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Short stories and novels are two of the forms of stories that exist. Short stories or short stories are story which tells the story of a person or event in brief. Meanwhile, the novel is a story that tells about a person, events, and other things around him that are told in a long and complicated way. In this article, we will find out what examples of these two types of stories look like. The two examples are as follows!

A. Short Story Example

Handful of Graveyard*

By: Kuntowijoyo

This is where he took the land. He touched the pouch at his waist, the string wrapped around his stomach. For a moment the wind blew in the clearing, touched his loose black shirt and pants, then hit the reeds, a distant rustling sound. There was the sound of a dog howling in the distance. The man saw his dog straighten its ears, its muzzle pointed at the sound, the tip of its tail twitching.

"Shh, don't answer." He knew that if Kliwon answered, a group of dogs would come and start a commotion. That would ruin his job. Of course because the dog will prefer the female than the master.

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He climbed on all fours, only the grass covering the ground. Every now and then his hand pulled the grass from the roots. His clothes touched the grass, and the coldness of the ground was felt in his stomach. The dog was standing there on the bed. Also him, a little later. The dog crouched, then he was alone. He sat cross-legged, his arms crossed over his chest. The world disappeared from his senses.

B. Sample Story Novel

Paper boat**

By: Dewi “Dee” Lerstari

Amsterdam, June 1999….

There is no reason to leave Amsterdam in the summer. This is the best time to cycle around Leidsplein and Dam Square while enjoying the sunshine which is an annual paradise for city dwellers. He still wants to sit on the beach Blomendahl armed with Kancas and painting tools, or enjoy koffie verkeerd in one of the cafes on 9 Straatjes from morning to evening with his sketchbook.

While emptying the last row of books from the shelf hanging by the bed, the same question a week this last one repeated in his head: I'm only eighteen, but why am I feeling too tired for all this?


Jakarta, July 1999….

The petite girl was constantly moving, tiptoeing, sometimes jumping, even her feet kicked the air. Even though his only activity was packing books into boxes, he decided to combine them with dancing.

His ears are clogged earphones who sings music new wave brother's collection. He just graduated from high school a month ago, but his taste in music is the same as a high school kid fifteen years ago. Everyone always says, the name Kugy is the outside just up-to-date, but inside out-of-date. Even those who are said to be ignorant tend to be proud. Kugy still insists that '80s music, except fashion-its very cool and genius.


These are some examples of short stories and novels in Indonesian. If the reader wants to add reference About the story, readers can open the following articles, namely: example of short story, example of a novel, examples of myths or myths, examples of parable fairy tales, sage fairy tale example, examples of short fables and their structures, as well as types of storylines. Hopefully useful and able to add new insights for all readers, whether it's about stories, or learning materials languageIndonesia. Thank you and thank you.

*Adapted from a collection of short stories "Forbidden to Love Flowers" by Kuntowijoyo.

**Adapted from the page

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