
Here are some examples sentence which contains a subordinate conjunction with a comparative relationship in LanguageIndonesia, which generally uses word connect more…than, equal…with:

  • I never thought my grades could be more high from Rani value.
  • Mrs. Risma is proud of her house more big from Lurah's house in village this.
  • Princess Beauty together with his kindness.
  • The results of Mr. Yanto's chicken farm more Lots from Mr. Wawan's livestock.
  • What do I give to my sister together with which I gave to my sister.
  • According to the audience, Raisa's voice same good with Isha's voice.
  • Landslide victims in border areas more need help of the flood victims in urban areas.
  • I more choose to stay at home of the go to the night market celebration.
  • Internet signal outside the house more strong of the in the room.
  • This building will be made more height and more big of the previous.
  • The genetically modified fruit is more big of the local fruit.

Those are some examples of sentences that contain comparative subordinating conjunctions. Thank you.

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