examples of other figure of speech, the reader can open the article example of innuendo figure of speech, example of satire, example of inversion figure of speech, example of ellipsis figure of speech, example of interrupt, example of corrective figure of speech, and example of rhetorical figure of speech. The discussion this time is sufficient until here. Hopefully useful and able to add insight to the readers, both about figure of speech in particular, and language Indonesia in general. That is all and thank you.

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