15 Examples of Compound Words in Indonesian Sentences

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one of them types of compound words based on the method of writing is word compound compound. compound words This is a compound word whose writing method is done by combining the two morphemes or words that form this compound word. To find out more about what these types of compound words look like, the following will show some examples of compound words in sentence format as shown below!

  1. Sun this morning shines so brightly.
    • Sun: is a combination of words eye and day written by combining or combining them.
  2. That woman always wears spectacles round.
    • Glasses: is a combination of words glass and eye written by combining or combining them.
  3. Our troops managed to kill upstream opposing team.
    • Hulubalang: is a combination of words upstream and bale written by combining or combining them.
  4. Ujang is Bumiputra nice.
    • Bumiputra: is a combination of words earth and son written by combining or combining them.
  5. Tearsit flows so fast.
    • Tears: is a combination of the words water and eye written by combining or combining them.
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  7. Dennis Adhiswara became interviewees in the creative content seminar.
    • Narrator: is a combination of the words narrator and source written in a way that is combined or combined.
  8. For information For more information about the seminar, participants can contact contact person stated in the flyer for the seminar.
    • Contact person: is a combination of the words narrator and connect written in a way that is combined or combined.
  9. Pak Rashid is known as a person who wise.
    • Wise: is a combination of the words wise and there written in a way that is combined or combined.
  10. Max Havelaar is a novel masterpiece composed by Multatuli.
    • Adikarya: is a combination of the words adi and creation written in a way that is combined or combined,
  11. Mr. Santosa has now opened a new business in the cultivation lobster and crab.
    • Cultivation: is a combination of the words mind and creation written in a way that is combined or combined.
  12. The exhibition event featured several paintings noble.
    • Adiluhung: is a combination of the words adi and superb which are written in series by combining or combining them.
  13. Parents Andi is rarely home.
    • Parents: is a combination of the words person and old written in series or combined.
  14. Para college student was demonstrating in front of the rectorate building this morning.
    • Student: is a combination of the words great and student written in series or combined.
  15. J.S. Badudu is professor in the field of grammar Indonesia.
    • Mahaguru: is a combination of words great and teacher written in series or combined.
  16. Currently, Mr. Slamet is still unemployed.
    • Tunakarya: is a combination of words tuna and creation written in series or combined.

Those are some examples of compound words in sentence Indonesian. To find out some examples from other types of words, readers can open the article examples of abstract nouns in Indonesian, examples of reflective verbs, example of basic adjective, examples of definite numbers, example of plural article, and example of preposition "with". Hopefully it is useful and able to provide a new insight for all readers, whether it is about compound words in particular, or about learning materials language Indonesia in general. That's all and also thank you very much.

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