16 Examples of Standard and Non-Standard Words and Their Meanings in Sentences

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word raw is a word that is written based on the rules of the applicable language. Meanwhile, non-standard words are rich whose writing deviates from the rules language applicable. To find out what these two types of words look like, in this article, we will show some examples of both in sentence format along with the meanings contained in them. Some of these examples are as follows!

Examples of Standard Words and Their Meanings in Sentences

  1. Art traditional that noble we have to take good care of it.
    • The standard word: noble.
    • Meaning: noble and high quality.
  2. Grief still surrounds the murder victim's family.
    • Standard word: sorrow duka
    • Meaning: sadness; distress; misery.
  3. Akbar has bought duplex at the paper shop.
    • Default word: duplex.
    • Meaning: double layered paper or cardboard.
  4. Uncle brought gifts in the form of durian the one he bought from Medan city.
    • Standard word: durian.
    • Meaning: fruit with prickly skin and a distinctive aroma.
  5. Ex AC Milan coach, Vincenzo Montela, officially coaches the Spanish league team, Sevilla.
    • Standard word: ex.
    • Meaning: former; former.
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  7. The concert was held exclusive, beyond the previous concerts.
    • Default word: exclusive.
    • Meaning: different from others; different compared to the others.
  8. Corpse The victim has arrived at his family's house.
    • Standard word: corpse.
    • Meaning: the bodies of the dead; corpse.
  9. That child is the most genius among children his age.
    • Standard word: genius.
    • Meaning: a person's level of intelligence is very high.

B. Examples of Non-standard Words

  1. MotivationHis participation in the talent search event was very large.
    • Non-standard word: motivation.
    • The default form: motivation.
    • Meaning: the impetus to do something.
  2. Para scholar was having an exciting discussion at the national forum.
    • word nonstandard: scholar.
    • Standard form: scholar.
    • Meaning: intelligent people or people who have high intelligence.
  3. Tomorrow will be my last day working here.
    • Non-standard words: tomorrow.
    • The default form: tomorrow.
    • Meaning: the day after today.
  4. In the logic course, the lecturer asked us to explain defined from a defined.
    • Non-standard words: defined.
    • The default form: definition.
    • Meaning: understanding of something.
  5. Movies It has won various awards and accolades from various parties.
    • Non-standard word: film.
    • The default form: film.
    • Meaning: a work of art that contains a play story the living.
  6. He not yet complete his schoolwork.
    • Non-standard words: not yet.
    • The default form: not yet.
    • Meaning: still not.
  7. Yesterday, I took report card together with my mother.
    • Non-standard words: rapot.
    • The default form: report card.
    • Meaning: an official report to the person who is obliged to receive it.
  8. This morning, mother bought egg as much as two kilograms which he bought from the traditional market.
    • Non-standard word: egg.
    • The standard form: egg.
    • Meaning: a shelled object that contains offspring produced by poultry.'

These are some examples of standard and non-standard words and their meanings in sentence. To add references about standard, non-standard, or words reference other things related to words, readers can open the article the characteristics of standard and non-standard words, standard word function, standard and non-standard words with examples, examples of concrete nouns in Indonesian, example of preposition "between", example of plural article, and articles examples of beneficial verbs. Hope it useful for all Reader. Thank you.

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