Correct Use of Quotations and Single Quotes according to EYD

In previous articles, we have discussed about use of punctuation. Various types of punctuation are discussed in the discussion. On this occasion, we will learn in more detail about the correct use of quotation marks and single quotation marks in sentences.

Quotation marks are often also referred to as quotation marks. Quotation marks (containing quotation marks and single quotation marks) are one of the punctuation marks used in pairs. Quotation marks and single quotation marks may be simple things in sentence structure. However, the use of quotation marks and single quotation marks will relate to the meaning of the sentence. Therefore, an understanding of the correct use of quotation marks and single quotation marks according to EYD is very necessary.

Both quotation marks and single quotation marks are more often found in dialogue writing. The correct use of quotation marks and single quotation marks is determined based on the Regulation of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 46 of 2009. This Ministerial Regulation discusses the General Guidelines for Enhanced Indonesian Spelling. Then what are the rules for using quotation marks and single quotation marks correctly? Here's the review. Happy listening.

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Use of Quotations (“…”)

The first type of quotation marks is double quotation marks, but it is more familiarly called quotation marks. Quotation marks can be used in several situations. According to the EYD guidelines, quotation marks are used to enclose:

1. Live quote from talk, script, or ingredient written otherwise.


  • "Father won't let me go," said Irish.
  • Head village said, "All residents must work together to rebuild the bridge that collapsed due to overload."
  • Letter mother stated, "You should take care of each other after mother is no longer in this house."
  • The 2003 National Education System Law states, "Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by themselves, society, nation and state."

2. The title of the essay, book chapter, or poem used in the sentence.


  • We recommend that you carefully read "Use of Punctuation Marks" on the website
  • Papers "Indonesia Merdeka” was able to evoke a sense of nationalism and patriotism in the audience.
  • The chapter “Self-Reflection Through the Heart” in the book Reflections made me remember all the mistakes of the past.

3. Scientific terms that have special meanings or are not well known by the general public.


  • The research was conducted by “trial and error” repeatedly.
  • Several political parties form “allies” to strengthen positions in government.
  • “Naturalized” players in the national team have come under scrutiny for their achievements.

In addition to its use in sentences, the arrangement of writing quotation marks must also be considered. Notes on the writing procedure are:

1. The closing quotation mark is placed after the punctuation mark that ends the direct quotation.


  • "Quickly run out of the house!", shouted Rahmat. (closing quotation marks are placed after the exclamation mark)
  • Father asked, "Why didn't everyone in this house move quickly to deal with this matter?" (closing quotation marks are placed after the question mark)
  • Ani said, "Don't you care what people around you say." (closing quotation marks are placed after the dot)

2. Sentence closing punctuation marks are placed behind quotation marks at the end of the sentence. Quotation marks in this sentence enclose words that have special meanings.


  • Because of his intelligence, Andi is often nicknamed "The Cabe Rawit".

(period punctuation is the closing punctuation mark sentence so it is placed after the quotation marks)

  • Rianty has always been called a “village foreigner”; I don't know what it means in it.

3. The opening quotation marks and closing quotation marks (in one pair) are written at the same height at the top of the line.

4. Quotation marks can be used to replace idem (same as above) in the form of a list.


1. alphabet not alphabet
2. in line queue
3. bus bus
4. scholar scholar
5. nutrition gisi

Use of Single Quotes ('…')

The second type of quotation marks is single quotation marks. Single quotation marks are used to enclose:

1. Excerpts contained in other passages


  • Good said “Everyone shouted 'Help! help..', but all are busy taking care of their own safety.”
  • "Ustadz explained that 'Prayer is the first thing that will be judged in the hereafter'" Randy said.
  • "The thief cried while saying 'I have to steal this medicine', immediately my anger disappeared," story Tono.

2. The meaning of a word or expression


No. Words/ Expressions Mean Sentence
1. best the best The scientific work of the SD Sukses Jaya team has been named the 'best work' in the district.
2. Golden Boy Favourite daugther Mawar always dreamed of being a 'golden child' like her sister.
3. back and forth back and forth Everyone in the 'downstream' textile market is looking for suitable and inexpensive items.
4. thick face have no shame Unlike her sister, Audrey grew up to be a 'bold-faced' child.
5. green table court The peaceful way cannot solve the problem, so Pak Bambang takes steps to solve the problem at the 'green table'.

3. Flank the meaning or translation of word or an expression that is a foreign language or language area


No. Words/ Expressions Mean Sentence
1. background background The selection of workers for education should take into account the 'background'.
2. best seller selling very well Rashmita dreams of her novel becoming a 'high-selling' best-seller.
3. prime cause the first reason Police continue to search for the 'first cause' causa prima of this treason case.
4. character building character building Now many PAUD have put forward character building 'character development' for all their students.
5. talk spokesman Every kingdom always appointed a 'spokesperson' who was an expert in communication.

Other language articles

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  • narrative paragraph
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  • types of loanwords
  • types of pronouns
  • declarative sentence example kalimat
  • the characteristics of fact and opinion sentences
  • examples of denotative and connotative sentences
  • single sentence example
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  • kinds of figure of speech
  • conjunction
  • how to write footnotes
  • use of question marks and exclamation points
  • example of anecdote text

This is an explanation of the correct use of quotation marks and single quotation marks according to EYD. Hopefully the explanation that has been presented can be useful in your learning activities.