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Drugs is a theme that is often used ingredient article writing. Example of an expository essay about drugs, example of persuasive paragraph about drugs, example of argumentative paragraph about drugs, example of cause and effect paragraph about drugs, example of a deductive paragraph about drugs, and example of inductive paragraph about drugs are some articles that use the theme of drugs. This article will also use the theme of drugs, where the theme will be written in the form of a speech. The definition of speech itself is a text or discourse that is spoken to the general public and is formal in nature. Because it is formal, then standard word function also contained in the text of the speech. In addition, the text of the speech also contains example of opening paragraph, Example of a statement sentence in Indonesian, examples of persuasive sentences and paragraphs, and example of closing paragraph.

As for example of speech Brief about drugs is as follows.

Example of a Short Speech on Drugs

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Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings

Dear guests,

Before I start this speech, let us first say thank you to the presence of Allah SWT who has given us the opportunity to be able to meet in this place. As for the speech I will deliver, the theme is about the threat of drug abuse which is getting worse day by day.

As we know, the circulation of drugs is increasingly unstoppable. This results in the number of people who abuse increasing every day. Not only the elite, children and even the elderly have become drug addicts. This is exacerbated by the increasingly creative dealers in smuggling their “merchandise”. One example is by faking drugs into children's snacks. If these drugs are consumed by children, then children will experience addiction and have the potential to become addicts.

Not only that, several new types of drugs have started to enter our country. Unfortunately, the new types of drugs are not yet listed in the law, so if there is a dealer or addict who uses that type of drug, then they can be free. from legal proceedings.

Based on these facts, we can conclude that Indonesia now in the middle of a drug emergency. Therefore, we must increase our vigilance so that we and the people around us do not become victims of drug abuse. As for the way that we can do as an effort to combat abuse is to identify some types of drugs and their effects, both types of drugs that are well known to the public, and types of drugs that are new. Besides that, we also have to dig information more about the modus operandi or methods used by drug dealers to market their “merchandise”, as well as how to avoid it.

Maybe that's all I can convey in this speech. Hopefully useful, and sorry if there is a mispronunciation or there are some statements that do not correspond to reality. Thank you.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

This is an example of a short speech about drugs. If the reader wants to read other speech examples, the reader can open the article sample speech about education, example of a short speech about character education, example of a short speech about moral education, example of short speech about health, example of a short speech about juvenile delinquency, and example of a short speech about independence. Hopefully useful and able to add insight to all readers. That is all and thank you.

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